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"Gay is good for all of us, the artificial categories of ‘heterosexual’ and ‘homosexual’ have been laid on us by a sexist society, as gays, we demand an end to the gender programming which starts when we are born, the family, is the primary means by which this restricted sexuality is created and enforced. Our understanding of sexism is premised on the idea that in a free society everyone will be gay." Allen Young, a pioneer of the "Gay Liberation" Movement. (John D'Emilio, Intimate Matters: A History of Sexuality in America, p.322)
They are all sucking up to the gay community for cash......
Why should this question even come up? Why are the presidential candidates are being tested on this?
How relevant is this question to a presidential debate?
It's funny, cos if we were all gay, there would be no children to read this story book to.
Excellent points Sister Accra.
Attacking families and heterosexuality makes little sense, unless the goal is to destabilize society and to create a new power structure with traditional institutions like the family and the church removed from the power pyramid all together.
Nope, no homophobia here, DV, clearly obama's statement in your next post is wrong.
So, look, gay marriage right now is illegal; i suppose it's cus of all those gays getting secretly married that the divorce rate in the usa is estimated (the last i read) around 53%.
Why is it you have no compunction over complaining about how people make black artists more tasteful to the white community, while you have a problem with griping about two guys kissing in public or a fairy tale with a gay or lesbi couple?
Do you think that by scapegoating the glbt community, you will improve the situation of black people, in this country? Get real. If not, why on earth would you dare to continue to persecute these people?
Didn't the new covenant do away with the old covenant? i never read in any of my various translations of christian bibles where jesus condemned homosexuality, nor even mentioned it. Tells me it must not have been that important an issue to him, one way or another. i do, however, recall a story where a certain prostitute was brought before him for judgement, since the god of the old testament demanded she be put to death by stoning (:o what, like those filthy muslims?! << -- sarcasm before any muslim extremists decide to stalk me and blow up my home with me in it), and supposedly this man knelt, wrote something in the dust, then stood up and addressed the bloodthirsty crowd. He said, 'Let he among you without sin cast the first stone.' Not, 'let he who is without sexual sin,' but 'Let he who is without sin.' i also recall, 'Judge not lest ye be judged.'
Seems to me thumpers have a nifty way of cherry picking the parts of the bible they want to live up to. Props for doing to another group of american citizens what's been done to blacks since the emancipation proclomation: Good old fashioned scapegoating.
Fail@catholic church closing it's adoption agency, rather than placing good kids with good people, regardless of their sexual orientation.
Ya know, if you weren't so virulently homophobic and anti-anything-other-than-christian, i'd vote for ya.
conspiracynut said...
Nope, no homophobia here, DV, clearly obama's statement in your next post is wrong.
My dear friend,
Your naive questions demonstrate the pervasive, penetrating and reality-alternating depths of propaganda produced by the homosexual lobby in recent years.
The Gay Lobby (The self-appointed political representatives of homosexuals) has managed to convince intelligent, fair-minded people, that gays are passive victims of persecution, while the lobby systematically attacks the fundamental institutions of heterosexuality and of society itself – the family.
THE MOST CLEVER TRICK the Gay Lobby has pulled is convincing people that ANY defense by heterosexuals to their attempts to alter society = HATRED of homosexuals.
Let’s examine the bits of propaganda and Gay Lobby memes you have repeated in your post:
GAY PROPAGANDA “So, look, gay marriage right now is illegal”
COUNTER-INTELLIGENCE: WRONG. Gay Marriage is not illegal. Homosexuals have the SAME rights as Heterosexuals, to marry any member of the opposite sex.
The "issue" of Gay Marriage is a Trojan Horse. Under the guise of "homosexual rights" it is nothing more than an attack upon the heterosexual and religious tradition of marriage between a man and a woman.
GAY PROPAGANDA: “you have a problem with griping about two guys kissing in public or a fairy tale with a gay or lesbi couple?”
COUNTER-INTELLIGENCE: I, like 90% of the American population, have no more of a problem with “two guys kissing in public” than we have with two men wearing thongs in public. Finding something “distasteful” does not mean we hate the human beings who practice it.
