Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Obama, Jews, Israel And The Farrakhan Trap

War, lies, 4,000 dead Americans, 1 Million dead Iraqis, $1 Trillion Wasted Dollars, NeoCon Perjury, Longest Military Occupation on Earth ... and Barack Obama is forced into a 7 minute diatribe "Repudiating / Denouncing" The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.

Increasingly in American one is not called anti-Semitic when one hates Jews. One is called anti-Semitic when some Jews hate you. It's amazing how Louis Farrakhan has been reduced to a Hitler like figure who has done nothing but attack Jews without reason.

Obama is a prophet. God is obviously on his side. I hope there is a method to his madness, but last night he faced the Jewish Media machine, stuck his tail between his legs and engaged in a pro-Israel ass kissing contest with Hillary.

When is someone going to be asked to repudiate or denounce Skooter Libby, Richard Perle or Paul Wolfowitz? They are responsible for the deaths of thousands, Farrakhan has simply stood up to Abe Foxman.


J.C. said...

Its fake. The whole thing is controlled. It is just a manipulation. No change is really planned. The economy will continue to be controlled by special interest groups.
Obama is their boy.
Hillary also.
When our economy collapses we are going to have a civil war between a number of people to maintain control.

The troops will be withdrawn because they are going to be needed here.
Lots of loony tune groups will try to maintain the Price System.
Religious freaks who are pawns.
Libertarians that are ignorant.
NeoCons that control those soldiers for the Price System.
This civil war will not have any thing to do with so called race issues.
It will be all about class in a collapsed Price System... and what the alternative is.
Fasten safety belts all...
Crash test Crash landing Crash test dummies.

Anonymous said...

I only caught the tail end of the debate, came in on the middle of this. couldnt reallly make sense of "the issue" and how it came to be. I too was a little disappointed that he didnt (from what I saw) have a more sophisticated method of cutting through this bullshit in his arsenal. Will be re-viewing the debate, specifically to see this part, this weekend.

Notwithstanding this, I still say -- method. madness.

? said...

Ralph Nader made some very good points on NPR yesterday about the unwillingness of both canidates to look critically at the Israeli- Palestinian situation. I think Obama has some definative opinions but will be smart enough to keep them to himself until after the election. I did not hear about Obamas denouncing Farrakhan but Farrakhans endorsment of Obama will not hurt him, people know O is his own man. I have more respect for Farrakhan than Libby or Perle or Wolfowitz. I just think the Minister makes himself look bad with some of the comments and weird belifs of the NOI but that's not going to rub off on the O man, the election is his to lose at this point.

Big Man said...

I addressed this over at my blog.

Like many people have said it's the litmus test for all black politicians. You must explicitly express hate for Farrakhan to be accepted. It's crazy.

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

they just throwing the sink now. if Obama wins the delegate count and hill wins the super del's, it will be like running into a brick wall for the Dems

CNu said...


Check out my man T3..., who's always doing some crazy mad dot-connecting.

Anonymous said...

Did you really expect anything more from Obama?

If so, you been duped, lol!