If Bob was still here, they would photoshop his face onto Hitler and claim he "abused" Rita.
Ha! My man CNu spits yet another perspective.
cnulan said...
Dopamine hegemony is stridently monocultural. (fucking brilliant) To have folks ingesting seratoninergic compounds is morally anathema to dopaminergic governance. This neuro-intolerance is one of the unspoken systemic incentives underlying the irrational severity and disparate impact of this country's drug prohibition.
Of course there are numerous other systemic incentives that have emerged to solidify the prohibition - and much like the institutionalized racism memeplex - which had its start in the wake of Bacon's Rebellion, there is a causal nexus which precipitated the far more encompassing and pervasive memeplex construct which now serves to constrain and prohibit herbal self-medication....,
Genesis 1:29
"And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat."
Dem say, you musn't use it, you musn't use it because, it make ya rebel ... Rebel agins waaat? Agains what they want men to crave ..."
Dopamine hegemony is stridently monocultural. To have folks ingesting seratoninergic compounds is morally anathema to dopaminergic governance. This neuro-intolerance is one of the unspoken systemic incentives underlying the irrational severity and disparate impact of this country's drug prohibition.
Of course there are numerous other systemic incentives that have emerged to solidify the prohibition - and much like the institutionalized racism memeplex - which had its start in the wake of Bacon's Rebellion, there is a causal nexus which precipitated the far more encompassing and pervasive memeplex construct which now serves to constrain and prohibit herbal self-medication....,
"Excuse me while I light my spliff" so I can understand what cnulan just wrote.
Pass that spliff pd, so I can ruminate on Bacon's Rebellion!
I wish I still smoked spliffs so I could join y'all.
I think it's "Nesta Marley" but I could be wrong.
puff-puff PASS kneegrows!!!
First cat invent a digital 'Dutchie' that can be "passed from the left hand side" via fiber optic networks - is going to make a couple of dollars.
(I bet there is a hustler in a brooklyn basement thinking about the same thing as we speak)
Paul took the words right out of my mouth.
I think Cnul and DV speak a secret language. A language of ambiguity (an expression whose meaning cannot be determined from its context) .
Cnul let me know if I translated this correctly.
1st Paragraph. There is a monopoly on getting high. The gov't is hypocritical for allowing people to get high on anti-depressants, while prohibiting people from getting high on green which is the same morally. The gov't has unspoken reasons for the bullshit war on drugs.
2nd paragraph. Incomplete thought...but my guess is you were about to talk about Mexicans????
Cnul let me know if I translated this correctly.
Not even close...,
First paragraph, forget the gubmint and take a look at non-statutory aspects of the history of the incrementally increasing prohibition.
Who started it and why?
Who was its major proponent and what were his methods?
Definitely look into the nexus of drugs and race as incentives to prohibition?
Law and order?
Those are on the neuro side of the prohibition ledger.
As for the other systemic incentives, what role did the cotton/lumber/paper industries play in this process?
Prison-industrial complex?
Pharmaceutical industry with its broad spectrum palette of serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (anti-depressants) which never quite cross the threshold of genuine entheogenic effect. Why?
What dimensions of psychological experience is the CULTURE acting to inhibit, and why?
Okay enough already. Seriously. Do you really speak this way on a regular basis?
"broad spectrum palette of serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (anti-depressants) which never quite cross the threshold of genuine entheogenic effect"
Okay enough already. Seriously. Do you really speak this way on a regular basis?
both speak and write - and - never edit myself. you do you over there - and I'll be me over here - and I'm sure we'll both be just fine, ok?
But you are not speaking like that now are you?
nothing here requiring me to look upwards and to the right for meaningful roofbrain chatter.....,
"Excuse me while I light my spliff" so I can understand what cnulan just wrote. by PD
LMAO on that one and thank you!!!
Seriously though, I am going to see if that works because I want to understand, I really do.
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