Attacking the African-American church is an assault by the thought police, who are attempting to force people to “accept” aberrant behavior by punishing those who refuse to pretend it is not distasteful.
Homosexual fairy tales read to the children of heterosexual couples is like forcing the children of Jews to listen to readings from the Koran.
Rejection of homosexual fairy tales, IS NOT AN ATTACK upon homosexuals. It is a DEFENSE of heterosexuality.
CNut, If homosexuals want to read homosexual fairy tales to children, why don’t they simply read them to their own children? Why force it through the school system?
GAY PROPAGANDA: “Do you think that by scapegoating the glbt community, you will improve the situation of black people, in this country? Get real. If not, why on earth would you dare to continue to persecute these people?”
COUNTER-INTELLIGENCE: LOL. Stop, CNut. Think carefully. Who is being “scapegoated” here? Who is being "persecuted"? Homosexuals? Wrong Again. African-American Christians are the ones being lectured in public by a African-American presidential candidate. Christians are the ones being asked to review the tenets of THEIR faith and their generations old traditions. HOMOSEXUALS are on the offensive, not African-American Christians. Homosexuals attacked the black Gospel singer because he DARED have an opinion different than the official position of the Gay Lobby.
The Gay Lobby is the one blackmailing presidential candidates by forcing him to shun a man who has a DIFFERENT OPINION than the official opinion of the lobby. What happened to free-speech?
Oh. You gotta bone another man in the ass these days to preserve your constitutional rights.
"THE MOST CLEVER TRICK the Gay Lobby has pulled is convincing people that ANY defense by heterosexuals to their attempts to alter society = HATRED of homosexuals."
The most clever trick the KLAN has pulled is convincing moderate whites that ANY defense by the KKK to their attempts to alter society = HATRED of Black people
One entry found.
Main Entry: big·ot
Pronunciation: \ˈbi-gət\
Function: noun
Etymology: French, hypocrite, bigot
Date: 1660
: a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance
— big·ot·ed \-gə-təd\ adjective
— big·ot·ed·ly adverb
One entry found.
Main Entry: big·ot
Pronunciation: \ˈbi-gət\
Function: noun
Etymology: French, hypocrite, bigot
Date: 1660
: a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance
— big·ot·ed \-gə-təd\ adjective
— big·ot·ed·ly adverb
Bogus analogy Casper!
sticks and stones may break our bones but words will never kill us!
Is bigot the best you can come up with? That word has lost it's meaning, especially coming from the gay lobby.
The tenets of Christian faith will not change because of homosexuality.
One entry found.
Main Entry: hyp·o·crite
Pronunciation: \ˈhi-pə-ˌkrit\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English ypocrite, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin hypocrita, from Greek hypokritēs actor, hypocrite, from hypokrinesthai
Date: 13th century
1 : a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion
2 : a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings
— hypocrite adjective
2 entries found.
Main Entry: ho·mo·pho·bia
Pronunciation: \ˌhō-mə-ˈfō-bē-ə\
Function: noun
Date: 1969
: irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals
— ho·mo·pho·bic \-ˈfō-bik\ adjective
Sista Accra ...
Not only was Casper's analogy bogus ... it was a sad and desperate attempt by a victim of Gay Propaganda to hold onto a weak pyschological meme that makes absolutely no sense.
Casper is not interested in an elevated truth or greater understanding. He is only interested in perpetuating the psychological handcuffs of the power elite.
He is thoroughly invested in the Plantation and like a pet pitbull, attacks anyone who dares challenge the myths of the Plantation.
When the Plantation Master's house burned down, the Casper's of the world ran faster than the master did to throw buckets of water on it.
The lives of many historical figures including Socrates, Alexander the Great, Lord Byron, Edward II, Hadrian, Julius Caesar, Michelangelo, Donatello and Christopher Marlowe included or were centered upon love and sexual relationships with people of their own sex. Terms such as gay or bisexual have been applied to them, but many, such as Michel Foucault, regard this as risking the anachronistic introduction of a contemporary construction of sexuality foreign to their times.[10]
A common thread of constructionist argument is that no one in antiquity or the Middle Ages experienced homosexuality as an exclusive, permanent, or defining mode of sexuality. John Boswell has criticized this argument by citing ancient Greek writings by Plato,[11] which he says indicate knowledge of exclusive homosexuality.
