Faith said...

Wow I had no idea I had stumbled on to such an intolerant site. First the posting about Darfur -regardless of the ill-intent behind any lobbying efforts there are people who have been harmed and you should look to the survivors for answers to who's causing the grief and now this. Being homosexual is about sex as much as being heterosexual is. You can like someone or even love someone and not have a physical relationship with them. Sorry but you are wrong. And for the record I am hetero. There are plenty of gay people who've only had sex with their opposite gender because sexuality is not confined to such rigid standards. And neither is God though people use religion as a battering ram to push people into a peg just the same way. Let's change the subject to white people discussing how Blacks are somehow less than human, or how there's no real racism, or how they get over.'s the SAME mentality. And it's wrong. You don't have to agree but I am certain that many people would be surprised if Jesus came back and said they'd had it all wrong.
What if the son decides that he's gay?
Pops is here! Invite us over. Would love to just listen to the original Denmark Vesey talk.
LOL. Hey Robyn. Nah. Pops is on his way to Egypt. He is going to sail down the Nile, which is something he has wanted to do since he was a child. I'm excited for him.
Is he going to call my uncle?
Submariner said...
"What if the son decides that he's gay?"
Gay ... ? (euphemism alert)
You mean what if a man decides he wants to suck another's man penis?
It would be just as unfortunate as any other mental illness or sexual perversion.
"Gay" (homosexual sex) is not something you "are" ... it's something you do.
And my very smart yet oh so politically correct friend ... men fucking men is some nastiness with viscous consequences.
BTW. How's the "Gay" young men you are treating whose "ass has decomposed to the white meat" coming along?
In the interest of the debate:
What if your son "decided" he "was" a "Crackhead"?
Query why this image conjured contemplation of homosexuality.....
You read my mind RJ!
The problem with the world. . .
Don't mean to touch a nerve. You see, my views on homosexuality used to be in line with yours but a couple of things happened. One, my wife's sister, who I've known since she was seven years old, declared that she was a lesbian. And two, my daughter was born about a year later.
In that moment I had to decide for myself what I would do. Would I become estranged from a kind, funny young woman I knew for nearly twenty years? Would I place a boundary on my love for my daughter that she would breach if she later determined that she was a lesbian? I decided that if Jesus, God, or Allah would damn her for doing such a thing then fuck all of them. They're the one who gave her free will so they shouldn't condemn her because she chose wrong.
If anyone tried to kill my daughter's spirit because she chose a woman for sexual partner then they better fucking watch out because I'll be on the warpath. Gay taunts at school by classmates or teachers would incite my wrath.
In the embrace that is pictured I see an uncensored joy. I'm sure that the elder has been deeply disappointed by the younger at some time in their relations. But you don't see that in the photo.
A crackhead is more than just a crackhead. A faggot is more than just a faggot. If Jesus can't help you look beyond this then maybe you should give him up because he isn't doing a very good job.
I can tell you from personal experience that my family has needed to deal with a close relation who fell into crack cocaine addiction in her adult life. (How a grown woman who doesn't smoke or drink but starts using crack after 1995 still astounds me.)
Maladaptive behaviors like crack abuse don't arise from thrill seeking. These people are in real pain. Some families and friends practice that old school Christian love and expel members of their family who violate moral laws. In my own family we try to remain supportive and provide for my little cousins if their mom relapses and goes AWOL. We try to get her professional help and when she returns we welcome her back. We just make sure not to leave valuables around if we have her over for holidays and get togethers. LOL If my daughter fell into such misery I'd like to think that I would do the same.
Oral and anal sex is only a small part of homosexuality. It's really about how some men get their emotional needs met by other men.
Like I said before, some heterosexual men indulge in anal sex. They also perform oral sex on women. So it's not just the form of copulation that makes one gay.
Even a homosexual experience doesn't make one gay. What about adolescent experimentation or forced sodomy? What if a man is married with kids, has never had sexual relations with another man, but fantasizes about being with a man? Since you say being gay is something you do, I'm sure you'll have a logical, falsifiable criterion to apply in neutral fashion to answer these straightforward questions. I eagerly await your reply.
All thats well and good Sub.
But the questions stands.
Why did your mind go there in response to this picture?
RJ and Kalena, we missed your input but there was a recent post about sexuality and Hip Hop. And we really got into it. Well anyway, this image and title about God not making any mistakes seemed quite ironic in light of Denmark's stance during the last exchange.
By the way, why exactly did God create heterosexual STDs like gonorrhea, herpes, and chlamydia? Vicious consequences aren't limited to homosexual intercourse.
Brother Sub ...
Thank you for the opportunity to further clarify my point on this subject ... and to reinforce an underlying contention of this entire blog.
1) Acknowledging and being truthful about the repugnance and health consequences of homosexual sex DOES NOT EQUAL ... hatred or rejection of homosexuals.
