Friday, May 16, 2008

Nas Nigger Album Single Preview - Genius

Again, the genius and artistry of Hip Hop counters the self defeating backwards Plantation Negro victimology of the proselytizers of a "Global System of White Supremacy".
No Slackin' no beggin' no asking no fastin'
No disrespect to Islam no imam nor pastor
No answers to questions the media asking
Why we fight each other in public in front of these arrogant fascists? they love it
Putting Old Niggas vs. The Youngest
Most of our elders failed us
How can they judge us? Niggas
This verbal books published by Niggas
Produced by Niggas
Genuine Niggas
So I Salute My Niggas

I'm a nigger
He's a nigger
She's a nigger
We some nigger's
Wouldn't you like to be a nigger too ...
To all my Kike niggers
Spic Niggers, Guinea Niggers , Chink Niggers
that's right, ya'll my niggers too
They like to strangle niggers
blame a nigger, shoot a nigger, hang a nigger
still you wanna be a nigger too

Fist Tap Anonymous


Intellectual Insurgent said...

He left out sand niggers! :-(

I'm offended. He's discriminating against my people. LOL!!

Anonymous said...



J.C. said...

This reeks of scam music. How is this any thing other than playing up on bullshit.

It works that way. But crap... this is some negative shit.

Denmark Vesey said...

Nah Skip ...

Again, as in most things that involve soul, you just don't get it.

Just because you don't see it, doesn't mean it's not there.

This song is amazingly positive.

Michael Fisher said...

DV, are you a Nigger?

Is Sprite a Nigger, too?

Anonymous said...

Nas is saying this is what people think of 'niggers', and black people are suppose to be 'niggers' yet 'niggers' are to be shot, hung, stangled and MORE...yet other's who aren't black wanna be a 'nigga'?

Michael Fisher said...
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Michael Fisher said...

DV, is your Momma a Nigger?

How about your dad? If a white person called him a Nigger in your presence, would your eyes light up and you would shake that white person's hand with delight and a big smile on your face?

What say you, Nigger?

Michael Fisher said...


He left out sand niggers! :-(

I'm offended. He's discriminating against my people. LOL!!


Denmark Vesey said...


1) I'm beyond Nigger.
2) Who's Sprite?
3) Do you fail to see the genius of Nas' thesis? If you can't beat 'em, make them join you?

As ya'll GSWS Negros spend your energy PROVING white folks hold all the power - Nas acknowledges the obvious: If we so bad off ... why everybody wanna be us?

Maybe we got more power than we realize.

Well ... some of us do.

Michael Fisher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael Fisher said...

Oh, I thought Sprite is your daughter. No matter.

The three little Nigger girls up in your side bar. You wouldn't mind them being referred to as little Niggers by white folks on a daily. (or anyone else). Would you?

What about your Nigger daddy? Would he mind? Your Nigger momma? would she mind?

"Nas acknowledges the obvious: If we so bad off ... why everybody wanna be us?

Yeah? Like who among white folks, Asians or otherwise with power and without wants to be a Nigger?

Hillary Clinton?
David Rockefeller?
Name them DV...

How are your those two little Nigger children of yours doing?

What about that Nigger wife of yours?

Would she be delighted if you allowed some person in the street call her the Nigger she is and you pump their hand with a smile of delight on your face?

Denmark Vesey said...

Michael Fisher said...

"DV, is your Momma a Nigger?"

Nah man. Mother Dearest was an aristocrat.

"How about your dad? If a white person called him a Nigger" ...

It would be like a midget calling Shaq, short.

I could see Pops laughing as he dropped the top on the Jag and pulled off blasting a mixed CD of Miles, Fiddy and Rachmoninov.

If the white boy got close enough to wrinkle pops Hickey Freeman he may get shot, or atleast pistol whipped. The Ol' man keeps a small .35 caliber Barretta in his breast pocket of his sport coat at all times.

Mind you he wouldn't be angry. Probably have a bemused smile on his face the entire time as he rained blows.

Forgive me Mike, but ya'll Ol' Timey Negros crack me up with the PERPETUAL HYPOTHETICAL ... "if a white person called you a Nigger, would the sky fall".

When you going to learn to stop giving people power over you?

Worrying about a "white person calling you Nigger" is like being in a room full of snakes and worrying about being struck by lightening.

Michael Fisher said...


"If you can't beat 'em, make them join you?"

Lemme see. If you ain't got the power to beat someone, you have the power to make them join you?

You logic is breathtaking to say the least.

DV. What is 2+2? 121 and 1/4?

Michael Fisher said...

"Mind you he wouldn't be angry. Probably have a bemused smile on his face the entire time as he rained blows."

Why would he "rain blows" if the word Nigger isn't offensive?

Again, DV, would your wife be happy with you if you allowed some person, white or not, call here a Nigger to her face?

Michael Fisher said...

"DV, is your Momma a Nigger?"

Nah man. Mother Dearest was an aristocrat.

Oh, do you mean to tell me that the expression Nigger is not one that describes an aristocrat?

