Thursday, December 20, 2007

Guess. This Is Christmas In ______________________ ?

A. Aspen
B. Switzerland
C. Canada
D. Iran

(Hint: According to Corporate Media this place is an "Axis of Evil" where women and homosexuals are stoned daily.)


Intellectual Insurgent said...

While the PC thought police ban references to Christmas in America, Muslim Iran is having a ball this merry time of the year.


Anonymous said...

When referring to Iran its "having a ball this merry time of year." When referring to America is "consumerism run a muck."

Pick a lane. Both of you.

I hear yall that America and its war is full of shit, but this "the Middle East can do no wrong" kick were on is a bit much.

Denmark Vesey said...


I would be fascinated to learn how you arrived at that interpretation of our discussions involving the "middle east".

Maybe you are not quite as ramped up on the negative propaganda the "middle east" (Arabs and Muslims) have been subject to over the past few years - but it has led to the death of over a million of them in the past 10 years.

To put that in relative terms - the deaths of brown Arabs over the past few years is fast approaching the deaths of white Jews in what has since become the Holocaust.

Your tax dollars paid for much of that death.

Now, I'm sorry if I find the Iranian reality of relatively decent people contrasted with the media presentation of a nation of 15 million little Adolf Hitlers perplexing - but I do.

I also find it an excellent reminder of how easily people can be demonized - whether they are "Iranians" or "Rappers".

Intellectual Insurgent said...

I would be fascinated to learn how you arrived at that interpretation of our discussions involving the "middle east".

Me too.

Anonymous said...

We dont disagree about the war, nor am I blind to the propaganda.

My comments started with these photos. What I see are middle easterners doing the same things as Americans at Xmas time. Some shop, some go to church, some ski, some engage in charity and some just chill in expensive ass sunglasses. My question is (and was) how these acts in one country are looked at negatively, and in another they are "merry" and "happy." Answer me that.

Denmark Vesey said...

I'm not familiar with the position that believes shopping, skiing, attending church or wearing sunglasses is 'negative'.

However, to call this annual Orgy of Conspicuous Consumption in America, merely "shopping", is an understatement of Biblical proportion.

I think what makes these images of Iranian people ... behaving like people ... novel, is that there currently a desperate attempt in the corporate media to 'dehumanize' them.

You will NEVER see these images in the NY Times.

Why not? Who's making that decision?

Why do they only show us fanatical looking religious nuts waving guns and chanting "Jihad"?

I suspect it is easier to sell Americans on the idea of nuking Muslim "Fundamentalists", than it is to sell them the idea of nuking skiers who shop, celebrate Christmas, ski and wear sunglasses.

So ...

Instead of waking up next week and hearing CNN explaining why there is a mushroom cloud over Tehran - I'm documenting the run-up now.

I'm a little surprised my efforts resemble the Iranian Minister of Tourism.


Intellectual Insurgent said...

My takeaway from the photos is that in a Muslim country...

People feel comfortable to be Christian

Celebrate Christmas and

Hang signs that say Merry Christmas.

In America, an allegedly Christian country...

People feel uncomfortable even acknowledging Christmas, relying on the hollow "Happy Holidays" banner to not offend our nation of hypersensitive cry babies. I actually had to look hard for Christmas cards this year that actually said Christmas.

What an odd state of affairs.