Another step towards a "borderless" North America.
Your children will not grow up in the America you remember.
fist tap Brother Law
conspiracynut said...
i knew it, and started griping about it months ago, but nooooo, everyone said i was crazy. This is to all the people i, listen, learn, act, in the name of everything you hold sacred.
- o and, individuality is mass marketed at The Gap. :(
It doesn't matter.
Michael Fisher said...
"It doesn't matter."
What does?
i knew it, and started griping about it months ago, but nooooo, everyone said i was crazy. This is to all the people i, listen, learn, act, in the name of everything you hold sacred.
o and, individuality is mass marketed at The Gap. :(
If this happens, we are finished as a sovereign nation. I see a day when most nations of the world will belong to conglomerates who, in turn, will come under the jurisdiction of the United Nations. George Bush and the Congress have wrecked this nation economically to such a large degree that we may be forced into such a conglomerate just to survive.
If we don't get some sense back into our government, and soon, our Constitution is going to become Null and Void (Pakistan?).
These are seriously scary times. I am genuinely afraid of what our "leaders" are planning to do with us. As 50 said, "I know He protecting me, but I still stay with my gat."
what matters indeed (chuckling under my breath)...
Does your worldview breakdown in the face of these developments. Are you wondering how the "new" state of affairs will affect you? Some of us have a very good understanding of why this could happen and at the same time a recognition that it doesn't signal anything really "new", just a predeictable shift in the existing paradigm.
All this wreckage has been intentional. The crashing of the dollar (gold is now at $827), the SPP with Canada and Mexico. These aren't accidents.
And, our Constitution is already null and void.
As DV always says, there's been a coup. It just hasn't been announced yet.
I may be dumb. But I don't see the clear downside of this or the breakdown of national sovereignty. Enlighten me?
The smallest unit of authority is the individual, then the family, then the tribe, then the clan, then the nation. The bigger the group, the less autonomy/authority an individual may exercise in his own life.
What happens when all of these units are destroyed and all that authority is consolidated in very few hands?
Less war more money?
"The bigger the group, the less autonomy/authority an individual may exercise in his own life."
I actually think this is patently untrue. I think scale has good properties, i.e. the bigger the group the less it has an incentive to interfere at all in the daily life of the individual.
As far as the soundness of the amero economically. Well, to be honest that I don't know. I just don't see the U.S. having any incentive whatsoever to shoulder the burden for the weaker currencies of south america even if it will lead to free labor mobility (which is likely a good thing).
My point is, I don't see a clear boogeyman in this if it were to happen...
Gibson said, "I just don't see the U.S. having any incentive whatsoever to shoulder the burden for the weaker currencies of south america"
It prob. won't be all of South America. The SPP is US, Mex., & Canada only (from what I know). My time is limited, but I'll just say between 'flood-gate' open immigration, "terrorism", war, foreign policy, corrupt business, oil & the increase in "Natural" disasters.....It's not looking good for the home team. This f'd up gov't is destroying this nation.
I'm with Skipp in respect to shit about to hit the fan HARD.
"My time is limited, but I'll just say between 'flood-gate' open immigration, "terrorism", war, foreign policy, corrupt business, oil & the increase in "Natural" disasters.....It's not looking good for the home team. This f'd up gov't is destroying this nation."
Hhhmmmm... I'm still missing something. What's the problem with open integration. I get terrorism, but there is a reason why there has been very little terrorism or U.S. soil no? Why do we think thats going to change. Oil has been the major problem of the 20th century, do you mean the fact that energy is getting scarce? Global warming?
I don't know. Maybe I have a different perspective but I thought the one strength of being black people was that we felt no lasting and real allegiance to this nation as it relates to our identity. The dollar falls, I store money in Euro's. Moving to Europe or Africa or South America if stuff got bad here is psychologically the same process to me as moving to a white neighborhood. Am I alone here? Born stranger in strange abiding place?
We're not talking about allegiance to one nation. We're talking about a consolidation of nations that will remove all chances of you ever moving to Europe, Africa or S. America.
First the European Union, then all these "trade zones" in S. America, Asia, etc. It is the consolidation of nations into one mass government.
There won't be any point in moving. It will be the same shit in each spot.
As individuals forfeit their autonomy and submit to bigger and bigger government, the harsher the tactics will be to keep the populace in line. The only way to keep huge groups of people in line is to pit them against each other and use those manufactured conflicts to justify further repression. I don't have to tell you that - it's a tried and true tactic.
But if you haven't noticed, the government is already making it tougher for people to travel, transfer money, etc. all in the name of security.
I fear how much more "secure" they want to make this country and world.
Well said, II.
Not trying to be facetious at all, I just don't get it. It would seem that free labor mobility is the logical antithesis to tight border control and travel restriction. Also, from a uber government perspective, I just don't see the incentive or possibility for a government to unite disparate populace's just to try to bait them into civil war.
You're right in the sense that this could all be seen as a global power play for the control of resources, but then my question is, well, so? Under the capitalist model, the government would just be pursuing these resources to ultimately sell them to you as a consumer, so how is this bad from an individuals perspective (higher prices?). I do understand the fear of an orwelian state, but I guess my question would be what incentive do governments have to impose a world wide oppressive super structure when its much easier to just oppress peoples mind.
Honestly, I see the orwelian fear as a product of not enough distance from colonialism. Governments react to threats to sovereignty, so to the extent that there is another subversive power around to persuade the people to revolt, there is a greater likelihood of a totalitarian state, but absent that power... Put another way, isn't the beauty of capitalism from a machiavelian perspective that it outsources traditional colonial management. If I own the goods to sell to you, why on earth do I want to have to actually fight to control your civil liberties? Isn't it much easier to just let you do you and advertise?
Unless this is a pure appreciation of sovereignty issue or a religious order issue, I simply don't see the overarching fear.
Again I'm not being facetious, educate me. Why do you think they would be incentivized to do this?
Ok but some white woman in PA who wants to call Obama a terrorist asked him about this at a diner last week. He said there was not going to be North American Federation. So he's either lying or he doesn't know about what's already been done. Neither of these scenarios sit well with me.
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