Star Jones Reynolds on Rosie O’Donnell appearing on her new show on Court TV:
“I don’t have any reason to not want to sit down and chat with her,” Reynolds said. “She’s smart, she’s funny, she’s in your face - that’s the kind of guest you want on the show"

“Pilates my ass,” O’Donnell said last year.
“That’s how she said she lost 200 pounds. Here’s what annoys me about Star Jones. As a former fatty, she has an obligation to her tribe. And to write a book about how to be the perfect woman that she now is, and to leave out gastric bypass…it’s just like selling bullshit to the point that it’s sickening. She pretends that she was never one of us.”Are fat people officially a "group" now, like Gays and Jews? Group identity politics are out of control. Once blacks were number 2 in a two man race. Now we are number 17 in a 20 man race.
Take a number man and wait in line after gambling addiction.
True Skip. True.
Maybe that's a good thing.
I'm tired of race.
her head is too big.
or her body is too small.
that 'somethin' is having a tube stuck in your ass and meat sucked out by a machine.
Modern day cosmetic surgery / masochism / psychosis ... is getting out of control.
I see a fat woman stuck in a body that looks like a half squeezed tube of tooth paste.
With the cap off.
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