Though often denied or ignored by European explorers, homosexual expression in native Africa was also present and took a variety of forms:
Anthropologists Murray and Roscoe report that women in Lesotho have engaged in socially sanctioned "long term, erotic relationships" named motsoalle.[12]
E. E. Evans-Pritchard reported that male Azande warriors (in the northern Congo) routinely married male youths who functioned as temporary wives. The practice had died out in the early 20th century but was recounted to him by the elders.[13]
An academic paper by Stephen O. Murray examines the history of descriptions of "Homosexuality in traditional Sub-Saharan Africa"PDF (228 KiB).
... Casper repeats canned Gay Propaganda like it is inserted into his brain via hypodermic needle.
Some of the most beautiful and evolved people who have ever lived have happened to be homosexuals.
They too are God's children.
The incidence of Homosexuality and the Agenda of The Gay Lobby are 2 different things.
Casper, are you smart enough to understand that premise? If so, acknowledge it and either accept it and incorporate into your discourse - or reject and give reason why.
Cutting and Pasting from the GLAAD website does not address the premise of this post.
"Our understanding of sexism is premised on the idea that in a free society everyone will be gay." Allen Young
The Gay Lobby has an agenda.
Acknowledging that fact makes one no more a "bigot" than ignoring that fact makes one a "humanitarian."
"Cutting and Pasting from the GLAAD website does not address the premise of this post."
I know you wish it was. But it is not from GLADD.... But that is an O'Reilly Fox News tactic that you attempted to pull agree?? You can not discredit history or facts DV face it! The same attempt of logic you employ is carbon copy of the Klan plan my man!
Acknowledging that fact makes one no more a "bigot" than ignoring that fact makes one a "humanitarian."
As my man pointed out to you earlier why not the zeolous fervor to attack the weaknesses in hetero marriages and the over than 50% divorce rate and 70% unhappiness rate. Because you have a personal agenda to bash gays versus debating solutions for all persons regardless of their sexuality. What scares you so much about gay people??? And not the gang bangers on the corners of the hood who love to emulate fiddy your idol!
What scares you so much about gay people??? And not the gang bangers on the corners of the hood who love to emulate fiddy your idol!
Funny, the exact same question should be asked of you. What scares you so much about rappers, and not the chaps-wearing homos in the gay hood who are influencing children to call themselves "gay" before they even hit puberty?
Are you happier if young Black boys emulate Homos instead of 50?
Hell of a question Insurgent. One hell of a question.
The Casper's of the world have been programmed to support (as if there lives depend on it) EVERY single notion promoted by white liberals.
Notice, I posted a quote from Allen Young, the father of the Gay "Liberation" Movement - and Casper acts like he doesn't see it.
I QUOTED a Gay Lobbyist - and Casper interprets that as an attack upon Gays.
Amazing the job the gay social engineers have done.
"Increasingly in America, one is not called a homophobe when one hates gays. One is called a homophobe when gays hate you." Carol Carter-Tweed
"Funny, the exact same question should be asked of you. What scares you so much about rappers, and not the chaps-wearing homos in the gay hood who are influencing children to call themselves "gay" before they even hit puberty?"
When you answer what scares you about gays versus the REAL gang bangers on the corners which was the real question that you avoided like H. Clinton on the stump. Then I will address your question. Oh yes BTW their are gay thug rappers.
"I QUOTED a Gay Lobbyist - and Casper interprets that as an attack upon Gays."
I noticed you didn't answer the question either. O'Reilly tactic again??
Casper, you dodge the issue as usual. I never said I was scared of homos. You made up that argument in order to answer a question that was never asked.
I simply asked you why you are more comfortable with Black boys emulating Homos instead of rappers.
Do we need to cite a study that shows that ramming gay politics down the throat of every American is making more people gay in order for you to even consider the prospect?
