Say what you want about Reverend Wright's timing, but the over-the-top media reaction and demands that Barack Obama "Disown", "Disavow", "Distance" and "Shun" Reverend Wright has more to do with this one dangerous truth than anything else.
RJEsq said...

Its called timing.
Its called keeping one's eye on the prize.
Its called strategy.
Its called beating them at their own game.
Its called not missing the whole got-damn forest that is the presidency of the United States on account of stopping and gazing at every freaking tree.
Rev Wright has become eerily reminiscent of those purveyors of the "GSWS" that we all know and love.
Yeah they/he make/s some valid points, but does it further anything worthwhile to proclaim that shit ad nauseum, day in and day out to anyone that will listen? Or are we better served by "doing us" all the way to such places as Geofrey's in Malibu, Sushi whoever up the road or...uh....how bout the freakin' White House?!!
Wright is RIGHT!
His remarks are just like Ron Paul's - ON THE MONEY.
Especially regarding Zionism...
This is more of the truth we NEED to hear! And THESE ISSUES that he raises are what need to really be dissected. Not continually dumbing the debate down with childish adjectives like "divisive," "hate," etc.
One of the main problems with US politics being the complete lack of intellectual rigor. Because once you get past all the emotions and headlines, people are genuinely ignorant.
Which is why both Wright & RP were blackballed. Because they dared to go PAST the headlines and pep rally cheers - into the actual RELEVANT ISSUES.
Well, Obama is simply a completely sold-out, robotic Zionist puppet now. Surprise, surprise. When his vague cheerleader rhetoric gets put to the test - of course, it falls short... Because at SOME POINT, you do have to actually CONFRONT THE ISSUES, OBAMA!
Blasphemy, Jews, Israel, whatever.
Its called timing.
Its called keeping one's eye on the prize.
Its called strategy.
Its called beating them at their own game.
Its called not missing the whole got-damn forest that is the presidency of the United States on account of stopping and gazing at every freaking tree.
Rev Wright has become eerily reminiscent of those purveyors of the "GSWS" that we all know and love.
Yeah they/he make/s some valid points, but does it further anything worthwhile to proclaim that shit ad nauseum, day in and day out to anyone that will listen? Or are we better served by "doing us" all the way to such places as Geofrey's in Malibu, Sushi whoever up the road or...uh....how bout the freakin' White House?!!
As much as I hate to quote Bossip, Wright gets a big fat "Ho Sit Down" until he learns the precision and finesse necessary to the remaining 3 minutes of his fame.
RJ has put into words what I tried to do with pictures.
I can't put my finger on it yet but I think that there is method to Rev Wright's madness and in the end, it's going to help Senator Obama in the long run. What I'm loving is that Rev. Wright is driving media personalities crazy and he is not backing down. He is being brutally honest about this race in this country and he got those fools so pissed that they are beginning to show their own racism. No matter what they report about him, they just can't get him to shut up. Pretty soon, they're going to let the word nigger slip out on national tv.
Dr. King once said that "the vast majority of white Americans are racist, either consciously or unconsciously". All it takes is the right catalyst to bring that racism to the surface and Rev. Wright have been very instrumental in that.
Pssttt...Wright's not the corrupt one.
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