Thursday, April 22, 2010

Jewish Dominance and Exploitation of the Black Civil Rights Movement ... According to Jews

Many observers argue that the presumed Jewish altruism and social activism in the American civil rights movement of the 1960's had baser motives. Benjamin Ginsberg argues that the multicultural coalitions spearheaded by Jews in the civil rights era "was a political tactic" to "undermine the power" of those establishment social forces that hindered further Jewish socio-economic advancement. [GINSBERG, p. 125]

In 1975 Hasia Dinner wrote a PhD thesis about the way that "Jewish support for black causes was a way for Jews to broaden their own rights without becoming conspicuous by advocating their group interests." [FEINGOLD, p. 130]

"Jewish leaders," wrote Diner, "representing different socio-economic classes, ideologies, and cultural experiences committed themselves to black betterment and gave time, money, and energy to black organizations. The spectrum was so wide and the involvement so extensive that one must conclude that these leaders acted out of peculiarly Jewish motives ... [My] book demonstrates that Jewish ends were secured by involvement with blacks." [DINER, p. xiv, xii]

"The Jewish struggle for equality and fair treatment," says Jonathan Kaufman, "was linked to the struggles of Blacks for greater opportunity. It was not a struggle of equals; Jews did not consider their plight equal to that of Blacks. But they recognized in the Black struggle for civil rights elements that could benefit them and conditions with which they sympathized." [MARTIN, p. 131]

Hence, perhaps three-quarters of the funding for the three major civil rights organizations -- the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, The Congress of Racial Equality, and Martin Luther King's Southern Christian Leadership Conference is attributed to Jewish sponsorship.
[MARTIN, p. 132]
-- Joe Wood, (African-American author),
in Berman, Paul. Blacks and Jews: Alliance and Arguments,
Delacorte Press, NY, 1994, p. 112

-- Israel Shamir


Michael Fisher said...

The Jews Are White, The Jews Are Free

Unknown said...

thanks for this, DV.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

According to Fisher, everyone is White.

Michael Fisher said...


"According to Fisher, everyone is White."

And how would that be, Ms. Non-Abd?

Intellectual Insurgent said...

Oh goodness, here we go with the Socratic dialectic. Excuse me if I pass on another boring ride on this worn out, creaking merry-go-round.

Anonymous said...

Is there any evidence that Jewish sponsors forced their financial resources on any of these organizations?

makheru bradley said...

OK DV, based on this premise, w/o Jewish funding of the CRM there would be no 1964 Civil Rights Act, no 1965 Voting Rights Act, and no 1968 Fair Housing Act.

So once again. Do you favor a repeal of those acts?

Denmark Vesey said...

This is the second or 3rd time you've asked me this Mak B.

I'm trying to be as sincere as possible. But you just won't accept my answer.

I'm neither in favor it nor am I opposed to it.

I can't imagine the slight bit of difference it would make.

For example ... if The 1964 Civil Rights Act were repealed tonight ... How would I know when I woke up tomorrow?

What would be different in my life?

What would be different in Big Man's life?

What would be different in your life?

Next week?

Next month?

Next year?

HotmfWax said...


I swear you and Makow made this video:)!!!! Stop lying Brah..

Tell me how you did you put this together?

RIP Black America

shadowpuppet said...

Straight out of the horses' mouths themselves.

Yet still, nobody cares to listen.

makheru bradley said...

I'm neither in favor it nor am I opposed to it.—DV

That statement contradicts your diatribe against Civil Rights, but since you’ve chosen to straddle a fence, don’t fall and bust your nuts.

What would be different in my life?—DV

It’s not about you, and the isolated entity you think you are.

Repeal would matter to people like this:

[On April 13, 2010, rejected U.S. Census Bureau (Census) job applicants filed an employment discrimination class action in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, alleging that the Census unlawfully screens out applicants who have arrest records, regardless of whether the arrest led to a criminal conviction or to any action at all. Applicants whose names turn up in an FBI database, indicating an arrest record, are required within 30 days to provide the Census with official documents from any criminal case that shows up on their record.

Plaintiffs claim the requirements are unduly burdensome – if not impossible – to comply with since the documentation requested may have been sealed, expunged, lost or destroyed due to age. They also claim that the compliance procedures do not distinguish among applicants who may have recent, serious convictions and those who have records of long-ago, minor often non-criminal conduct, and that the requirement therefore has no job-related relevance.

Because African Americans, Latinos, and Native Americans are far more likely to have arrest records than whites, Plaintiffs claim the hiring policies discriminate against people of color in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.

Plaintiffs are represented by a coalition of public interest attorney organizations and by private counsel.] -- Denise Heberle - 04/15/2010

Denmark Vesey said...

Come on Mak.

You trying too hard.

Admit you've walked out on a limb waving the flag of "The Civil Rights Act 0f 1964" ... like it was sooooo damn important.

You continue to insist my critique of Civil Rights strategy and examination of the history of the movement is synonymous with opposition to the "Civil Rights Act of 1964".