Or is it that you would prefer that Black boys be gay than rap?
"Do we need to cite a study that shows that ramming gay politics down the throat of every American is making more people gay in order for you to even consider the prospect?"
II who rams gayness down your throat? Secondly, who tries and is most succesful of ramming their ideals to alter your lifestyle most of the three. McDonalds, G. Bush or Gays??
Please don't pretend like there is some crisis for a lifestyle that has existed since mankind just because your a closet bigot!
I would rather you and DV just be honest with us and just say you hate gay people! without all of the mumbo jumbo nonsense.
"you hate gay people! "
... sad.
Conformists have been conditioned to accuse anyone who doesn't parrot gay propaganda as 'haters of gay people'.
Tell me Casper, when you repeat the propaganda of people like Allen Young, are you aware that you are behaving like a slavish dupe or are you completely oblivious?
"Tell me Casper, when you repeat the propaganda of people like Allen Young, are you aware that you are behaving like a slavish dupe or are you completely oblivious?"
Tell us when you repeat the hate of David Duke do you feel like an honorary KKK member?? or are you just scared of gays more so than gang bangers imitating fiddy??
Ku Klux Klan (KKK) is the name of organizations in the United States that have advocated white supremacy, racism, anti-Semitism, anti-Catholicism, homophobia, anti-Communism and nativism. These organizations have used terrorism, violence, and acts of intimidation, such as cross burning and lynching, to oppress African Americans and other social or ethnic groups
I refer to Stefani's comment above about Casper's reliance on quotes and his lack of an original thought.
Casper what does the KKK have to do with this topic? You really are confused and quite paranoid.....
Casper said
"I would rather you and DV just be honest with us and just say you hate gay people! without all of the mumbo jumbo nonsense."
"You really are confused and quite paranoid....."
2 entries found.
paranoidparanoid schizophrenia
Main Entry: para·noid
Pronunciation: \ˈper-ə-ˌnȯid, ˌpa-rə-\
Variant(s): also para·noi·dal \ˌper-ə-ˈnȯi-dəl, ˌpa-rə-\
Function: adjective
Date: 1904
1 : characterized by or resembling paranoia
2 : characterized by suspiciousness, persecutory trends, or megalomania
3 : extremely fearful
— paranoid noun
Who is Fearful & Suspiciousness of Gays accra... Casper, DV, II or you?
"I refer to Stefani's comment above about Casper's reliance on quotes and his lack of an original thought."
I am sorry you feel threatened with truth, knowledge and facts that refute your views II. Where is the Intellect in the II???
I didn't say anything that needed to be refuted. LOL!!!
Like I've said many times before, I simply asked you a question -- which you still haven't answered --why do you want Black boys to emulate homos instead of rappers?
"Like I've said many times before, I simply asked you a question -- which you still haven't answered --why do you want Black boys to emulate homos instead of rappers?"
1) I want black, yellow, blue, and brown people to be themselves sexually as they are products of GOD too. Just as long as they are not hurting you ot I physically. I or you should stay out of their personal business just like Govt.
2) Now the last I looked the dudes on the corners committing crimes don't look or act gay. They could be but I would suspect a majority are hetero. Secondly, those same men/boys dress, speak and act like fiddy & Snoop and not Little Richard.
So there you have my answer. And once again I ask you why are you so afraid of a gay man or woman? Neither wants you because your not gay?? Your more of a target to a hetero male rapist!
Just as long as they are not hurting you ot I physically. I or you should stay out of their personal business just like Govt.
So, if 50 or Jay-Z isn't hurting me or you physically, we and government should stay out of their business too, right?
"So, if 50 or Jay-Z isn't hurting me or you physically, we and government should stay out of their business too, right?"
I care about my people as well. So if there deeds influence my people to maybe get locked up then I will speak up like Malcolm!
I could've sworn i posted a comment this morning, maybe it got lost in cyberia or i posted it in the wrong place. o_O
If i've posted it in the wrong place, please delete the wrongly placed comment.
Here it is, again:
Denmark Vesey said...
"conspiracynut said...
'Nope, no homophobia here, DV, clearly obama's statement in your next post is wrong.'
