Yes son.
Who is RevErEn Right? Why did the man on the radio say Barack Obama repoodiated him?
Rep-u-diate. And his name is Reverend Wright. He used to be Barack Obama's pastor. You know, like Pastor Mark at your church?
Um Hm.
Well, he used to be Barack's pastor. But they had a falling out.
Well, um ... um Reverend Wright said some things that made people upset. Very upset. So Barack had to make it clear that Reverend Wright does not speak for him?
Oh. (pause) What he say? Something about Israel?
(laughing) As a matter of fact ... yeah. You a smart kid. He also said the government was involved in ... uh ... uh ... AIDS. He said the government may have had something to do with the spread of AIDS among black people.
(pause) What is Aydz?
AIDS. A-I-D-S. AIDS. It's a disease people get. A Virus. Their immune system doesn't work and they get sick. Mostly .. uh ... uh ... you know .. uh ... like Gay people get it. You know like when you see two men, like boyfriend and boyfriend. Remember those dudes we saw yesterday by COSTCO?
Ughhh. (long ... pause)
Daddy? Do you think the government had something to do with AIDS. Giving it to black people?(pause) Man. I don't know, son. After 911 and lies about war and what is happening in Africa with the "vaccines" ... I don't know. Some bad people might be in our government, but I think our country is basically good.
Yes son.
Who is RevErEn Right? Why did the man on the radio say Barack Obama repoodiated him?
Rep-u-diate. And his name is Reverend Wright. He used to be Barack Obama's pastor. You know, like Pastor Mark at your church?
Um Hm.
Well, he used to be Barack's pastor. But they had a falling out.
Well, um ... um Reverend Wright said some things that made people upset. Very upset. So Barack had to make it clear that Reverend Wright does not speak for him?
Oh. (pause) What he say? Something about Israel?
(laughing) As a matter of fact ... yeah. You a smart kid. He also said the government was involved in ... uh ... uh ... AIDS. He said the government may have had something to do with the spread of AIDS among black people.
(pause) What is Aydz?
AIDS. A-I-D-S. AIDS. It's a disease people get. A Virus. Their immune system doesn't work and they get sick. Mostly .. uh ... uh ... you know .. uh ... like Gay people get it. You know like when you see two men, like boyfriend and boyfriend. Remember those dudes we saw yesterday by COSTCO?
Ughhh. (long ... pause)
Daddy? Do you think the government had something to do with AIDS. Giving it to black people?(pause) Man. I don't know, son. After 911 and lies about war and what is happening in Africa with the "vaccines" ... I don't know. Some bad people might be in our government, but I think our country is basically good.
DV. If God is omniscient, do you have free will?
Yes, Mike.
I do.
DV. If God already knows what you are going to do a month from now, let's say at 8:02 am on June 5th, even though you may not know right now what you actually are going to so at that time,is it then not the case that you are going to do at 8:02 am on June 5th whatever God already knows now that you are going to do?
Socrates should have been shot.
Socrates should have been shot.
"is it then not the case that you are going to do at 8:02 am on June 5th whatever God already knows now that you are going to do?" MF
I don't know man.
I really don't.
But I'll tell you this.
I am God. I don't see me and God as being two separate beings any more than I see a leaf being a separate plant from its tree.
You (and Skip Sievert) have a problem with God because you have been conditioned to think of God as different than you. As separate. As some kind of grand Monarch. You have extrapolated an earthly paradigm onto God.
You have ... built. a. false. idol.
Think about it.
Skip (for example) builds a false idol of God. Tears it down. And then tries to prove their is no God.
Which is as ludicrous, as building a roof, calling it the sky, tearing it down, and "proving" their is no sky.
A self-denying prophesy.
Mike. God makes no mistakes.
RJEsq said...
"Socrates should have been shot."
Robyn. That's .... some ... funny ... SHIT!
Like they even had something to shoot people with in ancient Greece.
