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Don't think you can attain total awareness and whole enlightenment without proper discipline and practice. This is egomania. Appropriate rituals channel your emotions and life energy toward the light. Without the discipline to practice them, you will tumble constantly backward into darkness. ~ Lao-tzu
Yeah man, don't think that shit, just DO it!!!
That was my jumping off point for getting busy in the blogosphere.
In his article “Genetic Code and the Ancient Chinese “Book of Changes”” . (which unfortunately the link I furnished in my original post is dead as Petoukov took it down from FIS in order to try to get paid now for his work - I've got an electronic copy of the book lying around here somewheres on an old hard drive - and can make it available if I can find it and anybody really wants it) An existence of binary sub-alphabets of genetic code was shown and a biperiodic octet table of 64 genetic triplets was constructed and shown to coincide with the historically famous table of 64 hexagrams of the Ancient Chinese “Book of Changes””, written several thousands years ago (according to Ancient Chinese statements, the system of this Book is the main archetype of all nature; this system is a base for many branches of Chinese medicine, culture, philosophy, etc.).
Like I told you previously, it's at the root of ALL of the world's great, enduring, and documented religious traditions.
If “physiological music” has a connection with genetic code, the question on its connection with this ancient conception of archetypes is urgent. According to Ancient Chinese statements, “music is that that represents a harmony of sky and earth, a co-ordination of Yin and Yang” (“Lui shi chun tsu”).
Some of these questions are considered in a special paragraph “Genetic code and music» in his book: S.V.Petoukhov “Biperiodic Table of Genetic Code and Number of Protons”, Moscow, 2001, 258 p. (in Russian; information on this book, on its content, etc. in English is at the site ).
Petoukhov believes that binary sub-alphabets of genetic code and its biperiodic table permit the investigation of the language of music more deeply and the creation of special forms of musical compositions characterized by the most physiological activity (so named “genetic music” or “genomusic”). Perhaps, due to its structural relationship with genetic code, this genetic music will be addressed to Jungian archetypes of people by the shortest route.
This theme of “genetic structured” music is a small addition to very interesting works by Juan Roederer รจ Michael Leyton. According to Petoukhov, physiological mechanisms and mathematical formalisms, analyzed for a theory of musical perception, should be coordinated (adjusted) with the specific structure of genetic code. Biological evolution can be interpreted in a whole as a process of deployment and duplicating of the certain forms of ordering (they can be named as “archetypes”). This thesis has a realization in physiologically effective music also. It also happens to dovetail very nicely with the theory of endosymbiosis I've highlighted more recently at subrealism, as well.
I'm glad to see that you're intent on elevating your game DV. I'd hate to see you continue floundering around with that airy fairy New Age spirituality, when you could go on ahead and get surgical with that shit - and be all that you can be.
Eating and screwing are basic to women and men. Beyond that it is mostly bullshit. There is good bullshit and bad. Good poetry and bad poetry.
There is no accounting for belief.
No belief is based on fact.
Belief is stuck with opinion
Opinion is NEVER fact.
Morality is in the mind of the beholder. Again a good social convention is to not allow violence as a base line for a secular human society.
Our present society controlled by Political religious freaks is based on violence.
War is always the default position in a Price System.
It grows the economy and that is what is cared about in the Price System.
The Price System feeds on fathers brainwashing their sons to believe in theology.
The Religious systems are all invented by the political systems to control people in a negative way.. through a class and caste system.
More airy fairy handwaving having nothing whatsoever to do with the subject at hand. Railing against apostate abuses of the religious impulse in no way falsifies the impulse itself.
Frankly Skip, your complaints have nothing to do with the profound range of human experience to which that impulse beckons.
One vigorously affirming, the other vehemently denying. Stevie got a lil'sumpin for both-a-y'all finger painters railing at one another across a chasm of mutual, reciprocal, and intentional misunderstanding.
When you believe in things that you dont understand,
Then you suffer,
Superstition aint the way
Make better efforts to understand, and it'll all be right as rain...,
CNu ...
I'm herding cats right now, but when I finish I'm going to get your soul and your head in perfect alignment with the sacred geometry you like to read about.
Until, then make no mistake that a true religious experience is not an exercise in mere "belief".
"Belief" is yet another overrated abstraction only important to your fractional self - the ego.
Stay close grasshopper and I will rescue you from the spiritual atrophy and Enlightenment menagerie of your colonized mind.
D.V. really... you sound like a religious flunky that is all so very over whelmed with their brainwashed information... and really suffering with an abstracted ego complex related to you your self being so ridiculously brainwashed with nonsense.
