Wayne - I'm torn as well b/c i've done a poor job of removing it from my vocab, so i can't throw stones. conditioning from using the word comfortably for decades is not so easy to shake. it takes work even for the best of us who know better.
In the documentary Bastards of the Party, Cle Sloan examines the rise of the bloods and crips from black migration west from the south to the Panthers vs the US organization and my favorite point was (paraphrasing) 'getting black folks to call each other brother and sister is the first step toward improving self image and reducing black on black crime.' he said "its easy to kill a nigga and hard to kill your brother." couldn't agree more.
I didn't say it was ok for a conscious rapper to use the word. Its his/her decision, and I don't feel comfortable typing on a blog how Common is the same as 50 and snoop when he has the guts to talk about love, being faithful, honor, common respect, family, the light that shines within etc. he's a cat born and bred on the gang infested streets of Chi and like many of you (I assume) hearing the N word does not sting me the way it ought (sp?) to. if one should be the change they want to see in the world they resist finding fault and show the way instead. I struggle with that too btw.
my issue with rap is balance. the n word is a societal issue not a rap issue.
I tend to stay away from the word in mixed company. Otherwise, I may drop one on you every now and again. Some situations just BEG for its use.
Have a good friday evening yall! I'm home billing hours this weekend. :-(
Play ground information was right ;
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.
Any god-damned person should be able say any god-damned thing in a free society.
Now this gets to the question, do we live in a free society?
We live in a class/caste based wage slave society.
Maybe thats why some like to censor people that differ from the propaganda/belief system crap they believe, because it reflects poorly they think, on themselves and their 'belief systems'.
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