Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Michael Fisher said...
I was just agreeing with, was it Ed?, about who the media white folks like to push, and the homo-erotic thing they got going.

I think I'm going to do a special post or series on black folks in Europe, specifically in Germany.

These German black kids are literally going insane.

Most of them have white mothers and absent black fathers or when the have the black parent around are constantly bombarded with the "liberal" variety of racism and get all disoriented. Especially the females who tend to get "preferential" treatment as opposed to the males.

accra said...
Really Mike? that's interesting!

I'm half black ( father) and half german( mother)lived for years in Nuremberg..and feel pretty normal.

Denmark Vesey
said ...
Brother Mike. What is it about this young lady that you find "homo-erotic"?


Anonymous said...

it's funny, for someone that is so opposed to the 'white system' Fisher has definitely adopted the way they envy and try to play God.

When did God take a break and grant Fisher the power to define and regulate femininity?

A woman is a woman just how her Creator made her. If she's high yella or blue black, she's still a sista. Whether she's slim and trim, or sporting curves for days (put a week on it) she's still a woman!

How arrogant to suggest that a woman that does not fit into your own personal box of attractiveness is less than a woman!

Ayo is a beautiful woman. Period.

Anonymous said...

I agree.

Anonymous said...

That's about how I picture Accra too!

I've been to Berlin. Nice city. People were pretty cool except for when an American FBI agent told us to leave a night club because we were in danger. . .

Michael Fisher said...

Na ja, Accra. Und wo in Nuernberg?

Haste schon mal von der Initiative Schwarzer Deutsche gehoert?

Michael Fisher said...

Michael Fisher...

"Especially the females who tend to get 'preferential' treatment as opposed to the males."

Michael Fisher said...

Kalena said...

"When did God take a break and grant Fisher the power to define and regulate femininity?"

I'm not regulating "femininity", the media is. Besides who is "regulating femininity"? Your's truely or DV who gives out "The Denmark Vesey Most Beautiful Woman On The Planet Award"?

Ayo is a woman, and may be a beautiful one (by whose standards?), but she ain't the most "Most Beautiful Woman On The Planet" as DV dubbed her.

Personally I saw a sister here in the ATL in a bookstore yesterday - I couldn't take my eyes offa her (I tried hard not to stare) for hours on end, she was so damn fine.

Unfortunately neither Jimmy Iovine, nor the white-run media would ever put her on an album cover as a symbol of femininity.

Too dark, too strong.

Denmark Vesey said...

"Unfortunately neither Jimmy Iovine, nor the white-run media would ever put her on an album cover as a symbol of femininity." M. Fisher

Why do we need Jimmy Iovine or the "white-run" media to put black women we think are beautiful on album covers?

If People Magazine can pick "50 Most Beautiful People" award - why can't Denmark Vesey pick 1? Which ultimately, was the point of the post. Supremacy belongs to those who exercise it.

That's the danger of buying into the "Global System of White Supremacy" myth. It encourages black people to think they need white validation when they don't.

Making "White Supremacy" a self-defeating prophecy.

Michael Fisher said...

"It encourages black people to think they need white validation when they don't."

Logic ain't your forte, eh, DV?

Also, nobody said you can't pick. What is revealing is who you would pick. You clearly think that light-skinned boyishly-built women are the most beautiful women in the world.

Fine, no problem. I think there's homo-erotic thing going an here. Plus, I think a white-washed-brain-thing going on with you.

You don't think so. No problem.

Denmark Vesey said...

"You clearly think that light-skinned boyishly-built women are the most beautiful women in the world." Michael Fisher

You clearly can't think of anything besides 'skin color' and you must spend a great deal of time around boys with long smooth legs, plump asses and perky breasts.

Maybe that's how you were built when you were a boy, but neither I nor any of my partners looked like Ayo.

But let's not beat around the bush Mike.

Why are you playing that old ass game of "light skin" vs "dark skin"?

