Saturday, August 25, 2007

More "Save Darfur" Bullshit (From 08/07) DV Ahead Of The Game

This is what they were saying three short years ago. We now know this garbage about "Arabs Massacring Black Christians" is pure nonsense cooked up as a Public Relations (Propaganda) scheme. Most of the 200,000 dead are victims of climate change in northern Darfur. Approximately 20,000 people have died from actual fighting. Both sides of the conflict are African and both sides are Muslim.

Who is supplying the "rebels"? Is this more "Divide and Conquer"?

With so many more devastating humanitarian disasters and conflicts on the African continent, why are they so desperate to sell what is happening in oil rich Sudan as a "Genocide"?

1 comment:

Intellectual Insurgent said...

Laughable. It's so dangerous, it's a genocide, but those cameramen sure look comfortable, clean and fed.