Tuesday, August 07, 2007

In America. You Are Not An Anti-Semite When You Hate Jews. You Are Called An Anti-Semite When Some Jews Hate You.


J.C. said...

The Jews, for the most part are not so called, Semites. They are from southern Russia and eastern Europe.
Arthur Koestler : The Thirteenth Tribe.

More akin to a combo of Turk and Eastern Euro than a middle easterner.

Converts from the 8th and 9th century A.D.

Denmark Vesey said...

Well, if you are right Skip, that makes their claim to Palestine one of the biggest Real Estate scams in history.

J.C. said...

Indeed it does, and indeed it is.

The original claim is a little more than questionable also.
Claiming god as your 'real estate agent' is what can be described a 'stretch' to say the least.

Arthur Koestler was an eastern European from a Jewish religion family background. He was a great intellectual, and uses historical material from Arab sources and other historical sources to prove his thesis.
Most so called 'Jews' are either ignorant or 'believe' they are connected when they are not, except by conversion.

Just as the Turkic tribes migrated in the same period of the 8th and 9th century into the middle eastern area from central Asia, the Turkic tribes that migrated into southern Russia adopted Judaism, where the Turks in the area of Turkey adopted Islam.
Naturally there is a complicated explanation of all this, and I am giving a thumbnail version here.

Both were animists and pastoral people previous to that.

More information available if people google the Thirteenth Tribe, or the very brilliant author Arthur Koestler.