Not ... "Socrates should have been stoned", but "Socrates should have been shot".
Glock to the dome.
You need to be on stage.
DV, You just made a mistake in your interpretation of how I define God. Moreover, you said that you don't know.
If you are God and God makes no mistakes and God is omniscient then you, who just made a mistake and who admitted that he does not know something, can not be God.
"Socrates should have been shot".
No questions, no knowledge, DV. No knowledge = ignorance. Deliberate ignorance is shameful.
DV, by definition God is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. (The last part of the definition takes care of your "I don't see me and God as being two separate beings" thing).
Free will means being able to make a choice.
If you indeed have free will, than your action on June 5, 8:02 am is not knowable by God, else you wouldn't have free will, that is, the ability to make a choice. But if God does not know what you will do at 8:02am on June 5th, then God does not know everything, that is God is not omniscient.
And if God is not omniscient, then God is not God.
Ergo, if you have free will, DV, God can not exist.
However, you can postulate that God indeed exists if you do not (or anyone else for that matter does not) have free will.
The problem is that God, when God created existence, already knew that "the Jews" or the Zionists" would run shit in Palestine, etc. Thus God created existence with the intent that "the Jews" or "the Zionists" would run shit in Palestine, etc.
Now according to your past statements, what is happening in Palestine is incorrect and unjust.
Incorrect means mistaken. Thus you postulated that God made a mistake. Which means that God (who by your definition makes no mistakes) can not be God.
What gives, DV?
"If you are God and God makes no mistakes and God is omniscient then you, who just made a mistake and who admitted that he does not know something, can not be God."
Auuuuu ... Contraire Mon Frere
Does your heart beat? Do you control your heart beat? Is it your heart? Who tells your heart to beat?
Are you and the "controller" of your heart beat different people?
You are not your conscious.
Just because a leaf is unaware of his branches, trunk and roots, does not mean he has no branch, trunk or roots.
That's consciousness, DV. And the statement "Just because a leaf is unaware of his branches, trunk and roots, does not mean he has no branch, trunk or roots." is no logical answer to the statement "If you are God and God makes no mistakes and God is omniscient then you, who just made a mistake and who admitted that he does not know something, can not be God."
However, let's go there. To consciousness that is.
One defines things, that is objects and concepts, in terms of their function in relation to other things. Such as, for example:
"sound 1 (sound)
a. Vibrations transmitted through an elastic solid or a liquid or gas, with frequencies in the approximate range of 20 to 20,000 hertz, capable of being detected by human organs of hearing.
b. Transmitted vibrations of any frequency.
c. The sensation stimulated in the organs of hearing by such vibrations in the air or other medium.
d. Such sensations considered as a group."
Define consciousness, DV.
""If you are God and God makes no mistakes and God is omniscient then you, who just made a mistake and who admitted that he does not know something, can not be God."
Oh ... not at all Brother Mike.
Come on man.
Not at all.
Again, you are projecting your idea of what "God is" onto God. You see God as an all powerful human being limited to what you consider "logical".
What if God has not 1 "conscious" but 6 billion?
Define conscious?
Umm ... Not sure how I would do that.
However, I operate as if it is a subset of awareness.
"What if God has not 1 "conscious" but 6 billion?"
Since, according to your definition, God is omnipresent that goes without saying. However, that does not negate what I stated earlier.
Conscious, better say, consciousness, and awareness is the same thing, DV.
In order to define something you have to define it in the context of something else. Otherwise it is self-defined.
By definition, only one concept is solely self-defined. That is can not be defined in terms other than itself. What would that one thing or concept be, DV?
"By definition, only one concept is solely self-defined. That is can not be defined in terms other than itself. What would that one thing or concept be, DV?" MF
I don't know ... but let me guess ... um .... white people?
If the answer is not white people ... I'm going to have to go with, God.
Either white people or God.
"I'm going to have to go with, God."