2) Refusal to consume the propaganda of the Gay Lobby ... which is more about politics than sex ... DOES NOT EQUAL ... hatred of Gays.
Do you love your aunt? Do you pretend "smoking crack" is normal? If your daughter grows up to try crack ... will you "accept" her?
Of course you will love her. But you will do everything in your power to guide her away from that unhealthy behavior.
When did it become TABOO for parents to guide the sexuality of their children towards a healthy REPRODUCTIVE place?
Why is it OK to encourage our daughters to be astronauts ... but damn near a crime to encourage them to be heterosexuals?
What alarms me is intelligent people, who have been conditioned by years of clever propaganda, to think of homosexuality as some kind of INEVITABILITY ... like being left handed ... as opposed a sexual perversion and aberrant behavior.
Until 30 years ago, the American Psychiatric Association listed homosexuality as a mental illness. Only after considerable political pressure, (not scientific inquiry) did they reclassify homosexuality.)
**(Today the American Psychiatric Association is under considerable pressure to reclassify Pedophilia.\Culture\archive\200306\CUL20030611c.html)
Some of the most beautiful and empowered human beings in the history of the planet, also happened to be homosexuals.
I can love and appreciate them for who they are as human beings - WITHOUT ENDORSING a tangential sexual perversion.
JUST AS .... they can love and appreciate me .... without endorsing my pathologies. (I smoke a little crack now and then. lol)
My hostility to the Gay Lobby and those who parrot their propaganda is a natural reflexive rejection of intellectual bullying and distorted group think.
One of my wifes best friends, who I happened to know since I was six years old, divorced her husband, got some fake titties, married a woman, spent $15,000, took the egg from that woman, put it in her womb, fertilized it with the sperm of an anonymous male (bi-racial medical student) and just had twins.
Now, you can call me "homophobic" if you want ... but that's some bizarre ass shit.
Do I shun her? Noooooo. But I don't teach my children her kids "have 2 mommies" either.
I've got a gay cousin. Love him to death. Funny cat. But I don't pretend anal sex is normal and if we find out he has "pneumonia", I will be sad, but not surprised.
Robyn, Kalena I always understood Submariner's reference to "Gay" on this thread as a continuation of previous discussions we have had on this topic.
I can be pretty forceful in my opinions and my brother was just checking me.
Just to take this a little further. I'm assuming that we're in the same age group and we were present at the birth of Hip Hop in our respective corners of the country. (Damn, 40 is rapidly approaching.) I've never seen so many openly gay kids in my life. Do you think the hypersexuality promoted by corporate interests and their analogues, including Hip Hop, has something to do with the pervasive homosexuality?
You need to make your last comment a post in and of itself.
Do you think the hypersexuality promoted by corporate interests and their analogues, including Hip Hop, has something to do with the pervasive homosexuality?
Great question Sub.
Yes, to the extent that all aspects of american culture are becoming more sexually liberal. More and more we're hearing its okay to "try this," "explore that" and "accept the rest." As a result folks are feelin freer to explore. I dont necesarrily believe that more people are now gay. They're simply feeling less constrained to try some unorthodox stuff.
I dont know about your part of the country, but in mine, I dont necessarily see increased numbers who folks who have truly decided to live a completely gay lifestyle. I see increased numbers of flippant chicks doing what feels good today and whats touted as sexy on TV and movies.
I encounter more of these types than the Ellen Degeneres' of the world.
"I've never seen so many openly gay kids in my life. Do you think the hypersexuality promoted by corporate interests and their analogues, including Hip Hop, has something to do with the pervasive homosexuality?" Submariner
Umm ...
Well. I think the surge in homosexual behavior is evidence of the fact that homosexual behavior is more a product of nurture than of nature.
Which explains why we don't have gay lions, gay fish (except in Shark's Tale) or gay eagles.
Brother Sub, I would like you to ponder the possibility that our society is being intentionally "homosexualized" by social engineers.
From television to schools Americans are bombarded with homosexual subliminal suggestion.
It's been trendy to blame pathology on hip hop for some time. But I've noticed the same people willing to attribute such influential power to rap music, hesitate to attribute blame to forces 100 times more powerful than rap - schools, television or even medicine.
I suspect everything from food to vaccines has much to do with the rampant feminization of the male population.
(What better way to weaken people than making their men homosexuals?)
Wow I had no idea I had stumbled on to such an intolerant site. First the posting about Darfur -regardless of the ill-intent behind any lobbying efforts there are people who have been harmed and you should look to the survivors for answers to who's causing the grief and now this. Being homosexual is about sex as much as being heterosexual is. You can like someone or even love someone and not have a physical relationship with them. Sorry but you are wrong. And for the record I am hetero. There are plenty of gay people who've only had sex with their opposite gender because sexuality is not confined to such rigid standards. And neither is God though people use religion as a battering ram to push people into a peg just the same way. Let's change the subject to white people discussing how Blacks are somehow less than human, or how there's no real racism, or how they get over.'s the SAME mentality. And it's wrong. You don't have to agree but I am certain that many people would be surprised if Jesus came back and said they'd had it all wrong.