No doubt you are carrying on the cycle of wheel of polluting young peoples minds that keep the present system going.
Cnu... your all hot air as near as I can tell although I can agree with Stevie up above.
You couch things Cnu in your ridiculous pseudo intellectual garment wearing.
Even if you have a brain it would be impossible to tell with your posing like almost an intellectual serious clown. It is comic but annoying.
"Frankly Skip, your complaints have nothing to do with the profound range of human experience to which that impulse beckons."
You fucking idiot.
There is no accounting for belief.
No belief is based on fact.
Belief is stuck with opinion
Opinion is NEVER fact.
Skip, don't these truisms negate all your other statements? You must admit, everything you write about religion, the price system, the potential of technocracy, the intellectualism of CNu is belief/opinion, right?
Stay close grasshopper and I will rescue you from the spiritual atrophy and Enlightenment menagerie of your colonized mind.
I await the liberating balm of enlightenment master Vesey...,
Skipped, get help...,
There is no accounting for belief.
No belief is based on fact.
Belief is stuck with opinion
Opinion is NEVER fact.
"Skip, don't these truisms negate all your other statements? You must admit, everything you write about religion, the price system, the potential of technocracy, the intellectualism of CNu is belief/opinion, right?"
Technocracy Technate design is based on science.
Religion is based on bullshit.
The Price System is the system made up by the Political/Religious groups that came out of the middle east in particular Babylon.
The ''intellectualism'' as you phrase it is not my cup of tea because I consider him boorish because he can not talk in any other method than a peacock showing its tail feathers and looking in a mirror perhaps and admiring what it considers ''pretty thinking''.
Now that I admit is purely my opinion on that one. Someone else may love his flowery nonsense.
Skipped, what you fail to see is that I've simply scientifically verified and unified to the extent practical, a common source of inspiration for the worlds oldest, documented religious traditions.
I'm the last person in the world against whom you could credibly level your machinic harangues, but don't let that fact stop you from repeating your technate dogma ad nauseum.
It's funny to me how a little aiki-jutsu is required to overcome a fundamentalist.
Given time and sufficient latitude, he always and everywhere marginalize and defeat himself.
All you have to do is patiently watch, mildly provoke, and openly laugh.
lurking and laughing... Skip you are funny!
Thanks Accra baby.
There are many educated fools.. but no fools that are educated.
For religion to take hold, parents must atrophy their own children's minds by making them believe Faith is good. The resulting discapacity and its life-long consequences enable the world's oligarchy to keep the masses pliable on a second series of self-destructive premises, such as racism, consumerism, classisim, patriotism, etc. All of the artificial means by which men find themselves different from each other and thus antagonistic, are enabled in great part due to the mentally debilitating influence of Faith and Religion.
Sorry Cnu but you act like a dope.
When you find better information you could learn something and not get in a blustery sweat.
Whoever forms a reasoned opinion is right.
To Skip, DV, and Craig, where do you fall on the above statement by Ubaydallah al-Anbari? Additionally, are science and theology mutually exclusive?
Bringing a much needed respite, just as the monkeys had begun to fling feces in earnest and cheer on one another's energetic and indefatigable stupidity...,
I am in full accord with the Mut'azili First Obligation - and accordingly - consider science as the highest and best theological practice.
First Obligation
Mu'tazilis believed that the first obligation on humans, specifically adults in full possession of their mental faculties, is to use their intellectual power to ascertain the existence of God, and to become knowledgeable of His attributes. One must wonder about the whole existence, that is, about why something exists rather than nothing. If one comes to know that there is a being who caused this universe to exist, not reliant on anything else and absolutely free from any type of need, then one realizes that this being is all-wise and morally perfect.
If this being is all-wise, then his very act of creation cannot be haphazard or in vain. One must then be motivated to ascertain what this being wants from humans, for one may harm oneself by simply ignoring the whole mystery of existence and, consequently, the plan of the Creator."""""
More unadulterated bullshit of the highest order. It is clap trap like this that is a spin off from the basic and original conspiracy theory that CNu and D.V. are victims off.
No there is no Illuminati not really just bad actors that control and manipulate people and culture.
Why ?
Because they do not give a shit about you and want to exploit you.
That simple.
All conspiracy goes to the original conspiracy of Babylon in the context here.
That so called philospher/religious person was what ?
A manipulative idiot.
So what is real ?
Eating and fucking and maybe getting along with your fellow man in a system that is not intended to just fuck you over.
The current system Political and Religious is designed for one thing and one thing only.
