Cuz your arms too short to box with God.
"I have learned that when you are campaigning for as many months as Sen. Clinton and I have been campaigning,sometimes you get careless in terms of the statements that you make. And I think that is what happened here. Sen. Clinton says that she did not intend any offense by it, and I would take her at her word on that."
Is Hillary the daughter of god then also... or is it because Obama is a halfrican American that you like him so much.
Hillary is also a practicing religious retard... does that not qualify her as a daughter of the nasty middle eastern god you covet?
Nah Skip, nah. You still don't get it.
Hillary is a secular fanatic like you. There is nothing about her in the least bit spiritual.
To be a "Son of a Bitch" means one is bitchy.
To be a "Son of God" means one is Godly.
Hillary is much more bitchy than Godly. Barack is Godly.
But like a dog whistle that only can be heard by canines. Only truly Godly people recognize Godliness in others.
Those of us who give it up to Obama, understand why you jealous cynics sit back with scowls on faces with poked out lips and arms folded.
You are still falling for the headfake of the anti-Christ who packages himself as "religious" but behaves like Satan.
Gullible spiritually bankrupt dupes like you look on and go "Oh My! Look at All The Bad That's Been Done In The Name Of Religion!"
Not understanding that anti-religious, anti-spiritual forces intentionally misrepresent themselves as religious to undermine the widespread faith in God.
It works. They've largely succeeded. True faith in God in America is rare.
That's why we live in the most secular society in the history of the world - and many fools still think of the US as a "Christian" nation.
It is not. Even the idiots who out of fear, give lip service to religion or mumble nonsense about being "spiritual" - are for all intents and purposes TV Sit-com level Secular Jihadists - like you.
For example Skip, look at your own knee-jerk hostility and dogmatic excessiveness to anything remotely Christian.
You behave no differently than an Islamic Caliph might respond to a Jehovas Witness on a Tehran corner.
Why? Because .... you are the Secular equivalent to an Islamic Imam.
Your particular denomination is the Technate. Others it's GLAAD. Others it's Straussian fanaticism. It goes on and on.
It all boils down to ego worship vs God worship.
"You are still falling for the headfake of the anti-Christ"
If, as you confirmed, God is responsible for causing the original sin of man's disobeying of God, is God responsible for the existence and the actions of the anti-Christ?
responsible for?
Depends on how you interpret the concept "responsible".
I believe God, allows man to exercise free will. Which makes humans special and different from other animals who seem limited to their instincts (nature).
Man has the capacity to operate outside his nature.
ergo de battyman dem.
"I believe God, allows man to exercise free will"
If that is so, then God would not know which choices man makes. Because if God already knows what choice you are going to make then that choice of yours is predetermined, that is, you would not have free will, else you'd be able to surprise God with your choice.
By definition God is omniscient. If God does not know what choice you are going to make in order that you can exercise free will, then God is not omniscient. And since the definition of God is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent, the element of omniscience not being present, the being you refer to as God would then not be GOD.
So when you say, DV, that God grants man free will you are saying that there is no God.
And thus you are left with one of two choices. Either the being you think is God is not omniscient because man possesses free will, and thus there is no God, or God is indeed omniscient in addition to being omnipotent, and omnipresent. In that case, every one of every human's action is predetermined and there is no free will. Since God created everything, then God is responsible not only for the anti-Christ's existence, but also for the anti-Christ's actions and every human's actions in regards to the anti-Christ.
Which means that God is the originator of the anti-Christ as well as the originator of every human being's act of obedience to the anti-Christ.
Maybe your Abrahamic God ain't all that nice of a guy after all, DV?
Metaphorically speaking, of course. ;)
So, DV. Am I correct or not? If not, why?
''''But like a dog whistle that only can be heard by canines. Only truly Godly people recognize Godliness in others.'''''''
This fits in well with my definition of god which is dog spelled backwards which is a son of a bitch.
You know D.V. you are even more of a religious wacko than I thought.
Really your type is strictly cliche` in that you can get people (like you) to believe any old nonsense category.
No doubt you think are are one of the chosen and will be swept up into the clouds in a whirlwind one day... with Bush and John Hagee.
Ha ha.
Really workin the Babylonian plantation for the thought police.
The trap you present is as old as time. God cannot be all knowing, all powerful, blah blah blah.