If that is so, what does the word describe?

Michael Fisher said...

1) I'm beyond Nigger.

You are? Why would you need to be beyond Nigger?

Nas is saying he is a Nigger. He ain't beyond it. No need for him to be beyond being a Nigger.

Why are you beyond then?

Denmark Vesey said...

"Why would he "rain blows" if the word Nigger isn't offensive?"

1) Because his Hickey Freeman was wrinkled 2) because the peasant got out of place 3) Some people need a good ass whipping, and knowing Pops' philosophy, he would consider it a humanitarian act of love.

"would your wife be happy with you if you allowed some person, white or not, call here a Nigger to her face?"

Mike, my wife wouldn't appreciate being called cracker to her face, nor whitey to her face, nor anything other than Her Majesty to be honest with you.

Don't you see that your bug-eyed overreaction to the word "nigger" is self-defeating?

The irony is that cats like Nas, will do more to diffuse the word "Nigger" in 10 years of Hip Hop than you products of integrated schools were able to accomplish in 40 years of Post-Civil Rights hand wringing.

Do you get that?

Did you listen to the cut?

"To all my Kike niggers, Spic niggers, Guinea Niggers, Chink Niggers, that's right ya'll my niggers too"?

Must the genius of that be spelled out for you?

Please don't tell me you have all the artistic appreciation and political sophistication of Casper.


Where's CNU when you need him?

Aint there some dopamagnetic seratonin vaporizer uptake inhibitor explanation of this phenomenon?

Sub ... quit frontin'. I know you feel my boy. Hip Ol' Mike Fisher for me.

Denmark Vesey said...

1) I'm beyond Nigger.

"You are? Why would you need to be beyond Nigger?" MF

Told you before. I got an eight hundred year head start.

Michael Fisher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael Fisher said...

I guess you don't get it. According to Nas "Nigger" is a positive appellation.

Every reaction you've described is one that lets us conclude that you see it as a negative appellation.

So what is it?

Positive or negative?

CNu said...

CNU watching in bemused silence DV.

better handle yo bidnis brougham - looks like MF taking you to school nearly as tough as Casper did....

Anonymous said...

I should interject a "Nigger Please" in here, but it might be misunderstood.

DV perhaps if you understood any little part of the precepts behind a real understanding of GSWS then you could comprehend that Nas is indeed being deep. He is pointing out one of the driving forces of WS. I agree with him 100% that they want to be like us. That doesn't mean they want to be us. They want what we have, a dominant genetic code for producing high levels of melanin and skin pigmentation and all of the benefits that conveys.

Nas is not glorifying the concept of Nigger, he is lamenting it. But niggers might not understand that.

Anonymous said...

The irony is that cats like Nas, will do more to diffuse the word "Nigger" in 10 years of Hip Hop than you products of integrated schools were able to accomplish in 40 years of Post-Civil Rights hand wringing.

But wait... Cats like NAS in the rap game like NAS have been spitting the word nigger since 1979... Guess those were your jazz & disco days ... WTF! DV stop the FOX News antics bro... Not a good look. Secondly, "niggers" are being locked up at the speed of light which is helping whom?. I told you before you need to reconnect with the streets if you have ever been connected. Those golf clubs & health spas of Belair are not working for your real people of color reality son!

If you call my wife a nigger ... I am going to knock your teeth out! And if it's a chick she is going to handle her bisnis!

If you don't stand for something DV you will fall for anything! i.e. gansta rap music

Denmark Vesey said...

"they want to be like us. That doesn't mean they want to be us. They want what we have, a dominant genetic code for producing high levels of melanin and skin pigmentation and all of the benefits that conveys." Exodus

Aight, aight ... finally. One of ya'll country bumpkins getting close to understanding what's going on here.

Exodus you 70% of on your way.

However, you made a telling Freudian slip.

"they want to be like us. they don't want to be us" EM

What fuggin' difference does that make? Do you Affirmative Action / Integration Negro victims of GSWS want to be "like" white folks ... or do you want to "be" white folks?

(All ya'll "Michael's", and "Craigs", and "Sean's", and "Dwight's" and "Tom's" and "Larry's" and "Kyle's" .... think before you answer)

Listen, first of all, you and my man Mike need to get this through your heads: There aint no "us".

There is no monolithic group of black people sharing a universal world view or set of experiences.

Personally, I don't think Nas is talking to the Mike Fisher's of the world. Nas is as different from Mike as he is from Dick Cheney.

(Peep the fact that Mike's ability to appreciate the flow is not much greater than Skip Sievert's)

Those of you who view blackness as some kind of malady, some kind of handicap, some kind of badge of exclusion have an allergic reaction to the even the artistic use of the word "Nigger" - because you ultimately attribute all power to what you call "white people".

To you, the ability of young black people to take a term, co-opt it and use it as they wish is completely extrinsic.

"Whachu Gwanna Doooo Ifin A White Pewsun Calls You Ahhh .... NIGGAH! Dey Cawlled My Favah Ahhh NIGGAH!!"