To kick your ass and not even for an interesting purpose. Money making is not interesting.
CNu and D.V. are both romantic voodoo people.
Science is not related to religion
A good society does not care what people believe and also protects people from others beliefs (Democracy is a bad society it is controlled by special interest belief systems, a form of civil society belief contract.
Cnu digs his dumbed down fake intellectual pissing contest.
There is no accounting for belief.
You haven't leveled a single, on-topic or relevant criticism of what I've written yet. Frankly, you don't understand nor could you effectively "break down" any of what I originally wrote to DV - either on this thread - or - on the wanna make a baby thread.
Since for all practical purposes, you're the equivalent of an anonymous Internet fuckwad to me, you don't warrant a genuine pissing contest.
By your antics, once again, you've managed to marginalize yourself to the point where the most onto response I have to offer you is summed up in your new handle "skipped".
You are easily the least effective social activist on the face of the earth....,
If science is not related to religion then why are monks lke Occam and Mendel responsible for major scientific and intellectual breakthroughs? Is religion a precursor to science or something totally different in kind? Who was the first scientist and what was the first scientific discovery? Is there any way to know the answer?
Pharaonic Egypt was clearly a collective scientific enterprise. Predating, and interior to the Christian enterprise.
Sufism, yet another collective scientific enterprise - predating, and interior to Islam.
Vedanta and Ayurveda, a third collective scientific enterprise. Not the same as Hinduism, but predating, and interior to Hinduism.
Taoism - THE SUBJECT OF THIS MOTHERPHUKKING THREAD - still another esoteric scientific enterprise. Not the same as, but interior to and predating the hooda of the funky Bhudda.
Speaking of which, it was the correlation between genetic structure and the I-Ching - which I pointed out to Master Vesey - who in turn was having his next say on the heresy written to the wanna make a baby thread - disrupted by yet another feces flinging simian - WHO WOULD NOT BE IGNORED.
Bottomline Sub, it's very hard - and I suspect meaningless - to try to pinpoint the first scientist.
Culture is wild and promiscuous like that. However, what's fascinating as hail to me is to track the extent to which all the world's great, documented religious traditions share a common goal and much of the same symbolique. They all point toward the same objective, communion with non-human intelligence. THAT - my friend - was the first scientific discovery.
It means the efforts of the geniune religionists, (as contrasted with the apostate pimps against whom skipped repetitively rants) were centered on a common core, which core I believe to be the most ancient, pervasive, for all practical purposes, eternal and non-human intelligence on the earth. Communion with that was the original scientific enterprise and discovery.
The only way to KNOW the answer is to achieve the goal state of continuing inspired communion with that ineffable non-human intelligence.
Artifacts of that contact share numerous traits in common. (in this specific case, no. Ramon Lull was a fraud, but his Ars Magna was based on the Sufi Za'irajah - and as such - reflected its fundamentally inspired origins)
You can always and everywhere know them by their works Sub. It's in the art, the architecture, and the signs by which the interior quest is represented, recorded, and transmitted across generations and cultures.
That was lame and pretentious Cno. Not edifying. Just more happy horse shit from a guy that is egoistically challenged.
If God existed as we think of god, government could be theocracy.
If the human race was united, rational and philanthropic, it would have to be democracy.
If A.I. was sufficiently independent, intelligent and powerful, it would have to be technocracy.
Ask yourself which scenario is closer on the horizon: the existence of God, world peace, or powerful A.I.?
Important caveat:
A.I. under any form of human control other than the Technate design for North America is not technocracy, but oligarchy.
Rule by priests without God is not theocracy, but oligarchy.
Rule by elected representatives on an uneven playing field is not democracy, but oligarchy.
Oligarchy has historically been the most harmful form of governance in history.
''If science is not related to religion then why are monks like Occam and Mendel responsible for major scientific and intellectual breakthroughs?''
Because they had time. Time was something people did not have in the past. People worked and worked because human energy was the only energy. That is not true now... and even people like CNo has time to twiddle his thumbs making endless pointless statements...
''Is religion a precursor to science or something totally different in kind?''
Prayer, art and scientific research are three different flames that leap up from the same hearth.
Man wants to cross the frontier of the possible achievements that lie open to him at any given moment to reach beyond the limitation of his own small self.
Art and prayer are only hands outstretched in the dark.
People beg to give themselves away.
And Science ? It is the same begging hand as prayer.
Man throws himself into the dark rainbow which spans dying and living, in order to offer existence a home in the cradle of his little ego.
That is what science, art and prayer all do.
