
"Another key element of human ecology is the inviolability of human life, especially at its beginning and its end. The Holy See insistently proclaims that the first and most fundamental of all human rights is the right to life, and that when this right is denied all other rights are threatened.
The assumption that abortion and euthanasia are human rights deserving legislative sanction is seen by the Holy See as a contradiction which amounts to a denial of the human dignity and freedom which the law is supposed to protect. A society will be judged on the basis of how it treats its weakest members; and among the most vulnerable are surely the unborn and the dying."
In the old days women would toss their babies off a cliff, or just leave them in the woods under a tree for the wolves.
Women have the right to do as they please and not get stuck with a baby if they don`t want one.
Old man control of women is a major component of religion.
Men feel a need to control women out of fear of female sexuality.
Perhaps they want to enforce the fact that they knocked them up, regardless of what a women may have wanted.
Over population is related to as a good thing by many because more lightbulbs and toilet paper is sold, and economic growth is coveted in this type of system.
Yes they want to kill their babies. So ? That is the reality, and has been a reality since time immemorial.
Why not give them the power to do it in a surgical clean way instead of using a coat hanger ?
Morality is opinion.
skip sievert said...
“In the old days women would toss their babies off a cliff, or just leave them in the woods under a tree for the wolves.”
Enough with the melodrama Skip. (Notice how the secularists respond with totalitarian dogma when the pillars of their faith are challenged.)
According to you pro-abortion fanatics, women were so terrible in the “old days” it’s amazing any of us are here to read about it.
Thank God you secularists came around to “liberate” our grandmothers and to keep them from leaving our mommas in the woods.
Maybe you are right. Maybe it is so much better for women today, where, if they have $400, they are blessed with an abortion industry in place that strangles, vacuums and impales with needles over 1 Million babies per year. No need for wolves.
The hypocrisy displayed by the brainwashed supporters of the institutionalized murder of human babies, while sending men to prison for fighting Pitbulls, is evidence of self-hatred.
You can kill a baby but you can’t kill a puppy.
The so-called “humanitarians” actually hate human beings.
How is telling a woman it is her “right” to abort her 5 month old unborn child any different from telling her it is her right to kill her 5 month old child?
Why not just tell her the truth?
Why candy coat it?
When I was in college I thought an abortion was about as simple a procedure as having a cyst removed.
Not until I encountered the spiritual reality of human life did I appreciate the gravity of that act.
If you love people, don't lie to them. Tell them the truth about abortion, sex and reproduction.
For five seconds I thought this sight had some shit going on but how can you be anti-racism and such a misogynist at the same time? You can't see the same hate at the root?
You get pregnant, for whatever reason, and then you tell me abortion has anything to do with feminist indoctrination.
A fetus is not a baby. The first trimester is not the sonogram you show, which is when most abortions not done to save the mothers life are done.
And no matter what it is MY BODY, and I AM PRO-ABORTION. I think it saves women's lives constantly. We are adults and people, not children who do not know what we do.
You want to be a voice and leader of righteousness? Stop playing oppressor on the opposite sex as the white race plays on the black race.
funny that you made the pic for the 'alternate perspective' look like a lesbian. lol
anyway, i think this post is ridiculous, DV.
The whole fight over abortion rights has nothing to do with 'fetus rights' and everything to do with $$$$$
You sound like a corporate negro feeding into the hype.
The whole fight over abortion rights has nothing to do with 'fetus rights' and everything to do with $$$$$
Kalena, please explain.
Kalena, elaborate on what you mean by $$$$. I'm curious. Corporate Negro? lol. You know better than that.
Actually, I intended for my comment to target media and propaganda techniques more than the rights of fetus.
I'm drawing attention to the hypnotic grip of the Thought Police who control what people think by switching the issue and by demonizing anyone who challenges their agenda.
I chose abortion as a place to start. #1 I'd like to think of this blog as an island of free-speech in an ocean of conformity. #2 I aint scared.
When the issue is ending the life of an unborn child / fetus / embro / whatever you want to call it - why are we talking about the "rights" of women?
Why not talk about the death of an unborn child / fetus / embro / whatever you want to call it?
Isn't that what it is?
I don't hope to change anyone's opinion on abortion. That's just not going to happen at this stage of the game.
What I'm hoping to do is get people to examine the underlying assumptions to the way they view the world.
