Monday, October 01, 2007

Sexiest Post of The Year

Sista Ethiopia says ...
People who value marriage are accused of being old fashioned, sexually repressive and prudish but this isn't true. We cringe at casual sex because sex is sacred and private.

I'm not referring to sex as physical release. That's masturbation.

I'm talking about making love.

The act of love expresses our fundamental spiritual need to overcome our ego. Sex manifests the union in love of two people. God is Love. The union is marriage. The act of love is about relationship, exclusivity and privacy. This is the intimacy we all seek.

We are looking for release from the cage of the self. We need to be accepted and cherished by another human being, and to give love. This environment where we can be "ourselves," is essential to our emotional and spiritual growth. It is marriage.

Powerful political and economic forces are opposed to love, marriage and family. They prefer people remain isolated and dysfunctional. They are imposing their immorality on us.
- Ethiopia


J.C. said...

Pure and unadulterated bullshit.

J.C. said...

Nature instilled in all mankind, primary sexual desires and
interest to assure the procreation of the species. Nature provides
all limitations on human activity. Nature has assured that mankind
cannot do that which is unnatural. If it is possible to do, it is natural.

No violation of natural law is possible. The consequences of
all human activities are natural. Nature is not ambiguous, nature
is not arbitrary.

All theory, philosophy, law, or hypothesis are man-made and
thus subject to change at mankind’s whims. All facts, found or
future, have always existed. Fact is nature’s foundation; facts are
never repudiated by facts. Opinions are never facts.

Anonymous said...

OK now i get it, Skip.

I now understand that you operate, or at least post comments, with blatant disregard for your Spirit.

I take it, you believe you do not have one and are strictly flesh and bones?

Some things that nature will allow us to do, our spirit steps in and says "No!"

You have to understand this to understand why Sista Ethiopia's post is highly intuitive, thoughtful and yes, sexy.

It's strange to me, though, how much you talk about nature, but never mention polarity. Natural and Spiritual operate in a polar manner. I finally understand why i don't get you, Skip. There's no balance. You're way north with no south, yin without the yang, sun with no moon, etc etc.

You're flesh and bones with no spirit, at least you would like to believe so.

Anonymous said...

That's the best shet I've read in weeks!

Anonymous said...

On point K!!

Intellectual Insurgent said...

Kalena's got your number, Skip!

J.C. said...

There is a long line of substitute religions, each one a particular
form of illusion and superstition.

Deceivers always try to solve difficult problems on the cheap.

One must, with quiet respect for the unknowable, accept the
order of everything that is knowable. The smallest thing like the
greatest, must be close and precious to one.

Reality is never and nowhere more accessible than in the
immediate moment of one’s own life.

God can only be comprehended personally. Each person has
their own god, their protector and judge. Priests and rituals are
only crutches for the crippled life of the soul.

Anonymous said...

Um, ok. Either that had absolutely nothing to do with what i said, or it went totally over my head. I'm fine with either of those possibilities.

Spirit and religion are two seperate entities.

In my opinion, the beauty of religion is that it's a choice, a tool, a resource for those that desire to nurture their spirits.

It's clear to us all that you are not one of those people, so your opinion of religion is not one that i value.

I am a Christian, Big J and jasai (i think) study Buddhism, I.I. is muslim (i think). The beauty of religion, when practiced within a balance, is that value can be found from all perspectives because the goal of spiritual nurishment is the common thread between those that seek BALANCE.

Thanks for the props, y'all. It always surprises me when everyone likes my posts. ;-)

Has Sista Egypt ever been back?

Intellectual Insurgent said...


You're on a roll today!! Fantastic.

Denmark Vesey said...


Your courageous acknowledgment of the spirit and expression of faith is increasingly rare in this era of "anti-Spirit" (anti-Christ) represented by intolerant ultra orthodox fundamentalist Secular radicals like Skip.

(Note the same group that's pushing homosexual schoolbooks are preventing bible stories from being read to kids. Replacing one religion for another.)

In your writing, both you and Ethiopia are able to transmit a spiritual element, a passive quiet dignity, that is a necessary balance yet powerfully feminine.

It is also far more sexy than that Superhead nonsense preferred by the porno generation of Secular extremists like Skip.

J.C. said...

Love is everything which enhances, widens, and enriches our

So called reasonable people are usually those who have been
disabled by life. And they are the dominant majority, and do not
tolerate examples which reflect unfavorably on themselves.

Life is as infinitely great and profound as the immensity of the
stars above us. One can only look at it through the narrow keyhole
of one’s own personnel existence. But through it one perceives
more than one can see. So above all one must keep the keyhole

The best life is the fullest one; rich in health, strength,
beauty, passion, means, adventure, and thought.

Anonymous said...

Did you get this from some book Skip?

J.C. said...

Yup, my own.
If you google my name and the title you should be able to get a free file copy from one of my sites.

It is mostly about Technocracy, but I thought I would do a few quotes today to show Mr. D.V. that he is a little in the dark as to his opinions in regard to a few things.

There is no accounting for opinions though.

- Paper for sale copies are available, but free is my favorite business model.

The introduction 1st chapter is a kind of rundown of where religion came from in regard to middle eastern civil society, and how we adopted that model.
I try to put my finger on a few things in regard to some issues that have confusing aspects.

Anonymous said...

will look it up.