Monday, March 10, 2008

Brother Breaks It Down ...

Exodus Mentality said ...


Anonymous said...

Exodus Mentality said...

I can't believe all the togetherness this Obama campaign is fostering. I mean I could understand white folks in Iowa voting for Obama, and I can see how all those people of different backgrounds coming together at the Obama rallies might be feeling the spirit of cooperationlike never before.

But when I see DV and Mike Fisher engaged in a mutual internet hug-athon, well let's just say, I become more inclined to believe in the second coming of the Lord than ever before.

Then I wake up and realize y'all is really trippin. Go with CNu on this one.

DV, I got some anti-plantation shit for you.

Rally around this:

1. The electorate spoke in 2000 and 2004, but by various well documented methods, the electorate was effectively disenfranchised. You didn't raise up then and you don't have the balls to do it now.

2. This government is much more about class than race at this point. The haves vs the have-nots is the prime struggle. The racial division that still exists is exploited to the ends of the haves. And even knowing this, you still fall prey to the same old tricks time and time again.

3. The "unity" expressed in the mass appeal of the Obama campaign is laudable, but regrettably that unity is being directed at a patently empty goal. The office of POTUS is only as powerful as the man in the chair is willing to make it. Do you actually expect Obama to pull a George W. Bush and roll with the unitary executive theory? That's the only way he's likely to get any real change accomplished.

4. Mrs Clinton is a non-factor in this historic moment. She is now and always has been a surrogate for Bill and the Democratic party machine. Addressing Hillary is akin to applying Neosporin to cure Cancer; completely and totally off the mark.

5. We call on all the candidates to denounce the current two party system as corrupt and no longer responsive to the will of the people, or at a minimum to honestly confirm that our representative republic is far less 'democratic" than we have been led to believe.

6. Hollow and hypocritical are appellations that should be applied to all campaign rhetoric.

7. We will not survive continued support and acquiescence to a governing system that has been totally corrupted by financial interests whose agenda is inimical to the interests of the vast majority of the world's population. We have been led to believe, quite erroneously, that the current system is the best possible compromise and the only system the majority of people will accept. We are bombarded with irrational reasoning like we must vote because our ancestors fought and died for the right, when they actually fought and died for freedom and a better world for their progeny that we still do not truly enjoy. We are all but incapable of imagining, much less fashioning a better solution until we acknowledge that the old ways of governing and managing the world have outlived whatever usefulness they may have once had. Much more is at stake than simply the hollow exercise of an increasingly irrelevant right to participate in the electoral process.

Pass this on if you dare. Be prepared to be roundly ridiculed, ostracized, and perhaps even violently attacked for having the unmitigated gall to speak the truth and exercise an Exodus Mentality.

Free Your Mind And The Rest Will Follow.

J.C. said...

Ok... That is right on.
Here is more information on the actual basis of how our Political Price system works.
The American Political Price System TNAT info.

This may give a little insight into the system.
As our credit/debit society collapses which it is on the brink off doing... and the riots start... April 15th... any one wishing to actually understand the mechanism of our dysfunctional society and what the alternative is could investigate a unique American solution. The Technocracy Technate design for North America.

Anonymous said...

DV, once again you prove you have an appropriately sized set of cajones. But your audience aint ready for this kind of real talk.

Skip, I got no job to not go to. So I'm with you in spirit. Can't wait to see if this actually causes a splash. I'm kind of skeptical about the effectiveness of a one day vacation from this insanity.

J.C. said...

I will tell you where it gets interesting Exodus.
Mostly the people protesting and rioting will be retarded militia and born agains and libertarians that believe in much nonsense.
There will also be a heaping helping of left wing political idiots that are clueless too.

This will however be the beginning of a dissident movement in the U.S. and elsewhere that will lead to a civil war about class and caste.

It is noted Exodus that the bail out by the Fed today smacks of ONE world order Illuminati trash talking for this group. This is going to light a fire under their ass's that is hard to fathom right now (the brainwashed political flunk's).
The Fed just bailed out the Bank of England and the Euro Bank and the Swiss bank.
So ?
They have done this twice now and have not done this directly previously.
This will ONLY be interpreted as the beginning of the New World Order by people that are ignorant of the actual Price System dynamic.

However.... That won't make any difference. Change ... for better or worse is going to rush toward us very quickly now.