Thursday, January 24, 2008

Ron Paul - The Blackest Man In America

Name a more courageous champion of the truth ______________________ .


CNu said...

Dennis Kucinich, any day of the week...,

Denmark Vesey said...

Dennis Kucinich too ugly to be President.

Ron Paul aint JFK neither, but I couldn't look at that mofo through an entire news conference.

Kucinich promises you orthodox secular NeoLiberals a kinder gentler big government and multi-cultural utopia where white liberals teach the huddling obese masses to recycle, "Save Darfur", and ensure that never again will anyone have to experience Noosez! Noosez! All inda Newwz. Noosez!

Kucinich continues the lie that government has ever been or could ever be our friend.

Now, the logical extension of the Ron paul myth is the liberating meme: 'government has never been your friend'.

Ahhh grasshopper.

Imagine how many Plantation Negros, begging for even more government intervention in our lives, need to meditate on that.

Governments are businesses. The instant people fear government more than government fears people, the government becomes criminal. Like all criminal enterprises they take more from the 'governed' than they give.

If you fix roads and fight fires, you are taxing me.

If you start wars that kill millions and make your friends rich, you are robbing me and appear to intentionally spread evil.

If you wage a war on people disguised as a "war on drugs" you are without doubt the devil.

For you Secularists uncomfortable with biblical imagery, substitute 'Nazi' for evil and Hitler for 'devil'. You'll feel better.

(Holocaustism is a denomination of the Secular Religion)

Anonymous said...

"Dennis Kucinich too ugly to be President."

Sometimes sh*t is just this basic. LOL.

Anonymous said...

The American people are blind!! The truth can "spit" in their face and they would claim it was the rain. Similar to a woman that knows her man is cheating, and he tells her he was getting numbers for a friend.

Do I agree with everything Ron Paul has stood for? No, but do I think he could possibly be the "change" this country so desperately needs? YES!

DV, called him the "Champion of the truth", this reminds me of an old saying," a lie is easier to swallow than the truth". American people need to believe that everyone else is the "problem". Of course it could not be anything we are doing. WTF!!

In closing, the devil comes to kill, steal, and destroy!! Believe that!!