Intellectual Insurgent said...

And have her handcuffed and removed from the premises? The police state. It has to create wrongdoers in order to justify its existence.
Byrdeye said...That's right. No father would EVER let his daughter out of the house like that.
Hence, we know by deduction what's missing in her life - daddy. And why she has to dress like a cumdump in order to "earn" the male validation that she never got after being "abandoned" by her own daddy.
This is all symptomatic of classic r-strategy. Absentee daddies and fast breeding... And of course, since Daddy ain't there to do his job...it gives the perfect excuse for the Police State to step in and assume that role. Oh gee, HOW CONVENIENT!
The same schools that teach that teenagers "are just going to have sex", have day care, birth control clinics and want to mandate HPV vaccines for students act surprised when a little girl is influenced by what they taught her.
And have her handcuffed and removed from the premises?
The police state. It has to create wrongdoers in order to justify its existence.
Her parent is responsible for this.
Sexy girl, too bad she hasn't received any proper supervision or adult modeling of appropriate attire or behaviour at home. No way in hell any child of anyone that I know would ever make it into the house with that piece of yellow floss, much less out of the house, in that fredericks of hollywood looking scripper wear.
Child straight dressed like.a.scripper. WTF!!!!!
^ That's right. No father would EVER let his daughter out of the house like that.
Hence, we know by deduction what's missing in her life - daddy.
And why she has to dress like a cumdump in order to "earn" the male validation that she never got after being "abandoned" by her own daddy.
This is all symptomatic of classic r-strategy. Absentee daddies and fast breeding...
And of course, since Daddy ain't there to do his job...it gives the perfect excuse for the Police State to step in and assume that role. Oh gee, HOW CONVENIENT!
You should already know what I'm going to say...
so did they have rules and defiitions of hoochie attired b4 the prom?
Brother Torrance!
Hey my man. I don't know. Good question.
How would one ... codify .... "Hoochie Restrictions and Limitations"?
BTW. Peeped your blog. High Powered.
1. No exposed midriff
2. Lenght of skirt defined by cm above the knee.
And so on and so forth...
Your personal moral standard doesn't validate such an expansive theory as r-doctrine. I just looked at that and I've got some serious problems with it that I will take up with you later on your home turf.
But I must come to the defense of this young lady. If you want to apply your own prudish notions of propriety to her choice of clothing that's fine, but when you start insulting her personally with sexist epithats like ho, hoochie, and cumdump, you are reflecting more negativity on yourself than her. It convinces me that it is more your sexist indoctrination that is driving your response than anything else.
Would I suggest that outfit for my daughter? Probably not, but I didn't particularly like it. Would I disown her for selecting that outfit for herself? Hell No. Would I drop bombs on anyone who thought they could disrespect my daughter just because of what she was wearing. Trust me, you don't want to try that with my child.
It's hypocritical anyway, when we overdose on stuff like E! channel that glorifies the glamorous women who wear the same style of clothing to the most prestigious of award shows, but then tell a young lady celebrating her ascension into the adult world that she is unfit for the same activity.
And of course every school and every school system has a code of conduct that is sufficiently vague so as to appear to justify any and every arbitrary decision a school official wants to make. All they have to say is they thought it was in the best interests of the children, our catch all justification. What's worse, it appears that this decision may have been the work of one person. I know I am not comfortable with that standard. If one person doesn't like what you do then you can't do it. No way I'm going for that.
It's hypocritical anyway, when we overdose on stuff like E! channel that glorifies the glamorous women who wear the same style of clothing to the most prestigious of award shows, but then tell a young lady celebrating her ascension into the adult world that she is unfit for the same activity.
Well said Ex.
Byrdeye and Dina comin' wit it!
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