Mike grew up dreaming of getting into a bastion of whiteness like Yale. Nas grew up viewing white people dreaming to get of getting into his concerts.

He doesn't suffer from the same skewed power paradigm, that you cats are, frankly, victims.

Anonymous said...

Please don't tell me you have all the artistic appreciation and political sophistication of Casper.

So I guess your prophet Obama is not politically sophisticated either. Because I agree with his position on both the topic of gays & rap music as I pointed out to you in prior threads. So I guess you are no longer supporting him Obama DV??? This time can we get an answer out of you??? Or will you gloss over the question and quickly post another thread???

Anonymous said...

He doesn't suffer from the same skewed power paradigm, that you cats are, frankly, victims.

How do you claim to know what NAS suffers from? When is the first or last one on one conversation you have had with Nasir Jones? Frankly, you don't have a clue... When you have spoken with Nasir then come back and speak for him. You can't discern commercial hype created by corporate suits(Universal Music Group)from reality!

How deep is NAS?
During an interview at the 50th Grammy Awards on February 10, 2008, while promoting his new album, Nas was asked which candidate he would be supporting in the upcoming presidential election. Nas responded, "Whoever can abolish this thing that doesn't allow black people to vote after twenty three years.

Michael Fisher said...


"There is no monolithic group of black people sharing a universal world view or set of experiences."

Which brings us back to th question I asked before:

What is black, DV?

Since you are the "blackest man on the planet", you ought to be able to tell us.

CNu said...

Listen, first of all, you and my man Mike need to get this through your heads: There aint no "us".

There is no monolithic group of black people sharing a universal world view or set of experiences.

True dat...,

But when your stygian Blackest azz get's pulled over in Sedalia just off of I-70 at 3 o'clock in the mornin, that popo who calls you a nigger and commences to throwing you down a good old fashioned confederate beating won't be in any way amenable to your nuanced and urbane differentiation from the rest of us country negroes.

I say this to say that there is a somewhat monolithic group of folks here in the good old USofA who share a consensus concerning the ties that bind you to us country bumpkins.

p.s., be sure to tell pops that he needs to retire that little .25 caliber baretta (not 35 DV) - there is no such caliber - and step on up to a 22LR. A .25 will bounce off a thick skull and doesn't tend to do very much tissue damage, whereas a 22LR (long rifle) at least has a little penetrating power. When I was a youngster, I always kept a pair of those jokers properly close to hand until I found out how high maintenance they are and how easily they jam.

If you gotta have an "opera" pistol, at least have it be a .380 or a hammerless Smith and Wesson 38 Special. The featherweights are actually lighter than those little Baretta's and pack a helluva lot harder punch with a fairly nice concealment profile.

Denmark Vesey said...


Phil Casey told me, "Never hip a fool".

You've been playing the "Afro-Saxon Socrates" (that still cracks me up CNu) for some time.

Since you are obsessed with race, how does Michael Fisher define "black"?

I'll give you a hint: crossover, baseline and clap boards.

Anonymous said...

So I guess you are no longer supporting him Obama DV??? This time can we get an answer out of you??? Or will you gloss over the question and quickly post another thread???

Denmark Vesey said...

But when your stygian Blackest azz get's pulled over in Sedalia just off of I-70 at 3 o'clock in the mornin, that popo who calls you a nigger and commences to throwing you down a good old fashioned confederate beating won't be in any way amenable to your nuanced and urbane differentiation from the rest of us country negroes.

Nahhhhhh ... CNU

I've been gettin' pulled over by the cops since I was 16. In everything from a Dodge Dart hoopty I bought for $300 to a Porsche Carrera GT.

And not 1 of them bastards ever put their hands on me.

If you get your ass beat by the cops, the ONLY reason aint cuz you happened to be black.

That might what you tell your boys, your wife, yourself, your kids, Eyewitness News, Al Sharpton, your Parole Officer, or write in your diary ... but "being" black does not necessarily translate into an ass whipping by state troopers.

Often the weed, the liquor, the 30 miles over the speed limit, the lack of insurance, the warrant, suspended drivers license, the stolen goods in the rear seat and the knee-jerk accusations of racism that have something to do with the fact that your face is down on the hood of your Impala.

Since I was a young, white cops have called me Sir, and asked me if I knew why they were pulling me over.

"Well, officer I was speeding, and I didn't stop at that sign back there. So I assume that had something to do with it."

Got away with more than one warning by looking cats in the eye and not prostituting myself or playing the race card.

I've had more problems with Geechy ass crooked cops in St. Thomas and Jamaica than with rednecks in Ft. Bragg or Guinea cops in Brooklyn.

Come on now, country boy. Let's not get scared. We talking about race or we talking about class?

Let's face it. There are a variety of experiences within this phenomenon we call "black".

I submit the differences have more to do with who we are as individuals under the surface than the hue on the surface. You know - the seratonin uptake inhibitor trifecta.

