''The Increasing Importance of African Oil''
Africa is becoming an increasingly important factor in global energy markets. By the end of the decade, the continent's significance will rise dramatically. Africa currently contributes 12 percent of the world's liquid hydrocarbon production, and one in four barrels of oil discovered outside of the U.S. and Canada between 2000 and 2004 came from Africa. IHS Energy, an oil and gas consulting firm, calculates that Africa will supply 30 percent of the world's growth in hydrocarbon production by 2010. West Africa's low-sulfur oil is highly desirable for environmental reasons, is readily transported to the eastern U.S. seaboard, and can be easily processed by China's refineries.
Look toward the Cabal of British Petroleum, the Bank of England, Saudi Oil, The organized crime syndicate of the U.S.A., Great Britain, and Israel, and Australia and Italy and a few others.
Oil went up over $ 73.00 a Bbl. today.
Oil is a curse, but it powers our high energy society right now.
It will be the thing that push`s us over the edge, and the middle east is the fuse that will blow this powder keg.
Very true Skip,
But not exactly ground breaking analysis.
The perils of Peak Oil have been well established.
It's not as if the ... "Secular Humanists" ... who control corporate media, corporate governments and corporate energy ... are unaware of what is happening.
They are intentionally scuttling the Titanic, with a billion peasants trapped in 3rd class steerage.
M.King Hubbert is the Scientist that first developed the Peak Oil stats.
He is one of the founders of Technocracy, and wrote a large amount of our Study Course.
You know you really should not sling around your pet peeves so much about how a conspiracy of Secular Humanists have much of any thing to do with our larger Price System.
People are deeply slumbering...
Even the idiot Neo Cons are mostly clueless.
They are not really devils or satanists like you think.
They are just stupid.
You are giving them way to much credit, to think they are any thing more than a pack of second rate or third rate political and belief system hacks.
As mentioned, religion , even your brand was made up from blue sky and songs to the moon, by a bunch of control freaks, to control people with guilt, and get them to get them riled up to work and fight wars. Ha ha.
I jokingly refer to religious people as 'devil people' because they get all kinds of happy horse-shit ideas about themselves being right. That of-course is the basis of belief system brainwashing.
this is a question that i have posed to many africans that come here and for some reason believe they are better than or more intelligent or more ambitious than blacks born here. usually brings them back down to earth..
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