My dear friend,
Your naive questions demonstrate the pervasive, penetrating and reality-alternating depths of propaganda produced by the homosexual lobby in recent years.
The Gay Lobby (The self-appointed political representatives of homosexuals) has managed to convince intelligent, fair-minded people, that gays are passive victims of persecution, while the lobby systematically attacks the fundamental institutions of heterosexuality and of society itself ? the family."
Yeah, DV, i can see clearly that that 53% divorce rate is all the work of those god damned faggots.
"THE MOST CLEVER TRICK the Gay Lobby has pulled is convincing people that ANY defense by heterosexuals to their attempts to alter society = HATRED of homosexuals."
Kinda like any defense of thug music is an attempt to alter society, and any attack against it is an attack against the black community, and HATRED of blacks?
"Let?s examine the bits of propaganda and Gay Lobby memes you have repeated in your post:
GAY PROPAGANDA ?So, look, gay marriage right now is illegal?
COUNTER-INTELLIGENCE: WRONG. Gay Marriage is not illegal. Homosexuals have the SAME rights as Heterosexuals, to marry any member of the opposite sex."
Then why aren't they issued marriage licenses? Or are, only to learn they're invalid?
"The 'issue' of Gay Marriage is a Trojan Horse. Under the guise of 'homosexual rights' it is nothing more than an attack upon the heterosexual and religious tradition of marriage between a man and a woman."
i fail to see how it's any more detrimental than heteros having sex before they decide if they even *like* the partner, let alone respecting them, and going for drive through marriages, and gratuitious sex with multiple (hetero) partners -- wupz, that was a mistake, good lay doesn't mean good relationship! -- and drive through divorces. In fact, most gay/lesbi couples i know have been in a single, monogomous relationship far longer than any married couples i know.
'GAY PROPAGANDA: ?you have a problem with griping about two guys kissing in public or a fairy tale with a gay or lesbi couple??'
"COUNTER-INTELLIGENCE: I, like 90% of the American population, have no more of a problem with ?two guys kissing in public? than we have with two men wearing thongs in public. Finding something ?distasteful? does not mean we hate the human beings who practice it."
Do you find it equally distasteful to see a hetero couple kissing in public? What about the young girls and women who wear thongs with low-riders, exposing more buttcrack than a plumber?
"Attacking the African-American church is an assault by the thought police, who are attempting to force people to ?accept? aberrant behavior by punishing those who refuse to pretend it is not distasteful."
Aberrant? Dear Denmark, bisexuality is exhibited in the natural world all the time, and science has found, yes, a gay gene in rams. Apparently we're all born with a propensity towards bisexuality, although we may have our preferences, depending on how much estrogen we received in vitro, at key developmental stages. Again, with all the discrimination and hate crimes occurring against those in the GLBT community, who would choose to be gay? It's not like the whiting of jj and her brother, michael. :/
"Homosexual fairy tales read to the children of heterosexual couples is like forcing the children of Jews to listen to readings from the Koran."
Or forcing gitmo inmates to listen to readings of the bible and loud rock music?
"Rejection of homosexual fairy tales, IS NOT AN ATTACK upon homosexuals. It is a DEFENSE of heterosexuality."
So hetero fairy tales are just fine? Please, all or none. i have bigger things to worry about other than how the gays saved the marriage institution. Btw, how many hetero couples are just shackin up?
"CNut, If homosexuals want to read homosexual fairy tales to children, why don?t they simply read them to their own children? Why force it through the school system?"