Now Pops picked up a variety of pieces in Gardone Val Trompia. Knowing him, his heat might be custom. So just cuz you can't get something in Kansas, don't mean it don't exist Toto.

I'll ask him when he gets back from Kemet.

If I'm wrong, I'll let you know and submit the proper caliber corrections.

Denmark Vesey said...

Casper said...

So I guess you are no longer supporting him Obama DV??? This time can we get an answer out of you??? Or will you gloss over the question and quickly post another thread???

Casper .... man I honestly .... HONESTLY ... don't know the hell you are talking about.

You seem to imply that you and Obama share the same views on Hip Hop and Gays?

You think Obama believes Rap is bad and Homosexual anal sex is good?

Negro, you must have bumped your head.

Michael Fisher said...

"Phil Casey told me, "Never hip a fool"

Took you a while to get to someone in the inner circle, eh?

Well, then Phil should be able to tell ya that I ain't one.

"how does Michael Fisher define 'black'?"

Don't deflect. You first.

You're the blackest man on the planet, not I.

Michael Fisher said...


"Often the weed, the liquor, the 30 miles over the speed limit, the lack of insurance, the warrant, suspended drivers license, the stolen goods in the rear seat and the knee-jerk accusations of racism that have something to do with the fact that your face is down on the hood of your Impala."

DV as Uncle Ruckus

Michael Fisher said...


"You think Obama believes Rap is bad and Homosexual anal sex is good?

Negro, you must have bumped your head.

Why you distorting Obama's stated position?

Obama basically is saying that Gansta is counterproductive an that what's going on in people's private bedrooms is their business.

CNu said...

Aight DV, you called my sheriff Buford T. Justus bluff - so permit me to return the favor.

My father was the first Black gun dealer in the state of Kansas. I've been owning, shooting and reloading since the age of seven. Kansas and Alabama are THE gun capitals of these united states due to their unrestricted gunshow loopholes.

Bottomline, while there is such a thing as a .358 caliber rifle that is somewhat popular in some circles, there is categorically no such thing as a .35 caliber handgun, custom or otherwise.

In any event, had he acquired a unique europaeschen handgun, the bullet circumference would doubtless have been measured in millimetres...., tell pops to put away that old crusty and prone to jam .25 caliber and get him a sleek lightweight, hammerless ladysmith.

I have a stainless pair and I wouldn't leave home without them.

Denmark Vesey said...


Ahhh man. Mike. You a funny cat.

The "inner circle". lol.

I'm sure you are a smart cat, and have made some money. But don't start thinking that your involvement in Hip Hop was more than that of a functionary.

You had as much to do with the art of Hip Hop as the gallery owners who showed Picasso or the owners of the venues where Miles blew Bitches Brew had to do with Cubism and Jazz.


Stay in your place.

"Black" can no more be defined than can "God".

That's probably why the concepts are cousins.

However, like God, you know Black when you feel it.

Cross-over. Baseline. Clap boards.

Your turn Mike.

What's your GSWS definition of the undefinable?

Or this where you ask another question?

Denmark Vesey said...

Ahhhhh .... I got you CNu.

Aight, I got to give it up.

Tell me, what's the advantage of hammerless?

Anonymous said...

Let me refresh your old Belair ass memory and let us know if you support his view??????:

Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) is delivering pointed critiques of the African American community as he campaigns for its votes, lamenting that many of his generation are "disenfranchising" themselves because they don't vote, taking rappers to task for their language, and decrying "anti-intellectualism" in the black community, including black children telling peers who get good grades that they are "acting white."

CNu said...


Won't spoil the line or the rich lining of your suit or sport jacket.

Anonymous said...

DV.. you ready to finally answer the question for the 4th time...Do you agree with Obama????

“There’s no doubt that hip-hop culture moves our young people powerfully. And some of it is not just a reflection of reality … It also creates reality. I think that if all our kids see is a glorification of materialism and bling and casual sex and kids are never seeing themselves reflected as hitting the books and being responsible and delaying gratification, then they are getting an unrealistic picture of what the world is like.”

Denmark Vesey said...

"decrying "anti-intellectualism" in the black community"

Casper ... I think Obama is talking about you.

I also heard Obama, during one of the debates, criticize Hollywood for showing commercials for violent slasher movies during American Idol - doesn't mean he is opposed to television.

I am not defending Hip Hop.

I am attacking anti-intellectual Plantation Negros who simple mindedly attempt to blame the failures of the Post Civil Rights era on "Hip Hop".

Negros exactly like you Casper, who are led by the nose by every liberal meme, that has destroyed the black family, attack black fathers and eroded the black economy while chasing the carrot on the proverbial stick of integration and amalgamation.

Hip Hop is a response to your failures, not a cause of it.

I attack your hypocrisy.

I think if Barack read both of our positions on this topic - he might not agree with me, but he'd respect where the fuck I'm coming from.

Now unlike you, I dig Obama, but think for myself.

The man's a prophet. God's son.

But I aint no orphan either.

Anonymous said...

If you get your ass beat by the cops, the ONLY reason aint cuz you happened to be black.

