Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Ricky Williams To Return To Miami Dolphins

Dolphins running back Ricky Williams has applied for reinstatement to the NFL. He hasn't gotten high on drugs "in maybe three years," and has no need to resume using marijuana because yoga has eased his stress. He said he's off marijuana because yoga— "the spiritual practice part of it" —has given him "a way to relax without having to use anything."

A league full of steroids, lithium, alcohol and prozac bans a man for 18 months because of marijuana . What's up with institutional mandate against canabis?


Anonymous said...

it makes people think...outside the box that's designated as outside the box...

Anonymous said...

yoga, to ease stress and tension and bring spiritual alignment.....

imagine that. do you thing Mr williams.

I just returned to my high school today and found out that they teach Kundalini yoga as an after school program. I am in.


Anonymous said...

He'll soon be reminded why he disregarded his gladiator job in the first place and instead opted to travel the world, learn a few new things, party with Lanny Kravitz and puff a lil herb.

I just think that 'sacrifice your body' shit will get real old, real soon all over again for him.

Denmark Vesey said...

You aint lyin' MJB.

If football is not a microcosm of a plantation - I don't know what is.

Players - Slaves
Coaches - Foreman
Team Owners - Plantation Owners

Players are bought, sold and traded. Coaches are hired and fired based on their ability to get the slaves ...oops, players to 'produce'.

Players / Slaves are publicly punished for insolence - Terrel Owens.

In baseball, Barry Bonds ultimate crime was simply being "sullen".

greenIAM said...

Sounds like he's broke. Why else would he want to return to the plantation?

in college i wrote an essay for my student newspaper that compared college football to slavery and funny thing my black coaches sat me on the bench for 3 games.

Anonymous said...


Now that they have a 24-hour NFL channel you can see all parts of the beast including the NFL Combine. So I was at this spot having lunch one day last winter and they happened to be showing the soon to be rookie 'slaves', ahem, I mean players at the combine and although I'd lost my sports jones a few years ago and I knew the metaphor well and I had already digested Bill Rhoden's great book "40 Million Dollar Slave", but the imagery of that shit made my stomach churn.

It was only weeks before when I had happened upon some old pre-civil war era photos and sure enough there were some photos of the slaves at auction, being evaluated by eager eyed young white bidness men, being prodded and measured and shown in all of their physical glory.

The parallel's are striking and I can never look at football in the same way.

On another note, I bet Ricky decided to burn one to celebrate his being able to come out of the field and get back on the field! LOL

Ibrahim, that's crazy.

Denmark Vesey said...

Ibrahim .... Whaaaaa?

Them handkerchief head Plantation Negros can be the worst.

"Whew U Dank U Izz, Ritin' Paypus 'bout futbawl n Plantayshuns?!"

Yeah MJ,

The Football Religion is encouraged by the secular elite to compete with the church.

Notice all the ritual around football, from painted faces, to "Fantasy Leagues", to Jersey's to icons -

It's not accident Football comes on Sunday's.

The Superbowl has as much ritual and hooplah as an Incan human sacrifice.

Anonymous said...

"If football is not a microcosm of a plantation - I don't know what is."

Her's your chance to build a better plantation DV. That's the solution you presented. Apply it to this plantation. As a matter of fact, alluding to Barry gives me the impression that you view all preofessional sports as plantations. (Does that apply to hockey as well, or just the sports where Negroes are most prominent?)

What does your better plantation across the street look like?

And another thing. If professional sports is analagous to plantations, then what does that say about all the rest of society where there are employees (slaves), middle managers (foremaen) and Business owners (plantation owners). Do you have a job? Are you free or a slave? Who owns all those plantations DV? Do you see where you are going brother? Do you really think you and I think so differently that we need to make an issue of it?

Denmark Vesey said...

“Is professional hockey a microcosm of a plantation system?” Exodus


“What does your better plantation across the street look like?” Exodus

1) I own it.
2) I’m not outside in front begging others to let me in.
3) I am not promoting treatise suggesting the owners of competing plantations “have Supremacy”.

“What does that say about all the rest of society”? Exodus

Much of society is built upon the plantation model. What’s unique about professional sports that feature black athletes is the intensity of the media obsession and the corresponding editorial used to promote particular memes that empower a few and weaken many.

Non-threatening conformist (team player) athletes like Tim Duncan are for the most part covered favorably. Self-aggrandizing individualists like Kobe Bryant, who challenge plantation authority, are routinely crucified by the myth-makers.

My plantation, like Hip Hop, would reverse that paradigm. A.I., Kobe, Terrell would be celebrated as heroes, as the embodiment of American individualism (all the myth they attached to the Founding fathers). Boring, corny, go-along to get-along Negros like Duncan would be treated like … well, boring, corny, go-along to get-along Negros.

Fair? Who cares? In this war of media, myth and memes it is simply Detente.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Tim Duncan just has an easy going personality. I don't think all black men need to be war dogs.

Denmark Vesey said...

You right Beauty.

Not all brothas should walk around with their fists balled up.

Baltimore, huh?

Patterson Park, Chase and Biddle Streets are my old stomping grounds.