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Gold futures surged above $880 Tuesday to their highest level ever, not accounting for inflation, propelled higher by rising oil prices and a weak U.S. dollar. An ounce of gold for February delivery climbed as high as $884 on the New York Mercantile Exchange, topping by almost $10 its previous record of $875 set in 1980, and later settled at $880.30, up $18.3
How much gold would you like. There is more gold in one square mile of seawater than has ever been dug out of the ground in history.
It is a scam. The Technology is available to extract it now from the ocean. The ONLY reason they do not is because of the expense.
It costs about $150 bucks to dig a whole for it and it would be about 5 or 6 hundred to process it out of the sea.
The ocean contains ALL the components of minerals present in the land.
So. Why is it now being done this way ?
In a Price System only money counts and whether something makes money or not.
Join TNAT and become a Jammer.
Our country is currently on a death trip of money.
Nothing is going to work out because ALL choice is made using something that measures nothing.
Is it worth selling our society and the children to this system of Class.
This Class system is pointless.
Technology destroys the Price System.
If the Price System can not rule it may ruin.
So how much can you carry ?
One hundred pounds of the stuff?
Well whoopie doo.
It is worthless except as a component of teeth crowns and jewelry and that all should be without price in a good culture.
If we stick with this system you will reap its rewards. Death. In a desultory way.
Hello Suckers ~!~
I see the Fed just printed up another $60B the other day. What a sham. It's like a super-duper credit card that you never have to pay.
Very true Big J,
But worse than that, it makes the money in your pocket, the money in your checking account and the money in your 401(K) worth less.
If you had a $100 the other day, you now have $92 ... effectively.
Ron Paul will make your $100 worth $140.
Ron Paul doesn't possess the power to make your money worth anything, and he wouldn't have that power as president, just like none of the other president's have had that power. It's a pipe dream and you need to pass the pipe brother Vesey.
Since you obviously understand that the system is a sham, what exactly is the point of continuing to try to become a functioning part of this completely fucked up situation?
The brainwashed and the inculcated like the system because they are ignorant.
Either that or they believe in the everything for me and nothing for you theory espoused by retarded retreads such as Ron Paul.
Any one care about the children?
Not this system straight out of hell and Babylon. Ron Paul works for the devil.
This is completely off topic, but Skip, you're a pretty interesting dude. What's your real story? First you're an athiest stating you had no belief in God...all religion is a's all bs. However, you love making biblical references (hell, babylon, devil)? Is that mockery or do you have a hidden fascination with spirituality?
"Since you obviously understand that the system is a sham, what exactly is the point of continuing to try to become a functioning part of this completely fucked up situation?" Exodus Mentality
"Continuing to try to become a functioning part ..."
I'm not sure what you mean Brother Ex.
If you are asking why I support Ron Paul - it actually has very little to do with him becoming president.
I see Ron Paul's candidacy as an excellent opportunity to educate Americans and to liberate both Plantation Negros and Plantation whites from the mental bondage of government dependence.
I have studied religion my whole life out of interest. I referred to these people as Devil worshippers because I jokingly refer to them as such in my mind.
The have taken the original Babylonian creation myth(the basis of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam)which is a control mechanism to manipulate people with(later came the civil society codes 1800BC)and turned them into a witches brew of propaganda and brainwashing.
Why ?
To make money. To gain and keep power.
Why ?
NO conspiracy. No Illuminati. Just human greed.
We do not need the current scarcity based system any more.
We could have abundance.
For North America.
No charity needed.
Our current system is designed to control and manipulate people. That is why it was made this way.
Nothing is going to work out in this Price System because everything is based on something that has no value.
Religion is nonsense and opinion and belief.
I am a secular humanist.
Secular means without the lens of religion, and a humanist is someone that cares about people and the future of the children.
Ron Paul and people like that are a dead end.
They glorify money like their patron Goddess Ayn Rand, and their guru Allan Greenspan.
Adam Smith economics is 18th century scarcity based.
We live in an age of mechanical energy and scarcity Price System economics no longer will work.
Machines do the work now.
Our system is a relic.
We do not live in a free society.
We could though.
If we destroy our resource base it is all over and that window closes.
Check out the Technate design for North America. TNAT
We are looking for Jammers.
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