Let me give a little bit of reality son! Since your in denial like the state troopers.

Driving While Black case settled in Maryland

“The Maryland State Police have always denied racial profiling in this case. The judge disagreed and said that the statistics say otherwise.

Michael Fisher said...

Once again a non-answer. "cause you can't edfine "black". Coward.

What is "black"?

Well, clearly, the opposite of "white".

What is "white" DV?

As in "white person"?

Michael Fisher said...


"But don't start thinking that your involvement in Hip Hop was more than that of a functionary."

True dat, though what is the involvement of a a sycophantic, uncritical, FAN?

Anonymous said...

I am not defending Hip Hop.

WTF! Do you suffer from...

Delusional disorder, previously called paranoid disorder, is a type of serious mental illness called a "psychosis" in which a person cannot tell what is real from what is imagined. The main feature of this disorder is the presence of delusions, which are unshakable beliefs in something untrue. People with delusional disorder experience non-bizarre delusions, which involve situations that could occur in real life, such as being followed, poisoned, deceived, conspired against, or loved from a distance. These delusions usually involve the misinterpretation of perceptions or experiences. In reality, however, the situations are either not true at all or highly exaggerated.

Michael Fisher said...

How's that Nigger wife of yours, by the way?

Anonymous said...

Negros exactly like you Casper, who are led by the nose by every liberal meme, that has destroyed the black family, attack black fathers and eroded the black economy while chasing the carrot on the proverbial stick of integration and amalgamation.

DV out of the 1,000,000+ brothers in prison and jails today what % have a college degree versus those who don't. I bet you have no fucking clue... Take a guess. Then you decide what the path our young black boys and girls should take to build wealth, knowledge & and the ability to select and become leaders of this nation like Mr. Obama... Your Ivy League Prophet!

Anonymous said...

I've been gettin' pulled over by the cops since I was 16. In everything from a Dodge Dart hoopty I bought for $300 to a Porsche Carrera GT.

Does a Carrera GT have a turbo charger in it??? Since you own/owned one???

Anonymous said...

Now unlike you, I dig Obama, but think for myself.

Please locate where I have ever stated such if you do I have $500 dollars for you(pay your daily green fees)... Please stop the Sean Hannity tactics!

Anonymous said...

DV get real comfortable there in Belair..OK...

Some interesting aspects of this study of prison statistics are these:
California, which has the sixth largest economy in the world, (including its Silicon Valley), and a population that is 52% nonwhite, and is supposedly on the cutting edge of racial and social tolerance, has a prison population that is 69% nonwhite. And, of course, with a Black population that is only 7%, it has a prison population that is 32% Black. And this large population of Black inmates has helped this enlightened state to be the sixth state in incarceration rates.

Anonymous said...

Students who don't graduate high school are much more likely to go to prison, said Gary Orfield, co-director of the Civil Rights Project at UCLA. Nearly 40 percent of inmates lack a high school diploma or the equivalent, according to the census data.

"The criminal economy is one of the only alternatives in some of these places," Orfield said. "You basically have the criminalization of a whole community, particularly in some inner cities."

Blacks made up 41 percent of the nation's 2 million prison and jail inmates in 2006. Non-Hispanic whites made up 37 percent and Hispanics made up 19 percent.

Denmark Vesey said...

"DV out of the 1,000,000+ brothers in prison and jails today what % have a college degree versus those who don't." Casper


That's deep.

Let me see if I understand you Casper:

1) Black men are in jail, because rappers "tell" them not to "choose" college.

2) If Nas, Fiddy and Jay-Z would only "choose" to rap about calculus, and physics, and tuition, and dormitory life - there would only be 100,000 black men in prison.

3) In an ocean of peace, Hip Hop is a lonely island of violence and sexual excess.


There are 1,000,000 black men in prison partially because pseudo-educated Negros like you sat by like do nothing monkeys and allowed "3 Strikes" and Rockefeller Laws to get passed by corrupted legislatures.

The Hip Hop generation is a product of the failed Civil Rights era of dependence on white largesse.

Personally, I like what Nas said in the General:

"I'm confronting the justice, expressing my voice to the public

They got to free some brothas
or we kidnap the judges

They got to free some sistas
or we kidnap the judges

They got to beat the system that's enslaving the poor"

Casper, there are more Negros "in college" than during any other time in our history. Are we more empowered?

"College" is overrated. We need business owners, not glorified employees chained to corporations.

Deconstruct the hip hop metaphor of pharmaceutical sales and you will find a better education that that shit they sell at Any State U.

Denmark Vesey said...

Michael Fisher said...

Once again a non-answer. "cause you can't edfine "black". Coward.

Whoa ... whoa ... wait a minute Festas.

I answered the hell of your little redundant question. Just because it wasn't the simple minded Websters / NAACP answer you were looking for, is not my concern.

"What is "white" DV? As in "white person"?" MF



Anonymous said...

DV Said:
1) Black men are in jail, because rappers "tell" them not to "choose" college.

