To pounce on Sharpton and others for calling attention to a misdeed is wrong. If black athletes and rappers must face jail time for societal infractions then I won't defend a white woman for falling into a similar trap of her own design. To call for the firing of this woman doesn't require a suspension of autonomy or submission to GSSW.
And Telemaque, when you liberally use words like 'Nigger' in a forum such as this you merely contribute CBA talent to an NBA game. It's quite gratuitous and unnecessary - and yes, I find it offensive. If you care to have your input seriously considered I suggest that you rein in such comments. Otherwise, you risk being the most marginal of benchwarmers.
Denmark Vesey said ...

Group Identity Politics is a lame hustle. Like Michael Fisher and Telemaque having the same IP Address.
What in the hell did we "win" with Imus? Does suspending a woman you never heard of ... "make you more comfortable" ... in the work place? Do you think your chances of being lynched, have actually decreased because the blonde anchor on the Golf Channel has been publicly rebuked?
Obsessing about race is a drug that has damaged the collective judgment of African-Americans worse than did crack cocaine.
The horn of Africa is on fire and the attention of African-Americans has been directed to some little fat conk haired Professional Victim of Racism. I'm sorry, but I'm not ashamed to admit I had hoped for something more from such a gathering of robust African-American intellects as we have here.
Racism is to the "Global System of White Supremacy", what the NFL is to Fantasy Football.
Our biggest political expression is an official non-event.
I choose not to play that game. Firing this woman is not a "victory" for black people nor a "loss" for white people. It's a loss of power for all people. Americans are being systematically conditioned to prosecuting other Americans for thought crimes.
Kelly Tilghman said the word "lynch". SHE DIDN'T ACTUALLY LYNCH ANYONE. Remember when crimes were deeds?
Today Sharpton and the other racial ambulance chasers demand a woman be fired for saying the word "lynch". Tomorrow people will be fired for questioning the official 911 story and using the word NeoCon.
Thank you for coming to my defense DV. Mr. Submariner is obviously to stuck in being a Planation Negro. Why even care what word is used for these colored people? "Nigger" was created by whites for Plantation Negroes. BLACK MEN and WOMEN don't care about the word. Get off the plantation, Mr. Submariner!
"Like Michael Fisher and Telemaque having the same IP Address.
If that's the case then "Telemaque" is satire.
So, DV have you figured out who rules China and Sweden yet?
Let me tell you where I'm from. NEw YORK. You need to be more careful about choosing sides.
Group Identity Politics is a lame hustle.
What would your namesake think? I'll give you as long as you need to ponder this one. As for my views on GSSW, you can look through your archives and follow my exchanges with Michael Fisher.
Hail, hail, fire and snow
Call the angel we will go
Far away, for to see
Friendly Angel, come to me
Children's chant for summoning the friendly angel of white supremacy....., (in all its many aliases)
"Children's chant for summoning the friendly angel of white supremacy....., (in all its many aliases)"
This evening I was reminded of what Harriet Tubman stated:
"I freed thousands of slaves. I could have freed thousands more, if they had known they were slaves."
and in addition that Bobby Wright reminded us of what B.F. Skinner said:
"B. F. Skinner articulated that it is possible to delude people into believing that they have the essence of life, freedom and dignity... and still control them."
Bobby Wright
Pod people living in the Matrix who fear logic, love the blue pill, and worship the ofay "kilroy Was Here" bluepillman.
Nity nite. Sleep tight.
Well, submariner, since you are Haitian you should know all about white supremacy.
Haiti freed by enslaved Africans only to have on it imposed a regime of monetary reparations by the former French slave master and traitorous collaborators in 1824 which reparations payments lasted 122 years until 1946, and then the people of Haiti being blamed for "not developing their infrastructure" and "economy".
However, imagine if these Africans had stayed asleep. There would have been no need to refine white supremacy, no need to "abolish" slavery in the British Empire, no need to "free" the slaves in the US.
The Haitian people taught the white slave masters what black people, destitute and debased, once awake, can accomplish: Defeat the combined armies of the greatest European superpowers of the day and deny them the most profitable generator of wealth in the Western Hemisphere. Something neither the mighty Japanese nor the Chinese had accomplished to date.
No wonder the ofays rushed to put the black Tiger back to sleep by singing lullabys to the black "intellectual" elite.
And thus here quite a few are today, snoring gently, transformed into puddycats.
More GSWS comedy gold...,
Folks busted perpetrating imaginary gay groupie avatars talking about pod people, blue pills, and sleep?
Say any damn thing you wanna. Its free speech. Your running out of air Mr. Submarine.
Without free speech you breath your own exhaust.
Who gives a frucken nutshell what Trump thinks or does?
Maybe (maybe not) Telemaque is an imaginary gay groupie, but Kilroy cult worship is quite real. Unfortunately no satire there.
I just now clicked on your Kilroy noise "Telemaque" - and I must say - coupled with the homo-erotic affectations of your alias, your complaints sound an awful lot like jealousy.
What's funny here, is that Alan doesn't opine in any of his detailed, extensive, and openly falsifiable writings about a "dopamine hegemony". He makes his contentions, and unlike the superstitions you preach, his are open to contradiction and critique. In fact, they've been set forth that way for precisely that purpose, i.e., the pursuit of truth.
The fact of the matter, is that dopamine hegemony is an original take on the situation related to William Pensingers characterization of western culture as a genocidal "monoculture". My contribution to understanding consists in specifying the mechanism by which the monoculture proliferates in the modern context, making itself "hegemonic."
The reason all your quacking is comedic, is because it's all so patently unfalsifiable and you lack the basic talent and initiative to improve upon it in any meaningful way. This leaves you with nothing but breath and britches on which to hang your ideological hat. Clearly only the weak-minded and needy are moved by breath and britches "Telemaque".
What infuriates and frustrates you more than anything else is that someone could critically review your feeble presentation of the GSWS and reject it out of hand due to lack of evidence and incapacity on your part to make a credible case. Thus making you exactly like that alien "angel" Gorgon in that classic Star Trek episode. The only minds you could ever influence are childlike minds.
The fact that your antics have now marginalized you to a figure of pure ridicule, well, that's just all down to you....,
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