So that to sink into oneself is not to fall into the unconscious but to raise what is only dimly divined into the bright surface of consciousness.
Secular is a real word that means something. It means in this context.. not looking through a lens of religion. Thats all it means. D.V. throws that word around like it is connected to his imaginary Devil.
''Who was the first scientist and what was the first scientific discovery? Is there any way to know the answer?''
I will give you a word that is interesting.
Technique :
The root of this word is the Greek -techne- ('art', 'craft', or 'skill') which linguists have further traced to the Indo-European root teks - (to weave or fabricate).
From earliest times technique has been distinguished from other modes of human action by its purposive, rational.. step by step way of doing things.
In other words the person that constructed a nice drum or a really good spear or a nice basket using an interesting and useful technique was you could say the first scientist.
That person would have been admired for his or her achievement.
Unfortunately that early scientist may have been burnt at the stake if a D.V. had his way or a Cnu stood by and cheered on the witch doctor.
In other words a scientific society not run by belief systems and precluding special interest groups of belief is the best type of society for our future.
If we are interesting in survival.
If I'm the one who's "egoistically" challenged, why is it that you're the one who's obsessed with attempting to best me?
What you know about the topic of artificial intelligence wouldn't fill a thimble. So not only are you still completely off-topic, but now you're compounding the insult by showcasing your flaming ignorance of the subject matter that you've interjected!
How YOU think of God is the root cause of your abject personal failure.
You absolutely exemplify everything that you rail against. Technocracy is not a "calling" - it's simply a vehicle for your personal mental illness. Like I wrote to you up top, get help...,
Ah ha ha . Comical Troll. Another hissy fit.
Man you won't learn even when your little ego has been whipped. Hard headed idiot. Who you calling crazy?
Oh well. I know your type. You studied a little Neuro Linguistic Programming and now you think you are Tony Robbins and you can sell any manner of bullshit.
I bet you were a Scientologist for a while also ? Ha ha.
Here is another train of thought. Forget about the intellectual Dumbo above for a minute.
This segues into a comment :: 'there is no such thing as right and wrong, just wise and unwise decisions.
I posit that wise decisions are right, and unwise decisions are wrong.
Wisdom however, is subjective to the well-being of he who is wise.
It is my belief that the human race benefits the most when its altruistic.
Therefore, causing happiness in your fellow human being is wise, and good.
Causing unhappiness is unwise, and will eventually produce harm.
Any system of belief that values faith over reason is inherently wrong, unwise, and detrimental to humanity's well-being.
How to connect our humanity in an increasingly technological world?
Answer: by never assuming they are mutually exclusive.
Technology is a multiplier. All traits that are considered humane can be greatly increased by the use of technology.
Hatred first required the use of bare hands.
Technology provided sticks and stones, spears, bows, guns, bombs.
Love too, had no tools but prayer at first, and we know that was empty.
But technology provided clothing, shelter, transport, medicine, communication, leisure.
Human beings born today have at their disposal 6000 years of accumulated knowledge, plus a wealth of technological tools. Its up to you, to make the most humane use of it all.
"Why do we perceive giving answers to questions as knowledge?
If we had access to all the data in the world, would we be better informed or would we become even more ignorant?"
Answer: Giving answers to questions produces information.
All the data in the world is information. Information alone does not equate knowledge, the same way as owning a sack of rice does not sate hunger.
Eating, sates hunger, and thinking, produces knowledge.
Humans should think carefully about how to lead their lives in such way as to maximize their collective level of happiness.
You are PURELY the idiot's phukking idiot skipped - and you obviously know nothing whatsoever about me.
I studied neurophysiology and computer science in MIT's multi-disciplinary program for artificial intelligence, which program is now as fully defunct as the non-existent field and the anachronistic term itself you pustulant hemorrhoid.
What would absolutely benefit me most, is if every parasitic, fundamentalist, oxygen-thieving anal extrusion like yourself was abruptly, violently, and terminally raptured off the face of the earth.
Now THAT would be a blessing from above...,
I think you may be able to get a pill for that Cno.
1. You know man there are the stupid.
2. Then their are the full of shit.
3. There is also the pfucking nuts.
I won't label you with that last outburst of silly ego.. but you may choose from the above.
Cno evil hear no evil be no evil.
You ought to think about stopping the constant ranty bullshit and actually say something once in a while.
Oh.. and :
There are many educated fools.. but no fools that are educated.
Opinions are like assholes. Every one has one, some are perfect and others have hemorrhoids
skipped, I think it's about time you got shook...,
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