2) If Nas, Fiddy and Jay-Z would only "choose" to rap about calculus, and physics, and tuition, and dormitory life - there would only be 100,000 black men in prison.

Obama Said:
“There’s no doubt that hip-hop culture moves our young people powerfully. And some of it is not just a reflection of reality … It also creates reality. I think that if all our kids see is a glorification of materialism and bling and casual sex and kids are never seeing themselves reflected as hitting the books and being responsible and delaying gratification, then they are getting an unrealistic picture of what the world is like.”

Anonymous said...

There are 1,000,000 black men in prison partially because pseudo-educated Negros like you sat by like do nothing monkeys and allowed "3 Strikes" and Rockefeller Laws to get passed by corrupted legislatures.

And what exactly did you do Fresh Prince??... Play another round of Golf... Or fire up the Porsche Carerra GT

Anonymous said...

3) In an ocean of peace, Hip Hop is a lonely island of violence and sexual excess.

In all of Biggie Smalls lyrics/tracks how many times do you think he referenced the illegal drug game? ... Let's see how much you know your genre???

Denmark Vesey said...

"It also creates reality. I think that if all our kids see is a glorification of materialism and bling and casual sex and kids are never seeing themselves reflected as hitting the books and being responsible and delaying gratification, then they are getting an unrealistic picture of what the world is like.”

I agree with that 100%.

Hip Hop creates a reality that needs to be created.

That's one of the reasons this current generation is free of the hang ups about race people of Mikes generation still can't escape.

Hip Hop artists embraced their blackness and celebrated it. Not content to bitch for admission into a world of white privilege, they created their own privilege apparatus.

What you ignorantly call "bling" I see as a reconfiguration of status mythology. (Think about that Casper before you react)

As far as "not seeing themselves 'hitting the books'", again I agree 100%.

I just think it is asinine to look to Hip Hop to provide that imagery.

Do we blame "basketball" for not providing imagery of kids hitting the books?

Do we blame "R&B" for not providing imagery of kids hitting the books.


Aint got no parents? Uh oh. Now that's a problem.

But I guess that's "Hip Hop's" fault too.

Anonymous said...

"The Hip Hop generation is a product of the failed Civil Rights era of dependence on white largesse."

"Personally, I like what Nas said in the General:"

"I'm confronting the justice, expressing my voice to the public"

Do you really believe that NAS or any other rapper get to say whatever they please... Nigger Please!

Buck stated that it was this Interscope "Lyrics committee" (more like committee of one person; Jimmy Iovine) that decided it best to leave the police brutality track off of the album. Their reasoning being that Interscope/Jimmy Iovine felt the record that portrayed violence against police officers could heighten the chances of a police officer getting shot or killed and that Interscope did not want to be responsible in whole or in part for the death of a police officer.

Why did not the "lyrics committee" come to the same conclusion when listening to lyrics that portray violence against young Black males who work, go to school, and live on these same blocks that the police officers patrol? Ladies and gentlemen of the intelligent community, this is the nature of the beast with which we are dealing.

When we consider the fact that it was Jimmy Iovine who posed on a cover in the 70's with the words "Rock & Roll Niggers" painted on his chest, we get a greater understanding of this beast.

Denmark Vesey said...

3) In an ocean of peace, Hip Hop is a lonely island of violence and sexual excess.

In all of Biggie Smalls lyrics/tracks how many times do you think he referenced the illegal drug game? ... Let's see how much you know your genre???

Not enough Casper.


For Biggie Smalls not to reference the drug game would be like a teenage rapper in Baghdad NOT TO REFERENCE THE WAR IN IRAQ.

Now, Casper I am tired of going back and forth with you on this shit.

1) Do you not see my point?


2) Do you see my point, but disagree?

Cuz, I aint no fucking Special
Ed teacher.

Anonymous said...

Casper, there are more Negros "in college" than during any other time in our history. Are we more empowered?

We have a brother about to be nomintaed for Pres. don't we. Or are you that short sighted? Shit even C. Powell would win if ran. Wake up son... Iovine has got you strung out like a crack addict son!
That rap shit is to dumb down the urban youth... Wake up Fresh Prince!

Anonymous said...

College" is overrated. We need business owners, not glorified employees chained to corporations.

One doesn't learn how to run a successful business in a 3 minute rap song... Secondly, tell Mr. Yale/Obama that ...See what he has to say to you... Maybe you shouldn't have studied home economics in school...assuming you went to UCLA.

Anonymous said...

Deconstruct the hip hop metaphor of pharmaceutical sales and you will find a better education that that shit they sell at Any State U.

So are you advocating that our young brothers and sisters should sling dope as a business??? Great!

Anonymous said...

Do we blame "basketball" for not providing imagery of kids hitting the books?

The NBA’s Read to Achieve program is a year-round campaign to help young people develop a life-long love for reading and encourage adults to read regularly to children. Reaching an estimated 50 million children a year, Read to Achieve is the most extensive educational outreach initiative in the history of professional sports. In addition to being supported by all 29 NBA teams, 16 WNBA teams, the eight teams that make up the NBA's new minor league, the National Basketball Development League (NBDL), Read to Achieve is supported by the NBA's officials, parents and wives of players organizations, and the NBA Players Association and Retired Players Association.

