

"We Support Vick a Human Being Over Dogs," was the message of one placard to honking passing cars on Northside Drive. Other supporters said they believed Vick should be given the benefit of the doubt until his day in court.
"Look at what he has done for this city — he's made this city a ton of money every Sunday," said Hiram Melvin, 50 of Decatur. "This dogfighting has been going on for years. It's not something that just started. It's not a big deal."
Sunday's rally was organized by New Order, a Marietta-based human rights group.
On Friday, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference issued a statement and the NAACP has called a news conference for today to ask the public to withhold judgment until all the facts come out in court.
"There have been too many people vilifying Michael Vick before we have full access to information on what allegedly happened," said Atlanta NACCP President R.L. White in a telephone interview.

Vic is a fucked up asshole.
Your god is a fucked up asshole also.
This Vick thing has been blown totally out of proportion. If he did these things, fine, punish him. But they are actin' like this guy is Stalin or something. My goodness.
Big J
Therapy dude... therapy!
I too hope this goes the way of the Duke Lacrosse trial. However, the feds have a 95% conviction rating thus it looks gloomy for Vick. Reports state that the feds have upgraded the charges which means his so called boys are flipping on him.
Listen, all we want is for the truth to prevail. If the evidence is concrete against Vick then he was not smart for getting involved and risking his career. If the evidence is shaky then he should get the benefit of the doubt and get off. Either way I hope he becomes more selective with his circle of friends.
Now on to the next important topic ;)
Is Kim Kardashian doing Playboy or what?
Somewhat connected to this story. Black folk have known this for years. This is why high profile brothers need to keep their noses extra clean. It ain't right but it is what it is.
skip sievert said...
Vic is a fucked up asshole.
Your god is a fucked up asshole also.
You don't know a damn thing about Vick. Other than what your television has told you.
Like most arrogantly ignorant spiritually bankrupt secular robotrons you "believe" whatever bolsters your fragile self-esteem.
Now you can try to hide behind little snide off hand insults directed towards God, but you aint foolin' nobody. That's a cry for help.
Your conceptualization of divinity is retarded. But you know that. You need God in your life. That's why you're here.
Somewhat connected to this story. Black folk have known this for years. This is why high profile brothers need to keep their noses extra clean. It ain't right but it is what it is.
You repeat that theme often. "The system is skewed against high profile brothas ... but they should know that ... so they are stupid when they allow things to happen to them yada yada yawn ..."
Something about that take strikes me as defeatist and slave like. That's why I call it "Plantation Negro".
I'm black as an Afro pick. But I'll be damned if I'm going to just acquiesce to an uneven application of the law.
If his name wasn't Michael Vick but Victor Smith, he NEVER WOULD HAVE BEEN CHARGED.
Dogfighting is about as big a problem in this country as is driving while on the cell phone.
All this hype is designed to feed a villain to the mindless mob of morons who need somebody to whom they can feel morally superior.
Right Skip?
But DV, is this healthy behavior? phuck the media. We should not be playing to the media at all but that's his second job so he can not take the sun without the rain.
The question is, is the behavior (or alleged behavior)the kind that benefits him and the people who love, look up to and depend on him? Because after all, that is all that matters.
Is the only example that brothers need to set, to marry and have babies they take care of?
Jasai said ...
The question is, is the behavior (or alleged behavior)the kind that benefits him and the people who love, look up to and depend on him? Because after all, that is all that matters.
I think the question is: "Who is to judge"?
Many feel radical secularists, manufacture these little public crucifixions and feel-good expressions of moral outrage (protecting innocent dogs) only to whip the gullible masses into a frenzy demanding mob justice.
Issues of morality should be worked out between a man and his God.
Secularists wish to replace God in that equation by becoming the sole dispensers of justice.
Drumming up charges and punishing Vick has nothing to do with protecting dogs.
It has to do with conditioning Americans to the mindless acceptance of group think and collective punishment.
screw the dogs.
what about his children. family. the people he employs. the people who look up to him and "make him famous"
does that fact that this ultimately hurts them matter?
jasai said...
what about his children. family. the people he employs. the people who look up to him and "make him famous"
I think Vick should tell his children:
"Daddy is not perfect. I am a man. Men make mistakes. If you examine anyone's life with a microscope you can find things to condemn. Bad deeds are relative. I have been associated with dog fighting. However, I've never been associated with manufacturing evidence of WMD's or starting a war that has cost the lives of nearly a million people.
If you watch television you will see very angry people blaming me for things I cannot possibly be responsible for personally. Do not be angry at them. They know what they do.
Yes, I am famous. The same people who love you eventually will hate you. Jesus spoke about that. You should read it one day."
It is not the position of PN's as you call them to feel as though society(s) (whether US, United Kingdom or Chile)are somehow under the control of the common folk. You would be fooling yourself to believe so. Your blame against those who understand the reality of the situation but pick and choose the battles that may call upon significant change is better worthwhile. What I am saying is that I am not crying over Mr. Vick because he is his own man and made a choice. He needs to take responsibilty for his own actions. He had the opportunity of less than 1 percent of the population. He was compensated to stay away from possible legal conflicts. Thus, to suggest one is on the plantation because they don't defend the negro in the house is bullshit thinking. I care more about the negros in the field who won't have $Billy Martin$ defending them. Assuming he is guilty no one forced Mr. Vick to get involved. And as much as some laws make no sense or have uneven punishment assigned it does not mean that there are not good laws that set community protocol in place. Would you prefer we not live in a somewhat civilized society? It is what it is means dogfighting laws I don't give a shit about because... It is not life or death ... It is ENTERTAINMENT DV... Which means if he is guilty he did it to entertain himself. So please don't equate weekend hobbies with real civil rights issues.
that would actually be a good response and then i hope he will not have to come back in a few years and repeat the same speech.
your're right we all make mistakes.
it matters not to me how people try to twist them only that i learn from mine.