For example: No organism on earth, plant nor animal, intentionally ends the life of it's unborn.
Of course, there are historical examples within the human experience, but who CONVINCED an entire generation of women to believe it is no only a "RIGHT" but damn near a rite of passage?
1,000,000 abortions per year in America alone = a 911/WTC attack per day on the unborn.
I find a nation that reacts to the death of dogs more harshly than the death of unborn children strangely macabre.
I don't agree with abortion, nor do I want anything to do with one. A cousin asked me to pay for an abortion last year and I said "hell no!"
I understand that bearing an "unwanted" child is very difficult, but I cannot go along with the decision to kill the baby under any circumstances.
I hear you Jus. I feel the same.
However, I do not suggest women be stopped from doing it.
However, I find the knee-jerk hostility towards men who dare even talk about it in terms other than the the wholesale endorsement of the politics of abortion, revealing.
(Notice they even have my man Skip regurgitating the nonsense about "controlling women's bodies).
I'm like. Nah, man. I just don't want to see a baby killed. She can do what the hell she wants with her body, but leave that baby alone.
"For example: No organism on earth, plant nor animal, intentionally ends the life of it's unborn."
Male lions kill the female lions cubs, all the time, if its fathered by another lion.
Chimps kill baby chimps all the time.
As far as ordinary animals and abortions, ? Isn`t that kind of a weird example ?
Humans have killed human babies since the beginning of time. It was a tradition in the middle east to sacrifice a newborn occasionally to the cult Yahwah/Baal god.
God said Abraham kill me a son, Abe said god where you want this killin done. God said down on highway 61.
Probably especially if it was a girl.
The Chinese have killed 10`s of millions of Chinese babies.
Keep it legal, and leave it up to the women to do or not.
They get stuck with the kid.
Many hospitals have a deal now where you can drop the baby off, no strings, no questions asked for adoption.
That would fit into to some peoples program also.
I love you skip. for real. for keeping it real.
What's happenin' Skip.
Good post.
Jasai has her lips poked out about something anyway, so don't take the claim of love and celebration of 'keepin it real' too seriously.
1) Male lions kill the female lions cubs, all the time, if its fathered by another lion.
Not its own unborn.
2) Chimps kill baby chimps all the time.
Not its own unborn.
Are there historic examples of the occasional and unfortunate killing of babies? Yes.
Has there ever been a time in history when aborting babies became a $500 Million dollar a year "for-profit" business? No.
Telling women abortion is "about their rights" is a marketing ploy.
Skip, your emotional defense of dogs while robotically advocating the abortion of children makes me question your claim to be a "secular humanist".
Aren't you more of a "secular dogist"?
DV didn't get the best grade in "sharing" when he was a small boy. hence the hating.
not to worry, he only speaks for he.
are you suggesting we wait until the babies are born to see if our situation or our minds or the position of the father changes? and if not, smother it or toss it over the side of a cliff then?
according to the laws on the books today, that would be a crime. abortion, not so. not today.
but you can do something to change that.
vote no on proposition_____.
"are you suggesting we wait until the babies are born to see if our situation or our minds or the position of the father changes?"
I'm simply suggesting abortion be called abortion.
Not 'a woman's right', not 'choice'. Just abortion.
I also would like to see grown people continue to discuss it, pro and con, without fear of reprimands from either the thought police or self-righteous opinion tyrants who think only people with vagina's should have something to say about the subject.
everyone should be able to express an opinion. but an opinion and a judgement are different. and if one couches their opinion in the cloak of judgement, women who have abortions and the people who defend their right to do so, will get defensive.
But I can discuss it all day.
You seem quite interested in the topic.
what you wanna know?
I'm not no real bible thumper but the bible says - and don't quote me - that we are all equal in the eyes of god.
So I don't now who this holy see is (maybe it's a catholic thing and I’m not) but he/she/it seems to be trying to reinterpret the word of god.
it sounds to me like having an abortion and knocking somebody out would be the same in the eyes of god.
But we have laws and the bible also says, render unto Caesar what is Caesars and unto god what is gods. Which I think means, follow the laws of god and man.
So again, the laws can be changed if enough people vote the "right" way. But until such time Caesar says abortion is legal.
why'd you change the photo? did you think the pope would be pursuasive than that young sassy girl?
he's far less.
Changed the photo because the Pope is the author of the quote, not the girl. She just wore a T Shirt designed by somebody else. Much like her thoughts.
