Sunday, June 03, 2007


"Women opened the windows of my eyes and the doors of my spirit. Had it not been for the woman-mother, the woman-sister, and the woman-friend, I would have been sleeping among those who seek the tranquility of the world with their snoring."

Kahlil Gibran (1883 - 1931)


Intellectual Insurgent said...

That picture is SO powerful!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

such literary flair....before 1931.

Denmark Vesey said...

You are right Robyn. Gibran was a master of language. Had a little game too didn’t he?

Gibran alludes to the depth, profound intimacy and magical possibilities of a relationship between a man and a woman .

Sadly, as the differences between the genders continue to be blurred, most people only scratch the sexual surface of what could be.