I hope he learns something.
"However, I've never been associated with manufacturing evidence of WMD's or starting a war that has cost the lives of nearly a million people."
So if a gangbanger drove by your cribe and shot it up... Hit your grandparent in the chest and killed her and then homeboy came to you in court after he was caught and said... "Sorry dude... Listen it ain't that bad what I did because at least I didn't lie about WMD". That makes it better in some way. No they are both equally fuc* up actions. If you run a business and folks you trust are stealing from you... But justify it because they didn't tell the lie about WMD... You would be cool with that? Yeah Right! You would have a foot up their asses... So far that you would be in prison for man slaughter.
pro·por·tion [pruh-pawr-shuhn, -pohr-]
1. comparative relation between things or magnitudes as to size, quantity, number, etc.; ratio.
2. proper relation between things or parts: to have tastes way out of proportion to one's financial means.
3. relative size or extent.
4. proportions, dimensions or size: a rock of gigantic proportions.
5. a portion or part in its relation to the whole: A large proportion of the debt remains.
6. symmetry, harmony, or balance: an architect with a sense of proportion.
7. the significance of a thing or event that an objective view reveals: You must try to see these mishaps in proportion.
8. Mathematics. a relation of four quantities such that the first divided by the second is equal to the third divided by the fourth; the equality of ratios. Compare rule of three.
9. Archaic. analogy; comparison.
–verb (used with object)
10. to adjust in proper proportion or relation, as to size, quantity, etc.
11. to balance or harmonize the proportions of.
I sent you the link about media and brothers... That's not the debate. Why (if he is guilty) would he risk his career knowing how much spotlight is on him... Good or bad? Why!?
You wouldn't have made that stupid move. Many of the brother pro athletes don't do questionable deeds. What's up with Mr. Vick. check his history and his brother's who played on the same team in highschool and college and yo may find the answer my man.
You put any man under a microscope and he will be damned sooner or later.
The question isn't what he did - it's the application of that microscope.
There are men, who have done deeds much worse than what Vick has been accused, yet the microscope is conspicuously missing.
It's being used to distract the ignorant masses primed to hate a rich young black heterosexual brotha like Vick.
Fuck those dogs.
I want people to ask about the selective use of that microscope.
if you know it's selctive how come he doesn't?
how come "yall" didn't school him?
is this your fault?
since it ain't his.
is no one to blame here?
I'm schoolin' now Jasai.
Accepting it, is 80% of being a slave.
Accepting an uneven application of media scorn is 80% of being a media slave.
"The question isn't what he did - it's the application of that microscope"
What DV...Come on my man... So I shoot you and kill you and it make the news... Now I am not to blame for any of the outcome... Do you really see it that way?? Wow!
I am not responsible for my actions. You should try that one day. Go steal that Maseratti yo had posted. Then blame the media if you get caught. Let see what happens.
No point in debating this situation.
Accepting it, is 80% of being a slave.
Accepting an uneven application of media scorn is 80% of being a media slave.
What Slave make $100,000,000+? How many would sign up for that slave job.. Your funny today DV...
i ain't mad at him or you not wanting to be a slave to anything. but then you can't be mad at what being a "free negro" affords you.
What about convicting the folks who are "human fighting" in Irak? For a whole lot of more prize money, too?
Leave a Michael Vick alone. Go after the real criminals.
"It's being used to distract the ignorant masses primed to hate a rich young black heterosexual brotha like Vick.
Fuck those dogs."
I hate to be in agreement with our resident knucklehead once again. But I gotta repeat this one Casp and Sievert...
Fuck those dogs huh ?
Well Phuck you.
How could any one but a nasty nasty person defend the sport of ripping apart dogs for money and kicks.
"Yes, I am famous. The same people who love you eventually will hate you. Jesus spoke about that. You should read it one day."
Ha ha.
You have convinced me Denmark that you are a religious lunatic (brainwashed) with nasty bullshit, that you selectively use to reinforce a lot of back ass ideas.
Ha ha.
"How could any one but a nasty nasty person defend the sport of ripping apart dogs for money and kicks."
How can any but a nasty nasty hypocrit defend Factory Farming that rips 100 Million cows apart, EVERY YEAR, to feed obese people?
In this country, eating is a sport Skip.
If you are going to crucify Vick for being indirectly involved in the cruel treatment of dogs - Go after every factory meat, fast food eating American more than 10 pounds overweight.
(They are not eating meat because they need it. They are eating for sport and kicks)
"If you are going to crucify Vick for being indirectly involved"
That has not been proven. Why are you jumping to conclusions DV?
Secondly, Dogfighting is illegal... Hambuger meet processing is legal. If you have a problem with the law you should lobby your congressman or run for congress and stop sitting on your hands!
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