Thursday, September 06, 2007

"Save Darfur" Propaganda

"Save Darfur" is bullshit. Sudan has oil. Both sides of this manufactured conflict are black, African and Muslim.

Calling this conflict a genocide and characterizing it as an "Arab / Islamist Villain terrorizing helpless African Christians" is as much a lie as Saddam's WMD's. What does everyone of the million different "Save Darfur" operations demand be done in Sudan? "Foreign Troop Intervention". Which is nothing more than a fancy way to say occupation.

The sub-story around this grand hoax is "educated" black Americans completely oblivious to the theft of African oil and allowing themselves to be led by the nose by liberals attempting to do in Africa what the conservatives did in Iraq.

Follow the money.

1 comment:

Intellectual Insurgent said...

They are trying to use this issue against China.