Anonymous said...

Do we blame "R&B" for not providing imagery of kids hitting the books.

At least true R&B(not HipHop) talks about love.. not pimps, hoes, slinggin rocks, gats, drive byes, bitches, switches, murder, etc.

Denmark Vesey said...


You make about as much sense as a soup sandwhich.

But, fuck it. You right.

Going to Yale is better than going to jail.

Somebody needs to tell the kids that.

What a shame. If it wasn't for rap, we'd have millions of little Bill Cosby's graduating from Ivy League schools every May.

They sell drugs "because" Biggie told them to. Made it look cool, and Jimmy Iovine "approves" their lyrics.

You right.

Oh, and before I forget, Kobe Bryant is an "asshole" too who only averages 25 points a game and has never made a pass.

Anonymous said...

Drug dealing might be considered a metaphor if you were spitting it. But not Christopher George Latore Wallace son! Secondly, why would you put kids in the position to have to discern what's real or not when it comes to drugs, guns, sex & murder?? You don't care about black people enough DV?? I mean since you are the blackest man on the face of the planet and all!

met·a·phor Audio Help /ˈmÉ›təˌfÉ”r, -fÉ™r/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[met-uh-fawr, -fer] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun 1. a figure of speech in which a term or phrase is applied to something to which it is not literally applicable in order to suggest a resemblance

Born in Brooklyn, New York, Biggie grew up during the peak years of the 1980s' crack epidemic and started dealing drugs at an early age.

Anonymous said...

1) Do you not see my point?


2) Do you see my point, but disagree?

Let us know when you have made a point to decide on! One minute you don't agree with Obama.. Then you do? You're confused I see :(

Denmark Vesey said...

Casper ...

You can dumb down a conversation.

You like the champ of that shit.

Do you really ...really ... think the billion dollar illegal drug industry is a product of Hip Hop ...

more than you think Hip Hop chronicles the consequences and tangential impact of a spiritually bankrupt decadent secular society that engineers and monetizes addiction?

I mean, man, we've talked about this ad infinitum, and I keep waiting for the part, when you say "Ahhhhh DV! I'm just fucking with you man!! Got ya!! Ahhhh!!!"

But you really believe that simple minded shit don't you?

Wow. I didn't believe men like you really existed. I thought the FOX network was inventing those poll numbers.

Michael Fisher said...

"If Nas, Fiddy and Jay-Z would only 'choose' to rap about calculus, and physics, and tuition, and dormitory life - there would only be 100,000 black men in prison."

Hey it wouldn't hurt.

The Five Percenters were about nothing BUT math. "Mathematics is natural to the black man". I used that concept to teach algebra and geometry to special ed kids in the South Bronx when I was a junior high school teacher in the mid 1980s.

How's them two Nigger children of yours, DV?

Denmark Vesey said...

Better than your booga bear Mike.

Michael Fisher said...


"Better than your booga bear Mike."

Now why would you, in reaction to a perfectly innocuous nee positive statement like
"How's them two Nigger children of yours, DV?", come back with a denigrating statement about my child?

Maybe not as beyond as you done thought you was?

Denmark Vesey said...

Ahh ... Mike.

Nothing personal. You know you my Nigga.

Anonymous said...

But you really believe that simple minded shit don't you?

DV for you to understand my point of view is to witness the impact of this rap game first hand. You may negate the impact of spending significant time with kids with little family direction. Who gravitate to Universal's marketed icons... Because Jay-z looks like me or my uncles... The simple shit DV is powerful. Before I participated in helping I thought like you too... DV you two choices you can raise crops and get your hands dirty. Or you can sit at home and have your crops delivered and think you know what it takes. Never understanding what happened in between... It's your choice DV... Most of what you spit is your perspective. Remember when you sit in the hills you can only look down on people. Maybe you need to come down the hill and be with them.... I am just saying. Even Obama participated:

n 1985, Barack Obama traveled halfway across the country to take a job that he didn't fully understand. But, while he knew little about his new vocation--community organizer

Michael Fisher said...

Well, explain... Why would you go out of your way to insult a child? Being a grown man and not an elementary school kid at that?

Could it have something to do with the appellation "Nigger" combined with the phrase "two children of yours"?

Anonymous said...

Wow. I didn't believe men like you really existed. I thought the FOX network was inventing those poll numbers.

You mean the poll that pointed out the elitist(Golfers Porsche GT driving) black men.... Versus the black men who care about there brother's and sister's and volunteer there time to mentor... That Poll DV???

Denmark Vesey said...

Could it have something to do with the appellation "Nigger" combined with the phrase "two children of yours"? MF

Not at all.

I was exercising an illustration.

I was making a point.

I was acknowledging the obvious.

1 word can be used in multiple ways.

Black people in general and artists in particular use tone as much as grammar to express themselves.

