"There’s a problem of homophobia in the African-American community. I will go into churches, I will go into meetings with ministers and say, “I disagree with you on these issues. This is not how I interpret my faith.” But the fact that we’re having a conversation, I think, allows the possibly that I will change their minds, make them more tolerant of these issues. They may not agree with me on this, but ultimately, it allows me to bridge some of the cultural divisions that have, I think, prevented us from making progress in this country for so long."
I just can't understand why it matters to the gay and lesbian community what the position of the black church is.
I also cannot understand why the gay and lesbian community cannot see that their lifestyle is at odds with Christianity. It is clearly stated in the Bible.
Nobody is preventing them from living their lives as they see fit,and enjoying the same rights as every other citizen. However, trying to incorporate this lifestyle into the Christian faith is baffling to say the least.
Sista Accra ...
You ask a question many Americans are afraid to ask. Merely questioning the tactics of the Gay Lobby is enough to get one called a "homophobe" or a "bigot" (review the knee-jerk, canned responses of Casper as an example).
The Gay Lobby is less interested in the empowerment of homosexuals than they are interested in the destruction of non-homosexuals.
African-Americans and the African-American church (Along with the nation of Jamaica) is one of the last toe-holds of heterosexual and religious freedom.
Smashing our institutions and castigating our leadership is high on their agenda.
Notice the Gay Lobby is attacking the same institutions attacked by the war lobby.
They want COMPLETE control of EVERYBODY.
DV said
"African-Americans and the African-American church (Along with the nation of Jamaica) is one of the last toe-holds of heterosexual and religious freedom."
and most African nations as well!
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