Friday, December 21, 2007

Buy Land. They Aint Making No More


J.C. said...

Private property is a dead end.

Most crime, over 90% is directly related to private property.

It is no longer needed in a good society.

Unless, you are voting for the Austrian economic school of Price System flunky`s like Ron Paul and that is like putting a gun to the head of our culture.

Private property is part of the control mechanism of maintaining a class/caste system.

Capitalism or Communism or Libertarianism is only that.

All that crap is based on Adam Smith, theory of labor economic theory.
Hello Babylon.

Denmark Vesey said...

Yeah aight Trotsky.

I'm am going to email you a PO Box where you can UPS your 'private property'.

My great grandfather grew up on the land in this picture.

It means a lot to me that his great grandsons play on it too.

It's interesting how fascist you NeoLiberal secular High Priests of Technocracy can flip it.

J.C. said...

What could be more fascistic than shooting someones ass over a piece of ground ?
You can not seem to get it through your noggin that you are supporting a feudalistic rehash from back in the slave days. Wage slavery replaced human slavery because of the increase in extraneous mechanical energy available.

We could be a plenty based society.
Open your mind ?

You know they are not going to play on it, because in this system someone will destroy it to make money.