I also have to add you oft-used phrase: God Doesn't Make Mistakes. And I will add in the New Testament Jesus said the greatest commandments were to love God above all else and love your neighbor as yourself. Not well they are just not right, blah blah blah, or they're going to hell, or it's a choice and it's nasty.
As sexuality became a tool for use by commercial interests, it was inevitable that alternative lifestyles would become legitimate. If a woman could be objectified then why not a man? If heterosexual relationships could be used to sell products on daytime television then why not add homosexual twists and turns?
Social engineers don't have anywhere near the power you would give them. Sociologists, anthropologists, whatever don't determine the shape of our society anymore than intelligence analysts determine the design and execution of foreign policy. These folks merely examine and advocate.
Religion lost its influence when it was no longer sufficient to support state control and capital interests. Science serves this need. Who needs Jesus when science has unlocked the secret of the atom? In modern society, religion is no longer useful for normative function. Certain sexual practices may offend moral sensibilities but they play no role in modern capitalism.
While technocrats have social and cultural capital, they don't compromise the power elite that actually runs America. In fact, Barack Obama represents this bourgeois faction. Intelligent, hardworking people who believe in the myths that the system promulgates and think they've earned a right to a seat at the table.
Contrary to what you may think, I have never blamed rap music or Afrocentric names for anything. When black people were named Ronald and Betty and wore suits and dresses, they were still reviled. Right now Barack Obama is accused of being elitist because he has superior political ability and is supremely diligent and educated. When Tiger Woods, because of advanced skills, can be used as a term of disparagement that tells you Bill Cosby and black cultural critics are flat wrong. Racism is not a consequence of deficient character in blacks.
I have absolutely no evidence or empirical research to substantiate what I'm about to say but I'll say it anyway. I believe that humans start out as homosexual. Not in an overt physical sense but that they adhere to collectives around gender. Boys learn to be boys and girls learn to be girls. They model behaviors and progressively intermingle. I believe that when kids are exposed to hypersexual images at an early age they process these emotions and apply them in either precocious sexual activity or toward members of the same sex. Hip hop in itself isn't a unique cause. It is just another but historically recent powerful vehicle for corporate interests organized around dopamine hegemony.
What alarms me is intelligent people, who have been conditioned by years of clever propaganda, to think of homosexuality as some kind of INEVITABILITY ... like being left handed ... as opposed a sexual perversion and aberrant behavior.
With all due respect this is utter bullshit! My 5 year old male friend
talked like a girl, ran like a girl & played sports like a girl. His father hunted, watched football, etc. His mother was a school teacher. His sister was a regular little girl and until this day he is still gay. And the times were 1960's. So I suggest to you that you don't have a clue about what you are talking about. Just pure hatred for gays(unless it's a rap icon of yours), jews(unless it's Jimmy Iovine) and Oprah(unless Obamam is on her show)the norm with DV. Secondly, there are well documented cases of animals displaying homosexual behavior. So if you are going to make statements about Lions and animals in general... Do a little research prior.
Bonobo Chimpanzees
Homosexuality has been documented in almost 500 species of animals, signaling that sexual preference is predetermined. Considered the closest living relative to humans, bonobos are not shy about seeking sexual pleasure. Nearly all of these peace-loving apes are bisexual and often resolve conflict by the "make love, not war" principle. They copulate frequently, scream out in delight while doing so, and often engage in homosexual activities. About two thirds of the homosexual activities are amongst females.
Which explains why we don't have gay lions, gay fish (except in Shark's Tale) or gay eagles.
Explain this then Sherlock?
Gay Humping Lion
oh snap redux!!!
once casper get in'nat azz, he stay in'nat azz.....,
"My 5 year old male friend
talked like a girl, ran like a girl & played sports like a girl. His father hunted, watched football, etc. His mother was a school teacher. His sister was a regular little girl and until this day he is still gay. "
So does this mean that
1. All gay men actually are women in mens bodies?
If so, why not surgically alter themselves and become the women that the claim to be?
Just curious?
If so, why not surgically alter themselves and become the women that the claim to be?
Because our health care is fucked up... Most couldn't afford it.
What a euphemism - to call a sex change "health care".
By the way, DV. If this is your Pops, I don't think he really looks African-American. Not West African either. Certainly not Southern African. East African... Tanzania? Kenya?
Ahhh. Ok. I'm a little slow.
Looks like the same brother as the young guy with the white lady on the side bar.
So your Mamma is white and your Pops is African?
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