Wasn't that shit played out in the 70's?

Funny how those obsessed about "White Supremacy" pick up right where Massa left off.

Divide and Conquer

Intellectual Insurgent said...

"Unfortunately neither Jimmy Iovine, nor the white-run media would ever put her on an album cover as a symbol of femininity."

Fuck Jimmy Iovine and the media. If the woman was so "beautiful" and really is the symbol of femininity you say she is, MARRY HER.

Michael Fisher said...

LOL. What, I'm gonna marry a woman I happened to see at a bookstore?

Intellectual Insurgent said...

Why not? Stranger things have happened. :-)

Anonymous said...

What I found to be specifically enlightening regarding the recent exchange between Mike Fisher and DV prompted by this photo, is that, as much as I respect Mike’s extreme intellect and diligent persuasion, the fallacy in his argument re: the GSWS, shone like the morning sun.

When that pic was first posted, my initial reaction to it was, something to the effect of, “Wow! Now, that chic resembles me”. That is precisely how I wear my hair, our skin tone and body types are similar and really, the only most recognizable difference between the two of us would be the shape of our noses. So fascinated was I by the similarity that I shared the photo with my sister, not having a clue as to who exactly this person was.

It was somewhat gratifying (albeit unnecessary) to see that “someone else” appreciates the beauty that I see in myself.

Enter Mike Fisher and his derogatory commentary.

Exit Kimberly from the rehab of, as CNu would say, “deductivism gone wild”.

After months and months of swallowing whole this theory of the GSWS, reading on the daily how some white racist idiot “triumphed” once again over my brethren with his cold and calculated methods, waiting patiently for the plan to unravel it all, I realized that in all actuality, according to Mike Fisher, that “I” ain’t even black enough.

Michael Fisher said...


"I realized that in all actuality, according to Mike Fisher, that “I” ain’t even black enough."

Define "black". if you would, please.

Michael Fisher said...

Accra, Wo bist Du denn?

Anonymous said...

Why exactly are folks jumping on Mike for expressing what is, frankly, not a new criticism?

You guys are responding to him like he's the first person to ever note that features that are typically more "caucasian looking" are more commonly dubbed beautiful.

Personally, I think my boy had a point. At a minimum he raised an interesting jumping off point discussion wise. Sometimes folks here act like DV is beyond challenge. I love him, but the negro dont know everything. Mike simply pointed to DV and his "most beautiful award" as a basis to question this widely held beauty belief.

Again, whats so wrong with that?

I'm not sure how this got morphed into a "who is more Black contest" or a "how femininty is defined contest." More specifically, I'm not sure how this is reasonably taken as an attack on light skinned chicks.

Folks are funny sometimes.

Anonymous said...

Mike, Ich bin in Accra, und wo bist Du oder wo sind sie? Mein deutsche ist nitch mehr so gut.
Wie so kanst du so gut deutshe sprechen?

Michael Fisher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael Fisher said...

Ich bin in Atlanta. Ich habe lange in Deutschland gelebt und dort Jura studiert. Im uebrigen bin ich der selben Herkunft was meine Eltern angeht wie Du. Nicht das dies irgend jemanden angeht. Obwohl Robyn es weiss.

Anonymous said...

What part of "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" don't people understand.

Keep things simple and try not to convince a house cat to be a tiger, it never will be.

Denmark Vesey said...

"Keep things simple and try not to convince a house cat to be a tiger, it never will be." Chemical Turk

Nice CT.

I like that.

Anonymous said...

Ich habe zehn jahre in Atlanta gelebt. Es gefalt mir sehr gut.
Ich hoffe das niemand hier deutsche lesen kann. Ich habe zeit lange nicht deutsche geschreibt, und habe fast alles vergessen. Hoffentlich kommt alles wieder zuruck.

Michael Fisher said...


"Ich hoffe das niemand hier deutsche lesen kann."

Na ja, du kannst mir ja jederzeit ein e-mail schicken.
