"We are choosing hope over fear ... Not red states and blue states, but the United States ... The time for change has come ... They said it couldn't be done ... We are one nation ... We are one people ... Our time for change has come ... I'll end tax breaks for companies that ship our jobs overseas and I'll give the middle-class a tax cut ... I'll free this nation from the tyranny of oil ... I'll end this war in Iraq and bring our troops home ... I'll restore our moral standing in the world ... 911 was not just a way to scare up votes but a challenge to unite America against the common threats of the 21st century - terrorism, genocide, climate change ... yada yada yawn.
I love brother Obama. But if you listen carefully, there is not a dimes bit of difference between what he, Hillary, Huckabee or Romney promise to do for this country. He brings a lot of soul and sincerity to the same ol' promises to right a sinking ship.
Before he gets my vote he is going to have to:
1) Not only stop this war IMMEDIATELY, but change US Foreign Policy for good by dismantling the 700 military bases in 130 foreign countries.
2) Repeal the Federal Drug laws that have unnecessarily incarcerated 1 million Americans
3) Dismantle the Department of Miseducation
4) Promise not to attack Iran
5) Promise LESS government in our lives and more FREEDOM for individuals
You're not gulping the Haterade, but you are just takin' a little itty bitty sip, cuz. :-)
Let the brotha have his moment.
You and I both know he doesn't represent the serious changes that would come from the election of Ron Paul, but give the black man his moment to shine.
Ditto re: the mannerable sips of Haterade. :-)
I'm behind this BLACK MAN, his black wife and his two beautiful black little girls 100%.
I'm behind the 1 MILLION BLACK MEN in prison, their 1.5 MILLION WIVES AND GIRLFRIENDS, and their 3.2 MILLION BEAUTIFUL BLACK CHILDREN largely because of an insane drug policy that Barack has not even mentioned.
Other than a penis and some pigment name a difference between what Barack and Hillary will do as president.
Come on Robyn think.
Um hm.
See what I mean?
Are you telling me that your children growing up in an America with a black president would be meaningless to them? Surely you jest! Are you telling me that the election of a man named Barack Obama, a Kenyan name like yourz, no less, is crumbs on the table?
You should be crediting the transformative nature of hip hop for this!
Well, for one, I do believe that a Clinton presidency results in a war with Iran. An Obama presidency does not. I believe that, more generally, a Clinton presidency would result in other foreign interventions, perhaps in Pakistan, Venezuela, etc. She is a Bilderberg and a CFR. He is not.
But I don't have a crystal ball and neither do you.
For the moment, though, stop hatin' on the brotha and let him have shine. He competed and he won. And that'a all that we can ask for in life - a chance to compete.
But I do note that the media didn't even acknowledge Paul, play his speech last night. That's some BULLSHET GERALDO!! Paul came in 4th and I think he won certain segments of the GOP and independt voting blocs.
Good post Big J,
My pops is on the other line singing your praises.
I really dont see a difference in what ANY OF THEM will do given the constrained design of govt here in the US. The system of the US government doesnt allow any of them to come in, set up shop and blaze trails absent ties to bullshit lobbyists and powerful business interests or without roadblocks created by the opposite party.
None of what any of them says is concrete to me. So with that, whats wrong with rooting for the candidate that looks like me.
...and I agree wholeheartedly with the symbolic effect of having a Black man as president of the US. That alone is enough for me!!
Tell Pops to get to a computer and type something. I'd love it!
Well, for one, I do believe that a Clinton presidency results in a war with Iran. An Obama presidency does not. I believe that, more generally, a Clinton presidency would result in other foreign interventions, perhaps in Pakistan, Venezuela, etc. She is a Bilderberg and a CFR. He is not.
But I don't have a crystal ball and neither do you.
Ain't none-of-em calling the shots, and none-of-em can alter the relevant reality mechanics driving the situation. The mainstream political theatre is only there to distract the suggestible from the real work that's been proceeding apace for quite some time now.
"Mendacity of hope" is more like it - and the symbolic effect of having a Black man for president is nothing less than to permanently bind our moral and spiritual destiny to that of the impyre....,
You gotta meet DV's pops. He's regal.
RJ hit the nail on the head. No one can single-handedly change all the things we'd like to change - not even Ron Paul. Even if Paul won, he wouldn't be able to govern, assuming they'd let him live!
Change comes from the PEOPLE, not the government. The people have to move first; the government is the slowest actor in the world.
Re: Pops, I can only imagine. I secretely have a thing for regal OBD's. (old black dudes). :-). I can peg them upon utterance of just one word.
Whats so funny is that without even meeting the man, I know he's the only one who can make DV shut his trap!
Barack Obama is the Tiger Woods of politics.
Barack Obama is the Tiger Woods of politics.
Best post you've made in a while, DV, imo.
i am NOT voting Ron Paul. Too Randian.
i'd prefer not to vote Obama, but Galloway has a point: He might be the only viable Dem to win over Hillary.
I prefer Kucinich; why aren't the blogosphere getting behind him? Have you looked at his platform? It's stellar.
Now, back to reality: Hillary was the only dem candidate seen at the last Bilderberg. i'm guessing she'll 'win.' :|
Xyb0rg brings a moment of abject clarity takes a quantum leap outside the box, and envisions the perfect face of governance!!!