When pushed to illustrate why the "Civil Rights Act of 1964" shouldn't be used as toilet paper to wipe our collective asses ... you drop a story about black people with prison records who can't even get temporary government jobs collecting a census because of bullshit "arrest records".

Do you hear your argument Bra?

Don't you realize you are making my case.

The "Civil Rights Act of 1964" aint helping these brother is it?

The tragic irony is these DA's and Prosecutors and Judges systematically locking brothers up and robbing them of their citizenship are the SAME mughfuggas leading Civil Rights Negros by the nose and led us to this place of profound powerlessness.

Come on Mak.

Stop arguing for the sake of arguing.

I'm laying this shit out.

Big Man said...

Damn son, you missed the point.

The Civil Rights Act, as part of the Civil Rights movement, granted the folks in MB's article the ability to even question the way they were being shafted.

Before the Civil Rights movement, black folks were even more vulnerable to abuses of power, particularly black folks in the South.

It's a fantasy that simply accumulating wealth would have been enough protection for black folks.

Did that work for the Japanese when the government decided to start stripping them of their businesses and homes?

Hell, the Native Americans "owned" the whole damn country, didn't protect them?

It is self-evident that black folks needed a strategy that DEMANDED their equal rights as Americans, while at the same time encouraged them build wealth and instutions in their communities.

Unfortunately, neither aim was accomplished, although progress was made.

That's the reality.

Denmark Vesey said...

"The Civil Rights Act, as part of the Civil Rights movement, granted the folks in MB's article the ability to even question the way they were being shafted." Big Man

Ummmm ....

Let me see if I understand Big Man.

The Civil Rights Act,

which was part of the Civil Rights movement,


the ability to even question

the ability to even QUESTION

the way they were being shafted.

the way they were being shafted.

the way they were being SHAFTED

Ummm ....

"Before the Civil Rights movement, black folks were even more vulnerable to abuses of power, particularly black folks in the South." Big Man

Are they any less vulnerable to the 'abuses of power' today?



Thank God for that Civil Rights Act of 1964. It's good to know that after 50 years ... Black folks

damn fellas.

Are we supposed to feel good about that?

Did you guys really post this is an example of a Civil Rights ... ACCOMPLISHMENT?

Talk about low expectations.

We can all sleep at night, knowing the Civil Rights Act of 1964 GIVES us the RIGHT ... to QUESTION!



Let it go.

The conditioning that makes brothers value all things labeled "Civil Rights" is approaching Pavlovian.

Denmark Vesey said...

What is the percentage increase or decrease of African Americans in prison since the passing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964?



Up 700%

HotmfWax said...

A speech from a villain in 1964-

" Let us take a look at the attitude of the court with respect to the control of the private resources of the nation and the allocation of the productive capacity of the nation.

The Supreme Court decisions have sanctioned enactment of the civil rights bill.

What this bill actually does is to empower the United States government to reallocate the entire productive capacity of the agricultural economy covered by quotas and acreage allotments of various types on the basis of race, creed, color and national origin.

It, in effect, places in the hands of the Federal government the right of a farmer to earn a living, making that right dependent upon the consent of the Federal government precisely as is the case in Russia.

The power is there. I am not in the least impressed by the protestations that the government will use this power with benevolent discretion.

We know that this bill authorizes the President of the united states to allocate all defense productive capacity of this country on the basis of race, creed, or color.

It does not matter in the least that he will make such allocations with restraint. The fact is that it is possible with a politically dominated agency to punish and to bankrupt and destroy any business that deals with the Federal government if it does not bow to the wishes and demands of the president of the United States.

All of us know what the court has done to capture the minds of our children.

The Federal judiciary has asserted the authority to prescribe regulations with respect to the management, operation, and control of our local schools. The second brown decision in the infamous school segregation case authorized Federal district courts to supervise such matters as teacher hiring, firing, promotion, the expenditure of local funds, both administratively and for capital improvements, additions, and renovations, the location of new schools, the drawing of school boundaries, busing and transportation of school children, and, believe it or not, it has asserted the right in the Federal judiciary to pass judgment upon the curricula adopted in local public schools.

A comparatively recent Federal court decision in a Florida case actually entered an order embracing each and every one of these assertions of Federal supervision.

In ruling after ruling, the Supreme Court has overstepped its constitutional authority. While appearing to protect the people's interest, it has in reality become a judicial tyrant.

It's the old pattern. The people always have some champion whom they set over them . . . And nurse into greatness. This, and no other, is the foot from which a tyrant springs, after first appearing as a protector.

This is another way of saying that the people never give up their liberties . . . And their freedom . . . But under some delusion."


mmmm............... were we used?

Big Man said...

The least racist thing a man can do is to insist everyone play by the same rules.

Now how can Denmark Vesey say this on one comment section, and then fight against it on another?

That is some curious stuff right there. Mighty freaking curious.