Hm, yeah; why force any fairy tales? In fact, why force any books at all?! Damn, Tom Sawyer is full of drinking, swearing and smoking and all those scenes of he and Becky in the cave, i just KNOW that is a subversion to get my little darlings thinking about sex! We all know erections don't happen by chance! And Romeo and Juliet? They were *minors*, ffs, and that slut, Gertrude, did indeed kill her husband to be free to bang his brother. i guess we should outlaw ancient grecoroman history too, since they were the best known ancients to engage in homosexual activity, all that crap about science and maths and whatever, and the pedophila those rich patrons practiced during the enlightenment is just plain WRONG! And lets not forget the bible, and its references, Solomon and his wives, David and his premeditated murder of Bathsheba's husband -- well maybe that was all her fault, bathing naked in the king's bath, in full view of the palace, and all that woman trading and selling going on. All those concubines (whores) kept together, you know that was a real lesbo love-fest, and how novel, women as commodities; and that false worshipper Ruth, who abandoned her own gods for Naomi's, now there's an honest devotion we don't see, nowadays, and all that war and killing, well that's more tasteful than lesbo-love, any day, huh, women getting taken as spoils and handed out to the army to do with them as they pleased, well, maybe that is a perfect example of the superiority of heterosexuality, and let's not forget King Saul ordering all witches put to death and the very next day visiting a necromancer. i think we should also ban the Iliad and Odessey and Jason and the Argonauts. Lets not forget to ban Christmas, since it's really just Saturnalia/Yule/solstice in disguise, and Easter, that pagan celebration of Oestra and equinox, and wow, i never saw anyone celebrating a birthday in the new testament.
See what i'm getting at, regarding this line of reasoning? There's no reason in it!
'GAY PROPAGANDA: ?Do you think that by scapegoating the glbt community, you will improve the situation of black people, in this country? Get real. If not, why on earth would you dare to continue to persecute these people??'
"COUNTER-INTELLIGENCE: LOL. Stop, CNut. Think carefully. Who is being ?scapegoated? here? Who is being 'persecuted?' Homosexuals? Wrong Again. African-American Christians are the ones being lectured in public by a African-American presidential candidate."
MLK did it too, ya know; he also said antizionism is antisemetism; i wonder if it ever occurred to him that palestinians were in palestine (philistine) LONG before Jews invaded and salted the earth so that nothing would grow, way back in bc era. Why shouldn't christians be called upon to examine their 'tolerance' and 'love?' Christians demand it of others, why shouldn't they be held to their own standards? i trust you've seen this? Top Ten Signs You're a Fundamentalist Christian
i'm not saying that's you, but i do think Christians should seriously exmanine that list, monthly, and do some serious self-searching.
"Christians are the ones being asked to review the tenets of THEIR faith and their generations old traditions. HOMOSEXUALS are on the offensive, not African-American Christians. Homosexuals attacked the black Gospel singer because he DARED have an opinion different than the official position of the Gay Lobby."
Yeah, that human sacrifice crap is scary, and necromancy and magick.
Yet it's okay for Christians to attack Halloween, which was always a pagan celebration, anyway, fags (cus ya know, it just ain't natural, same as the idea that *gasp* the earth revolves around the sun and, by golly, there are four corners to the earth, it isn't roundish! ain't natural), any kind of sex that isn't actually boring (my mother tells of sex with a husband that was boring to tears because he insisted the only way to have godly sex was the way it was presented in ecclesiastes -- by the way, is anal penetration of a woman considered sanctified, since, after all, it is using a woman's body like a man's?) C'mon, DV, you can do better than this. When the civil rights movement began, was that an attack on the white christianity, like the kkk and aryan nation said it was? Well, good, if it was, and good if christians are 'attacked' for not demonstrating a christ-like attitude to glbts. Btw, perhaps you could point me to anything Jesus is written to have said against homosexuality -- anything at all?
"The Gay Lobby is the one blackmailing presidential candidates by forcing him to shun a man who has a DIFFERENT OPINION than the official opinion of the lobby. What happened to free-speech?"
Yeah, and no other lobby blackmails any other candidates. What about pharmacos blackmailing hillary? energycos blackmailing giuliani? Defensecos and DEA blackmailing everyone?! i prefer to focus on the issues of energy consumption, needless military and civilian deaths, the devaluation of the dollar, rather than the fact that my neighbor might be engaging in fag sex.
"Oh. You gotta bone another man in the ass these days to preserve your constitutional rights."
Nah, but you don't have to hate on fags to preserve them either. "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
Christians don't want their Constitutional rights abridged, but surely don't see any problem with abridging the rights of others.
That's what i'm sayin'...
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