Friday, September 07, 2007

The Secular God Promotes Taking The Lords Name In Vain. But Don't You Dare Call A Homosexual a Faggot - Gay Cops Bust Jerry Lewis

Jerry Lewis dropped the anti-gay F-word - the same one that got Isaiah Washington in trouble - during the 18th hour of his annual Labor Day telethon.

He apologized yesterday.

Lewis, 81 and sleep-deprived, was goofing around and dodging his cameraman during the live telecast Monday and then went into a ramble about imaginary family members.

"Oh, your family has come to see you," he said to no one in particular. "You remember Bart, your older son," and motioning toward another unseen character, "Jesse, the illiterate f---.

"No," Lewis said, quickly stopping himself before continuing.

Yesterday the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation responded.

Neil Giuliano, GLAAD president, called Lewis' use of the term "simply unacceptable."

"It also feeds a climate of hatred and intolerance that contributes to putting our community in harm's way," Giuliano said.

1 comment:

J.C. said...

Jerry Lewis is a notorious scam artist, and has been for years. Who cares what he thinks about fags, gays, or what ever.

He gets a major cut of the bullshit funds he raises.