Well, I would say that logically you are correct. Because the only "thing" that can not be defined in terms of anything else is "everything". Since God is omnipresent, omniscient and, omnipotent, that is "everything" then that statement of yours would be correct.
Thus, logically, "God" is self-defined. Note by the way, that this has nothing do do with the god concept as presented in the Abrahamic religions.
Now let me ask you this.
Can one define consciousness, that is awareness, in terms other than awareness?
"Socrates should have been shot.".
By the way, Robyn. Socrates indeed was executed. He had to drink from a poisoned chalice.
"Can one define consciousness, that is awareness, in terms other than awareness?" MF
There was a young man who said:
"though It seems that I know that I know, what I would like to see, is the "I" that sees me, when I know that I know that I know."
No Mike, I am not 'aware' of a definition of consciousness in terms other than awareness.
"No Mike, I am not 'aware' of a definition of consciousness in terms other than awareness."
That's because you can not define consciousness, that is awareness in terms other than itself.
Now, the only "thing" that can not be defined in terms other than itself, by definition is "everything", that is "God". Since awareness can not be defined in terms other than itself, and this is the only thing "awareness" and "God" have in common to the exclusion of everything else, then "God" and "awareness" must be the same thing.
Since awareness exists, God exists.
And there you have it.
Proof for the existence of God.
And, indeed, then, God is us.
How ya like that, DV?
Mike. I like that.
I'm going to have to give you credit on that. Logically, you a motherfucker.
However, if one were trying to "prove the existence of God", I'd just introduce him to my daughter.
However, if one were trying to "prove the existence of God", I'd just introduce him to my daughter.
And mine too. :-)
Your kid is asking some great questions. Why sugarcoat it for him, tho? No need to dull the flame..
Whachamean Byrd?
What would you have said to your son?
Well, you write reams of insightful posts on Zionist influence and manipulation of US and geopolitics here...but when your son asks you about it - you laugh it off?
I think you owe him a better explanation than that, no?
Who controls our mass religion (Judeo-Christianity) controls our souls.
Who controls the mass media (mass perception) controls our minds.
Who controls the money system (FRB) controls our country.
Now, who controls us?
And what's their ultimate agenda?
Ahh ... but Byrdeye.
One must be careful with one's son.
I don't want to inadvertently create a Mike Fisher who believes the Wizard OZ actually has all of that power.
Most of the power is illusion.
No one controls my son's soul except my son.
No one controls my son's perception but my son.
I will make him aware of that 'we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places'.
The operative word will be "wrestle". Not that we have succumbed.
Byrd, you have any sons?
True, but until you can replace that power, denying it isn't making it go away, either..
And unless your son shuns all mass media, he is being influenced. And there is nothing wrong with countering it.
I mean, otherwise, the media frames MC Wright as a "bad guy" and honesty as "bad." These are some very powerful unspoken messages.
What if Wright were deified by the media instead (like Obama)? Same message - but with the different lens filter on? Wouldn't that create a radically different mass perception.
Actually, if I had a son, I think the first thing I would have explained was media analysis and spinning. How, no perspective is really unbiased. And so our news is shaped by those who own it. That mass media becomes propaganda when it shapes public opinion rather than simply reports it.
Which is why Wright and others get concerned when there is a monopoly in ownership. Because then we only get one POV and develop a huge blindspot.
So, we all have to filter out the source when we get our news.
Seguing into...who's the source of most of our news? Maybe that would be a good homework project for him. Lolz
"I don't want to inadvertently create a Mike Fisher who believes the Wizard OZ actually has all of that power."
See, DV.
That's what I'm talking about:
Nigger done run to white man an' tell on dat odda Nigger.
Don't matter how much you disagree with a brother or a sister, keep that shit in the family. But nooooo, "DV" gotta play Benson.
(((shaking head)))
Don't matter how much you disagree with a brother or a sister, keep that shit in the family.
Wait, what "family?" I thought race didn't exist?
