Friday, December 09, 2011

The Illuminati Want My Mind Soul And My Body II

David Livingstone, 41, author of "Terrorism and the Illuminati- A Three Thousand Year History" says Cabalists determined to be God have hijacked mankind.

"The Cabala states that God created man to know Himself," says Livingstone. "Cabalists take this to mean they can usurp the role of God. They don’t have to meet an absolute moral standard first."

Livingstone says that all occult movements originate in the Cabala (which dates to 6th century B.C. Babylon.) Cabalism is a Jewish heresy because it does not uphold the universal moral standards enunciated by Moses.

Livingstone maintains that most Illuminati bloodlines, including European royalty, are heretical Jews, crypto Jews and wannabe Jews. ("Crypto Jews" are Jews who pretend they are Christians, Muslims or other religions or ethnic backgrounds. John Kerry or Madelaine Albright are examples.)

In his book, Livingstone traces the genealogies of these Khazar bloodlines, which include the Rothschilds, the Hapsburgs, the Sinclairs, the Stuarts, the Merovingians, the Lusignans, and the Windsors.

"The great secret of history is this story of the ascent of heretical Cabalists to world power," says Livingstone. "Ordinary Jews and people in general have no idea how they are being manipulated."

"These Cabalists believe Lucifer is the true God. They care nothing for their own nations. Their whole aim in life is to humiliate and degrade mankind, and prove to God that the human experiment is a failure. They are gradually achieving this goal through their control of the economy, education, media and government."


J.C. said...

Well, this guy is full of shit. He does not know much, and how he jumped to those conclusions does not make sense.
Honestly in my book (Beyond the Cloak of Deception), I kick this guys ass in the actual knowledge dept, and I do it in the introductory chapter.
To blame the Jews the way this guy has, is just plane wrong.
The Jews are also victims, perhaps ones that are not easy to sympathize with, but they ARE victims also.
Far from those idiot ideas coming from the Jews, they come from Babylon, not circa 6th century B.C. but Babylon 22 cent. B.C. and through 18th cent. B.C.-, so this guy who is an obvious Jew hater for what ever reason, does not have his facts right.
A little knowledge can be dangerous and confusing.
B.T.W. -- One reason people do hate the Jews in general, is because they brainwash their own children with a set of lies.

While those lies or tales are fantastic, and engrossing, they also alienate, and create intense hatred, because the premise of many of them is that their so called god is a god that kills, maims, and destroys completely innocent people because their god is 'working' for them, and working against any enemy of theirs. Their obligation is to believe and pray to just their silly god, and then their silly god will 'deliver' them.
Also people find that any group of people that consider their goofy god to also be their tribes personal 'real estate agent', to be an easy target for ridicule.

The promised land was occupied with Canaanites, and at gods supposed direction they were demonized and killed. Genocide at gods wish. Very sick way of rationalizing killing people. No mercy.

When the Jewish god (in a story that was a made up lie) decided to kill all the little Egyptian babies, they made some permanent enemy`s of the Egyptians.
Then when they wrote those fantastic stories down, and brainwashed their kids with them, and also other nasty and bigoted tales, they made more permanent enemies.

cnulan said...


Other than their quaint and gamey nature, why do you find theories of volitional conspiratorial behaviour so interesting?

Just curious...., (particularly in light of your rejection of M. Fisher's White Supremacy Dynamic)

iwonderasiwander said...

The Illuminati Jew oppresses all of mankind, including his own lesser Jewish brethren. I did not realize this until recently. The middle and lower Israeli classes are waking up too, and protesting a lot as well. They are waking up to the brainwashing.

uglyblackjohn said...

This guy also seems to hate those we currently call "Jews" but check out his site;

Anonymous said...

"plane wrong" really? I have to agree, because it isn't wrong at all. If it were you would have said it's "plain wrong" instead. :)