- I now understand that you operate, or at least post comments, with blatant disregard for your Spirit.
- I take it, you believe you do not have one and are strictly flesh and bones?
- Some things that nature will allow us to do, our spirit steps in and says "No!"
- You have to understand this to understand why Sista Ethiopia's post is highly intuitive, thoughtful and yes, sexy.
- It's strange to me, though, how much you talk about nature, but never mention polarity. Natural and Spiritual operate in a polar manner. I finally understand why i don't get you, Skip. There's no balance. You're way north with no south, yin without the yang, sun with no moon, etc etc.
- You're flesh and bones with no spirit, at least you would like to believe so.
- Skip sievert said...
There is a long line of substitute religions, each one a particular form of illusion and superstition.
- Deceivers always try to solve difficult problems on the cheap. One must, with quiet respect for the unknowable, accept the order of everything that is knowable. The smallest thing like the greatest, must be close and precious to one.
- Reality is never and nowhere more accessible than in the immediate moment of one’s own life. God can only be comprehended personally. Each person has their own god, their protector and judge. Priests and rituals are only crutches for the crippled life of the soul.
Skip are you quoting from some book? Sounds like it.
Its my book.
Beyond the Cloak of Deception
Politics, Religion & Economics in the Price System.
How perceptions are controlled, manipulated and why -
It is an excerpt from my 5th chapter Adage and Aphorism.
If you dig around a bit you can get the file for free. The book is Technocracy related, and also related to my own interests.
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