..Is Senator Obama ~ who really has nothing to lose at this point ~ possessed of the raw gutsiness to double his political bets and altogether pre-empt the entire question of America’s willingness to accept a man like himself in the role of CEO, by tapping General Powell as his running mate and teasing the American electorate with the eye-popping prospect of two Black rulers in the West Wing at the same time? Indeed, may the answer to that age-old conundrum not lie on the far side of so brazen a display of sheer political sass? For, what other coupling could possibly match it? What presidential tag team would even come close? The US elections would be over before they had barely begun...
...The breathtaking possibility of two Black men ~ each of the very highest calibre and pedigree ~ assuming power as both president and vice president of a country still so contorted and torn by its ghastly legacy of racial bigotry would dramatize and electrify the United States of America and the world beyond her shores. It would transform the national dialogue in that country and galvanise her electorate as never before. As the quintessential Manichean obverse to Bush/Cheney, the Obama/Powell administration would revolutionise the global identity of America and infuse her with a new momentum and meaning.
A Democrat like Senator Obama and a Republican like General Powell would provide the perfect bi-partisan ideological balm that could heal a divided America and surge her toward a better tomorrow. Such an Obama-Powell Presidency would be nothing short of messianic and would renew America’s purpose in our world.
This possibility cannot be allowed to be a mere “dream”; for America and the world’s sake, it must become reality.
I am with DV, I give Brother Obama all the respect that he deserves, however he is not the only Black Man in this country with an education , he is not the only Black Man in this country with an intact family. I am not hating on the Brother but I am listening with my third ear when the Rushes, and hannitys speak about the Brother,I live out here in AR and I am telling you all you are about to see the Clintons show thier true colors. I am not going to allow Brother Obamas rock star status take my mind off the million bothers who are fodder for the prison industrial complex or the people who came before Brother obama. The people who got dogs turned on them, water hoses, and the folks who are stil homeless in New Orleans. See it would not mean one thing to me if Obama became POTUS as long as one young Brother was jailed unfairly, all the older folks that lived thru JIM CROW still havent received any repairations for what they had to live through, NO family we cant let them even begain to think they are off the hook because of Brother Obama.
As you are a friend, and I lack the requisite skill and ardor, I won't attempt to dismember you but will raise some points for consideration.
First, I'm sorry that you couldn't share in last night's exultation. Being a Knicks fan I'm well accustomed to being denied the pervasiveness of joy. Following a tradition ranging from Jack Johnson to Muhammad Ali to the rappers that I witnessed on the street corners of Jamaica, Queens I engaged in a bit of lighthearted banter at the expense of an honorable competitor.
However, on a more serious note I pity you the way you pity persons who would overlook the superlative skill of Kobe Bryant's athleticism or the sublimity of Lil Wayne's unorthodox verbiage. Barack Obama is the kind of politician that you and I won't see again until we're old men wearing Depends and bound to wheelchairs.
What you advocate for are definitely worthy goals. But like any serious achievement it won't be delivered by fiat or decree but will have to earned through hard work and swimming against serious current. Among the blogosphere, you are peerless in your ability to make what James Agee called "an independent inquiry into certain normal predicaments of human divinity." You copiously acknowledge and defend the stature of a segment of humanity that is all too readily dismissed. Most critics, and Bill Cosby is quite conspicuous, peer into black culture and see obscenity and terror. But you and I are able to discern the snicker behind the sneer and the tenacious dignity veiled by brio.
According to Richard Neustadt, a President's greatest sources of power are his prestige among the nation and his personal reputation among Washington elites. The legal authority detailed in Article 1 of the Constitution are but a fraction. A President's increased use of such rigid legal mechanisms paradoxically diminishes his compulsory power. And power is not an infinite commodity nor is it suitable to all circumstances. Today in Iraq we are taking a refresher course on the limits of power that General Giap taught the French and Americans a couple of generations ago. Nothing is more self-defeating than the misapplication of power.
The dangers facing human existence have been assiduously chronicled by Craig Nulan. But by inserting Colin Powell in the equation even Craig has revealed the boundary of his near omnicompetence and the great expanse that must be covered by Obama. Nearly a decade ago Powell was solicited like a Ulysses Grant or Dwight Eisenhower to become President of the United States. He declined. Today Barack has defied convention and with a combination of smarts, charm, relentless personal ambition, courage and a wellspring of good intentions he has contended for the Presidency. He is immensely greater than General Powell who betrayed his gravitas to serve and contrive for a dauphin or lilliputian like George W. Bush. America is in desperate need of a makeover. Even thoughtful conservatives like William Niskanen, chairman of the Cato institute, agree that the Bush legacy is a dangerous one. What better way to start with than a tan? Besides, do Xyb0rg and Nulan really believe that Powell could add more to the Pharaonic splendor or majesty of a Barack and Michelle Obama in the White House?
DV, I appreciate your support for Ron Paul, but in the game of politics, he's barely competing for the championship. He's Derek Fisher against Jordan in his prime. Your support and influence may distract potential Obama voters. You're a chess player, so study the game and make the best move.
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