What do I want to know? I want to know more about the mind control methods employed to get young men and women of child bearing age to rally around something that sucks life out of women's bodies.
I'd like to know why a right to death is called "reproductive rights".
I want to know why a young woman of prime child bearing age is compelled to wear a T shirt promoting abortion any more than she is compelled to wear a T shirt promoting a colectomy.
What interests me about the subject, is not the act, but the attitude.
The knee-jerk hostility and "man v woman" sloganeering that awaits those who dare question the official rhetoric concerning abortion makes Islamic mullahs seem like surfers. I want to know what's up with that.
jasai said...
"everyone should be able to express an opinion. but an opinion and a judgement are different."
I hear you. That sounds good. But abortion is a touchy subject. Anytime people get uncomfortable what one says becomes "a judgment".
that's a lot and a girl is working. but i will get on those questions.
but while you wait....
a judgement is a judgement:
"...secularists who kill babies"
(because the people who make the laws aren't typically the ones who "kill the babies" and you have no idea whether they are "secular" or not "god fearing/god loving" or not)
and an opinion is an opinion:
i don't think women should be allowed to have abortions or call an abortion choice.
Of course peoples opinions are not what our society runs on, unless it is so called democracy which is actually a slave contract.
50 people can decide what 49 people do.
That is using the whip of special interest belief systems.
While it is possible that some spectacular wonderful human may get aborted/killed, that is a choice that people make.
In a Greek play that is famous, a women kills her two young children in order to get even with her husband for a marriage so called infidelity.
Because she felt betrayed she also KILLED her husbands lover by giving her a cloak that when she put it on enveloped her in fire, and burned her to death.
A women is a force of nature.
Unpredictable, and yes scary at times.
Men want to control that force of sex, and energy and contain it for themselves.
Men have desired to control females, and the most blatant example of that comes from the crap weird twisted bullshit that came out of the middle east, and which we base many of our ideas here on.
America if it has a future will be run in a science based society.
Abortion is a medical procedure where a future baby is killed.
That is the stark reality.
Women should be as free as the word free, and that includes having an abortion if that is what they desire.
As far as the industry of abortion Denmark that is a weak argument to my mind.
Every thing in this culture is based on money. Abortion, and sending flowers to your wife, or filling up your gas tank.
All American life is based on dollar making. That is the current reality. Why would abortion be any different ?
Even in a noncommercial non-money system abortion should be the right of any women.
Again it is better than having some asshole punch her in the stomach, or drinking some kinda shit, that could kill her.
Sorry. Had a tax deadline monday and been real busy working since.
I mean when it comes to a political agenda, the fight is about $$ because:
1) the powers that be have convinced themselves that the economy suffers, not improves, with the increasing # of abortions. For reasons reaching far further than welfare.
2) The $$ they gain from lobbyist, religious groups etc for keeping up the pro-life fight.
hope this makes some sense. typed quickly.
I'm not sure I follow Kalena.
Are you suggesting that the pro-Life effort has nothing to do with life?
That strikes me as strange. I encounter people all the time absolutely and genuinely distraught about the industrialized death of the abortion industry.
3,000 per day is an awful lot of unborn babies.
i think she is saying it may use life as a banner but it has everything to do with money.
just like 50 may use money, hoes and clothes (or the lack thereof) as a banner, but his message has everything to do with empowering young black men.
kinda like that.
literal meaning. poetic meaning.
just like the other side uses choice as a banner but it really has everything to do with being able to end the life of ones on offspring.
you get it.
thanks jasai! that's exactly it.
The MOMENTUM of any major political agenda in this country has more to do with money at stake than the 'banner'.
The MOMENTUM of any major political agenda in this country has more to do with money at stake than the 'banner'.
as Dina's comment so eloquently illustrates in the "free jena 6" post above.
If that's what DV means, that's what he should SAY.
Ummm ...
I guess I see that.
But tell me this.
Is there a grandmother somewhere, 74 years old or so, who simply cringes at the reality of ending the life of an unborn child?
Is it possible she is sincere?
I ask, because I find it hard to believe that there is a 30 year old woman somewhere who truly believes the question of ending the life of her unborn child is only about "choice".
the questions go so far beyond that, they are almost unfathomable to even the mother.
we KNOW we have choice. that is never the question or concern.
the granny is surely sincere.
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