It's a common myth that Eskimos have 70 words for "snow".

I believe black people can use "nigger" 70 different ways.

Bugeyed over-reactors to the word "nigger", and Rap Haters like Casper, loath to concede that point. They prefer to project their intellectually lazy linear and literal translations onto the ideas of artists to rationalize their inability to comprehend.

(Casper went to cohhlege. Nas didn't. How can Nas be deeper than Casper? Well, he is. So much for college.)

Mike you are a stubborn cat who will never concede a point - but will perpetuate the Socratic exercise ad infinitum -


I countered your wannabe negative "use" of the word "nigger" (to make a point) with a negative "use" of the word "booga bear" (to make a point).

I could just as easily grab my little girl tonight, lift her in the air and kiss her on her neck and say "Give me some sugar booga bear!" ... and she'd squeal in delight.

You feel a nigga?

Anonymous said...

Once again I see you didn't answer a question???? Without the gloss over rhetoric... Like Dick Cheney.

Do you really believe that NAS or any other rapper get to say whatever they please on cd to be distributed by a major??????... Nigger Please! Answer the question????

Buck stated that it was this Interscope "Lyrics committee" (more like committee of one person; Jimmy Iovine) that decided it best to leave the police brutality track off of the album. Their reasoning being that Interscope/Jimmy Iovine felt the record that portrayed violence against police officers could heighten the chances of a police officer getting shot or killed and that Interscope did not want to be responsible in whole or in part for the death of a police officer.

Michael Fisher said...


"You feel a nigga?"

I feel you, Nigger.

So since I'm using Nigger positively exactly the way you do (certainly I wouldn't dream of insulting your family), you won't mind me continuing referring to your children as your two Nigger children. no disrepect

By the way, I do find someone referring to my child as a bugga bear offensive. So please don't do it.

I wouldn't call your children something you find offensive either. "Nigger" of course, not being one of those offensive but , contrarily, quite uplifting and inspiring appellations.

In any case, I'm pleased your two Nigger Kids are doing well.

Michael Fisher said...


"I could just as easily grab my little girl tonight, lift her in the air and kiss her on her neck and say 'Give me some sugar booga bear!' ... and she'd squeal in delight."

How delightful!

Of course, being the clearly caring father you are, you'd just as well would raise your little Nigger girl in the air, kiss her on the neck and say "Give me some sugar Nigger!". With your Nigger wife's approval no less.

(Dang, positive and uplifting as it is I'm starting to get sick to my stomach using that term. How do you do it, Nigger?)

Anonymous said...

"Give me some sugar Nigger!".

That's some funny Nigger Shit! Haha!

Come on Nigger answer the question.... What kind of Nigger moderator are you. Niggers are always slow & late.

Anonymous said...

"Give me some sugar Nigger!".

That's some funny Nigger Shit! Haha!

Come on Nigger answer the question.... What kind of Nigger moderator are you. Niggers are always slow & late.

Denmark Vesey said...

"Come on Nigger answer the question.... What kind of Nigger moderator are you. Niggers are always slow & late." Casper

Ahhh ... Ya'll a couple of faggot Niggers.

Michael Fisher said...


"Ahhh ... Ya'll a couple of faggot Niggers.


Anonymous said...

Ahhh... Ya'll a couple of faggot Niggers.

Ah! this Nigger wants to wear a wet t- shirt I see... Takes one to know one Nigger... Now come to South Central and get your Porsche jacked your clubs stolen and and a ass whipping... I dare you Nigger!

Anonymous said...

Haha... I just got off the phone with my connect at ICM... You know P. Casey's spot... Sent them that shot of DV playing golf... and who would have thunk it ya'll... word is DV(a.k.a. in the closet) is on the Down Low!! Both Ways!! That explains the obsessionss... The photos of men lipped locked!

Anonymous said...

Side note from an LA Chick...

No one in South Central actually refers to it as South Central.

Anonymous said...

Side note from an LA Chick...

No one in South Central actually refers to it as South Central.

Michael Fisher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael Fisher said...


"word is DV(a.k.a. in the closet) is on the Down Low!! Both Ways!!"

Oh dang. That ain't right, Casp. It's none of our business what DV does or doesn't do in the bedroom.

Michael Fisher said...

...or at the rest stop.


(I'm sorry DV, I just couldn't resist, that shit is just too funny)

Anonymous said...

Ahhh ... Ya'll a couple of faggot Niggers.

ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!! I was thinking the same thing! What are they talking about? "Be A Nigger Too" is brilliant. They didn't even listen to it. Nas is amazing.

Thank you for posting this DV. These are the old niggers Nas is talking about. Trisa

Anonymous said...

These are the old niggers Nas is talking about. Trisa

This old Nigger got somethang for your ass too... Keep f**king with this Nigger...Nigger...Haha! See you at the swap meet fool!

Anonymous said...

Wow, he wrote a song about niggas and niggers, hmmm, how authenic....(sarcasm)

Michael Fisher said...


"Fist Tap" to anon...