Unlike the frightened conformists of America, the Jamaicans have drawn a line in the sand and refuse to be intimidated by the gay lobby. They insist their attitudes and opinions are not a product of "homophobia" but a product of their Christian culture.
The Jamaica Observer

In the eyes of Jamaicans, to say that homosexuality is right, is to say that God is wrong, and that will never happen.

One of the most effective strategies of the homosexual lobby (with the help of its local agents) is to force you into a corner by saying that if you dislike the behaviour you automatically dislike the person. That's a trick that hasn't worked with me. Some of the nicest, kindest, brightest and most creative people I know are homosexuals, and some of the meanest and most obnoxious human beings I know are heterosexuals, and vice versa. The issue is sin, not sexual orientation, and all of us, both gays and "straights" are guilty in the eyes of God even when we don't even know it. The wonderful thing is that God's grace is sufficient for all of us.
"In the eyes of Jamaicans, to say that homosexuality is right, is to say that God is wrong, and that will never happen."
Like god gives a rats ass who screws who in Jamaica or Alaska.
You sure are working the spiritual plantation for the Man.
"Jacob said in his Benediction almost four thousand years ago that , the scripture shall not depart from Judah, nor the lawgiver from between his feet until Shiloh come. King Selassie I is the three hundred and thirteen king of all the kings of Ethiopia and the one hundred and thirteenth king of the christian empire. He is also the 225th in a direct bloodline of the Ethiopian monarch, Menelik being the first. Menelik was the son of Queen of Sheba and king Solomon who is the son of David king of Israel."
And if you believe that happy horse shit, I have a used culture that I could sell you for cheap.
It`s based on everything for me and nothing for you. Its current standard bearer is Globalism.
It depends on tricking the gullible into believing abstract concepts such as 'sin' and 'guilt'.
It has been modified and codified, and there is an old saying in the bible.
We will sleep in the houses of others and possess them.
We will eat the fruit and capture others vineyards.
A question ?
Is it un natural if some chick wants you to stick it in her rear end ?
Does that go against the 'lord' also ?
How about when Lot balled his two daughters.
Was that natural or unnatural, or is it possible that nature just does not allow the human to do the unnatural because that would break natural law.
How do you deal with some irate chick that wants you to bone her in the rear, and if you don`t they are gonna be pissed ?
You 'sinners' must deal with those issues also right ?
For some people the whole unatural act of homesexuality is abhorent. And unatural is the key word.
I totally concur with the Jamaican position. I certainly don't hate homosexuals, I have no reason to,.... however I will not be forced (against my innermost sense) to accept their sexual preference as natural, even if it means being called homophobic or whatever.
yes God does care what you do with your body. if He didn't, He wouldn't have stated so in His Word (several times). Jesus' birth death and resurrection do not nullify the Old Testament (and He states that in the New Testament). He gave us His Holy Spirit to enable us to fulfill His purposes, including holiness, in our lives. SKIPPY, try reading the Bible absent a personal agenda. Try reading it with the mindset that I want to KNOW God's heart. I see nowhere in the Bible that God validates ANY sin. He does tell you to repent of your sin - which means to TURN AWAY from it, change your mind about it being "okay because so and so is doing whatever" and to ask forgiveness and cleansing from it. If I am cleansed of something, why would I keep going back to it? Repentance does not mean, well I did it, it's wrong, but I'm gonna do it again. Jesus' crucifixion was not so that you could go and murder someone everytime you are angered and just say "sorry". You have to change your mind about your sin - realize that it is not "okay" - Jesus is not somewhere winking saying "go head SKIPPY, i'll just look away". PLEASE. stop making excuses. and why such anger?
Great post Anonymous
Yes great post anon.
You seem to be a religious robot.
You believe.
That is fine.
It is a big world, and there is room for everyones ideas.
I will tell you a little secret though anon.
You are a victim.
You are inculcated with hype.
You can not think your way out of a paper bag. But that is O.K.
Oh and your god sucks.
I am a Christian and I don't get this interpretation of the Bible. Jesus' death was the start of new covenant, we must certainly adhere to the laws of the Bible but all that other fire and brimstone stuff goes by the wayside. Also Jesus wasn't some bigoted judge, going around and casting aspersions on people.
A lot of people are speaking out of both sides of their mouth saying both "homosexuality is unnatural" and "homosexuality is unchristian", these are two different and sometimes even divergent arguments.
I don't get it:
1) Scientists HAVE shown that there are regular occurences of same-sex coupling in nature. On numerous occasions. So it does occur in nature and is thus natural. It might not be the predominant norm, but so what.
2) Also why is everything which is natural automatically good, there are a lot of natural behaviours that we have been socially trained not to do, things we must do ever day to adhere to the standards of behaviour. There are even whole books giving standards.
3) The Bible is one such book, a book which gives guidance in these matters of how to deal with natural urges or inclinations.
4) However there are manyother books and even with the Bible there are countless ways to read it.
I think people need to focus on being Christians themselves and being a testament to the power of the Lord. Stop focusing on this fake performance of being a Christian and start figuring out how faith and belief can truly manifest itself through their words and deeds. The world always needs more GOOD WORKS.
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