Friday, February 22, 2008

Hillary Clinton Surrenders? Or Is This "The Cry Before New Hampshire"

Submariner said ...
I may be amplifying these gestures and wandering from my background in emergency medicine into psychoanalysis but I think these were acts of concession. As I said previously, Clinton had a Gettysburg moment in Virginia. On March 4 Texas will become her Appomattox.

Isn't it typical of people like Hilary to call what they deem as "challenges" in their lives and place it smack dab in the center of the universe for all of us to take seriously?

a Challenege? What, you had a cheating husband who didn't give you AIDS

Your daughter has gone to the best schools that other parents can only dream of sending their kids to - yeah, they dream about it because dreams are ALL they have

Due to your current position of POWER, you along with other members of the senate voted to invade and occupy Iraq where I do believe WOMEN were blown up via carpet bombs along with Saddam soldiers - Hey, sisterhood is powerful, especially if you are white and have the power to vote for a military solution.

Yeah, what challenges you have been through, Hilary. Snif.


Anonymous said...

That was soooo the "cry before New Hampshire."

I wish all this wasnt so nicely packaged for TV. Then Obama could have told her to kiss his ass like he wanted to!


Anonymous said...

Three things stood out with one of them occurring off camera. First, John King relayed that prior to the debate Hillary Clinton approached Barack Obama backstage with some casual banter. Second, Hillary ended by saying how proud she was to have shared the platform with Barack. I may be amplifying these gestures and wandering from my background in emergency medicine into psychoanalysis but I think these were acts of concession. As I said previously, Clinton had a Gettysburg moment in Virginia. On March 4 Texas will become her Appomattox. Finally, Senator Obama directly challenged Senator McCain by name thereby asserting himself as standard bearer for the Democratic Party. This stage has been decided. Now let's see what happens next. I'm hoping for Chuck Hagel as a running mate and an inexorable march on the White House.

brotherkomrade said...

Isn't it typical of people like Hilary to call what they deem as "challenges" in their lives and place it smack dab in the center of the universe for all of us to take seriously?

a Challenege? What, you had a cheating husband who didn't give you AIDS

Your daughter has gone to the best schools that other parents can only dream of sending their kids to - yeah, they dream about it because dreams are ALL they have

Due to your current position of POWER, you along with other members of the senate voted to invade and occupy Iraq where I do believe WOMEN were blown up via carpet bombs along with Saddam soldiers - Hey, sisterhood is powerful, especially if you are white and have the power to vote for a military solution.

Yeah, what challenges you have been through, Hilary. Snif.

Michael Fisher said...

Brotherk, you done said all that had to be said.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone read this: Link?
