Saturday, October 13, 2007

Why The Term "African-American" Sucks

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Intellectual dishonesty will take you a long way. Does this white boy claim his african ancestry onhis job applications or the census? Hell no. Is Irish American, or Italian American bullshit as well? Are the dark skinned people of African descent the only people in America who should have no cultural or kinship ties to a larger community of interest outside of the United States? A white South African will identify himself as a South African no matter how long he is in America. He will maintain those cultural ties and all of the privilege and connectivity that come with it.

The term African American sucks to those who do not want the descendants of African slaves to ever lift themselves out of the underclass that is the foundation of this so called land of the free. When we identify with something larger than America we begin distance ourselves from the overseer in ways that are inimical to the interests of R/WS. This has been going on since the first African slaves were brought to this country and stripped of their language, their culture, their gods. Stripped of everything that would give them reason to believe they were better than slaves; more than just the color of their skin.

This specious logic would be ridiculous coming from a descendant of African Slaves. It is an obvious manifestation of the R/WS system that this ignorant white boy expresses this "independent" thought process, with the pretense of just looking out for the best interest of us po Black folks.