The answer to those questions above, and every other question you can possibly pose on the subject is FAITH.
You have must have faith in the absence of specific answers regarding God.
"The trap you present is as old as time. God cannot be all knowing, all powerful, blah blah blah. it"
That's not a trap, Robyn, these are legitimate questions.
"You have must have faith in the absence of specific answers regarding God."
And who exactly said so and where?
Your pastor, who is a human being, or the Bible?
Robyn, which version of the Bible do you use?
There's the Catholic version, the Geek Orthodox version, the Coptic version, the German Lutheran protestant version, the Ethiopian Orthodox version, the King James version, the many derivatives of the King James version, all of which are based on translations of translations. And all of which differ in word and doctrine.
Which one is the actual word of God?
"The answer to those questions above, and every other question you can possibly pose on the subject is FAITH."
Faith in what?
Faith that the God DV worships is really GOD and not just some 'ole god?
Faith that God does not want us to think logically?
Why would God not want us to use logic when God gave it to us as a tool of inquiry, including, and especially, spiritual inquiry?
If not, why did God create logic?
Again, Robyn, who told you to abandon your search for answers and just have FAITH?
I note, by the way, that DV has yet to weigh in on the subject as outlined above.
Is your answer to these questions FAITH as well, DV?
Fisher do not expect any serious answers to those questions here.
While D.V. has his strong points... which we like.. he obviously is a failure when it comes to being an articulate spokes person for god.
D.V. like many others was captured hook line and sinker by most likely some element of brainwashing.
Having faith in a fake god is just like jumping out the window on L.S.D. and thinking you can fly... sure it is your choice... to take the drug and believe... and it all looks like a bed of roses until you hit the ground.
god is concept.. by which people measure their pain of being screwed by the system.
I like your discrimination DV.
Just let those short little arms swing to their "heart's" content....,
"Just let those short little arms swing to their "heart's" content...."
Well, Nulan,since you apparently got arms long enough, why don't you tackle these questions?
Because I find your entire deductive/reductive approach to most topics patently ridiculous Fisher.
While there was a time I considered you an interesting purveyor of novel points of view, (and remain fairly confident you could continue to be if you chose to) your insistence on trying to define and drive every single gottdayyum topic you set your fingertips to from that same hackneyed perspective is just played out.
Bill O'Reilly does this same zero sum shit because he's looking for simple sound bites that he can pretend to score and win with. He's not looking to advance any kind of understanding of people and of the world, he's a nasty, lying propagandist trying to drive a definite political agenda and looking to advance his ego driven cachet on teevee. Skip Sievert reads from that same tired script too, except on a non-existent budget to a non-existent audience, and he's allegedly trying to bring folks to his cause.
I'm perfectly content to let you keep doing what you're doing because until and unless you figure out how to change it up, you've consigned yourself to the same blind alley Skip has, and you've demonstrated vastly more discernment and capability than that in your prior endeavors.
Skip is doing the very best he can with what infinitesimal capabilities have been alloted to him. You just phukkin up, for God only knows what reason(s).
btw, I DO know the answers to each of the questions you posed, and have written extensively about this topic in various fora over the last 5-6 years.
"btw, I DO know the answers to each of the questions you posed, and have written extensively about this topic in various fora over the last 5-6 years."
Well, Nulan, since you DO (note the capitalization) know the answers to each of these questions, why don't you provide the links to your answers then? Can't be all that hard, you link stuff all the time.
Because I dislike you and because you wouldn't know how to pose a question in good faith if your life depended on it.
What makes you think you deserve to receive the unearned benefit of anybody else's work? In particular, what makes you think you deserve the unearned benefit of my work?
What do you bring to this transaction aside from a shitty attitude and a feeling of arrogant entitlement?
Thought so.
Maybe you should get one.
Scary indeed.
"What do you bring to this transaction aside from a shitty attitude...?"
In any case, all joking aside. Clearly you can't answer even a single conundrum raised.
(((shakin' head)))
Look Fisher... I think you got Cnu's number... Egoistic blather does not go so far in a direct Q.and A. session as you are presenting.
A simple question it seems can not be answered without resorting to trollish voodoo like cursing from our friend.
Obama is a total jerk by the way.
As was Clinton... and Bush. All low level god believing trash.
I like your discrimination DV.
Just let those short little arms swing to their "heart's" content....,
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