YO! Let's not unite by common, colorless THOUGHTS, but by a genetic classification that...doesn't even exist?
Psst...your self-contradiction is showing, Mikey. Do you even realize that in that 1 comment alone - you made 7 references to a concept that you ideologically deny even exists?
"Hey Byrdeye - race doesn't exist you fool!
Psst DV, get away from them, all Blacks over here in this corner!"
Ahhhhhh .... Festas
You set up on the internet for the past year representing your personal powerlessness as a collective pathology suffered by all black people at the hands of all white people.
Now you sit up here and suggest I told the world something about you that's not obvious.
That's like Shaq being mad at Kobe for telling a reporter he couldn't shoot free-throws.
"See Kobe. Dats what I'm talkin' about. How you gonna tell the LA Times I struggle at the Free Frow Line?!"
Well ... nigga when you shoot 34%, you don't have to be black to notice.
Come on Mike. How you going to preach "White Supremacy" .. and then indict me as a violator of some kind of private race code?
Your notions of race conflict between black and white are no more evolved than the notions of gang conflict betweens Crips and Bloods.
Your notions of race conflict between black and white are no more evolved than the notions of gang conflict betweens Crips and Bloods.
Actually even lower. Because he's fighting a war between colors that he refuses to acknowledge even exist. Something's gotta give here...and he's going to have to think outside of his Jewish liberal box on race for that. :D
Look at them go, Negro D "Benson" V and his "ain't scurred" white racist friend scurrying along.
Two purveyors of illogic and mythology, and one definitely of stupidity, united in their attempt of mockery of a black person.
Rim job, indeed.
"united in their attempt of mockery of a black person." MF
"a black person"?
"a black person"?
"a" "black" "person"?
G.T.F.O.H. Festas. Nice try. Take the afro pick out of your hair. Pull the polyester Dashiki over your head and slide the bone out your nose. It aint working.
Don't try to hide behind the debatable convention that you happen to be "black" now.
We are mocking YOU. You. Usted. Vous. Sie. Voi. Voce. εσείς.
You are Mike Fisher. NOT "a black person". This is about you. The individual.
You do not represent black people. You represent yourself.
A mockery of your antiquated, warped, self-defeating, weak, notions of race are a mockery of your antiquated, warped, self-defeating, weak, notions of race.
Not a mockery of "a black person".
Your argument is weak. You got your ass kicked by a white boy. Take it.
Quit pandering to the audience by trying to stoke the fires of racial animosity.
Stand on your own Fisher.
^ Lmao, someone just got their ass flattened by a Mack truck.
Have you ever noticed that the same people who DENY race the most - also tend to be the ones most OBSESSED with it?
Seriously, I don't think MF can complete a full sentence without pulling the race card at least once (that he simultaneously claims doesn't exist).
Look Mikey, either drop your racial identity politics or your racial denialism. You can't keep denying the existence of race cards...yet playing them with each hand. Sorry, you can't have both - I don't care what the Jewish brain surgeons told you at Yale.
"Your argument is weak. You got your ass kicked by a white boy. Take it."
You call THAT getting my ass kicked?
Negro, please.
Great parent/child conversation.
How can you not have free will/choice and God not know what you were going to do? Did he tell you?
If you know you're child likes apples and you leave one for him on the table did you eliminate his free will if he eats it?
seems to me....to act is instinctive...to exercise free will implies some knowledge of proper/improper behavior
Is there a difference between instinct and will?
"is there a difference between instinct and will?"
i dont think so...just making a disticntion between "acting" instinctively and recognition of the choice being made
the instinct to have sex is natural...exercising my free will allows me to discrimnate who i have sex with...that discrimination is based on my experiences with some consequences for not discriminating...at least that how i'm seeing it
God does not make mistakes...we do...it is what it is...i think the lens we're using to "see" "feel' is the issue
i will also add that the discrimination has alot to do with how someone sees themselves...that seems to impact the nature and quality of ones choices
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