The onetime secretary of State says the prison is only damaging the United States in the eyes of the world.
By Paul Richter, Times Staff Writer
9:35 PM PDT, June 10, 2007

WASHINGTON -- Former Secretary of State Colin L. Powell called Sunday for the closing of the Guantanamo Bay prison and a rethinking of the "don't ask, don't tell" policy he authored as head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The public comments represent Powell's effort to further distance himself from the Bush administration he once served.

A key architect of the Pentagon's policy on homosexual troops, Powell said the country is moving away from the attitudes about gays it had in 1993, when the policy was adopted. But he stopped short of calling for a redesign while the country is at war.
Powell is a bullshit coward. He pitched the story, shows no remorse for his lies and now says Guantanamo should close because it makes the US look bad. Puh-leez.
Powell has admitted that his presentation to the U.N. is the biggest mistake of his life. And I distinctly remember during the run up to war he was the lone voice of dissent in the Bush Administration, it's like a toy in the store if you break it, (Iraq), it's yours. He should have followed those words up with a letter of resignation.
As far as the changing of the gay policy all that shows is that the miltary needs bodies, gay, straight or crazy to send over there. Yippee for the gay rights.
Powell is a bullshit coward. He pitched the story, shows no remorse for his lies and now says Guantanamo should close because it makes the US look bad. Puh-leez.
I echo your thoughts Insurgent.
He is pure political scum.
Powell a political coward?
Yet, why should he extend his neck any further for a nation of Americans who appear quite content playing the role of sheep?
Because he sees a future for himself in the sham and scam society we live in.
That means being on more corporate special interest boards, and raking in more money.
He is an uncreative cog in the system, which mostly manufactures death and destruction. We call that the 'economy'.
But can that really be the case Skip?
Can Powell be so short sighted as to cut a deal for himself while the Titanic sinks?
How does that serve him?
He does not understand the dynamic.
He is a traditional person that does not understand what creative change is. He is just another person like Al Gore, that mouths some words, and is mistaken for being someone who knows something.
He is beholden to special interests of Political and RELIGIOUS groups.
Those groups only seek to expand their interests, and that deprives citizens of the area, their rights and benefits.
He is a yes man from the military, that learned how to 'play the game' and 'get ahead' at the expense of facts in the real world.
How is he extending his neck? By saying Guantanamo should be closed? Hell, there are Republican senators saying the same shit. He's probably providing cover for the neocons. "Hey Colin, America loves you, you high yella safe presentable negro. Go soften them up on the Guantanamo and gay things so we can pretend we're just responding to the people when we close Guantanamo and let gays into the military."
Fuck him.
Agreed with all of the above.
This bastard betrayed the American people. He is in cahoots with the neo-cons from word go.
This guy is a dumbed down believer. He believes in the 'story' that somehow the fate of the world, as it pertains to 'gods destruction' of the world, is a drama played out directly by humans under the auspices of the house of Israel.
That interesting 'story' also includes a thing about a 'new Jerusalem, that will extend from the Nile river to the Euphrates river.
That is the 'promised land'.
Hello Suckers.
America is a dumbed down concentration camp.
When pressed, Powell will always disappoint the people and side with his political patrons, the Bushes.
Four years later, Powell still won't admit that the war was based on intentional lies. Until he admits that, I don't really listen to him.
Powell is advising the Obama campaign, believe it or not.
Big J
I believe it Big J
Obama is another total flunky and a 'soldier' for the powers that be. Those are the powers of Special Interest, be they Political or Religious.
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