"Everyone, Goldfinger Terrell, Willie Abraham, Hollywood Harold, was talking about this big guy, this Tango. About six five, 270 pounds, quick on his feet . . . He killed two or three guys with his hands. Had this big bald head, like Mr. Clean. Wore those Mafia undershirts. Everyone was scared of him. So I figured, Tango, you're my man.
"I went up to him, asked him if he wanted to do something, some business. I gave him $5,000 worth of merchandise. Because I know he was gonna fuck up. That's the kind of guy he was. Two weeks later, I go talk to him. 'Look, man,' I say. 'Hey, man, when you gonna pay me?'
"Then, like I knew he would, he started getting hot, going into one of his gorilla acts. He was one of them silverback gorillas, you know, you seen them in the jungle. A silverback gorilla, that's what he was.
"He started cursing, saying he was going to make me his bitch and he'd do the same to my mama too. Well, as of now, he's dead. No question, a dead man. But I let him talk. A dead man got a right to say what he wants. Now the whole block is there, to see if I'm going to pussy out. He was still yelling. So I said to him, 'When you get through, let me know.' "
"Then the motherfucker broke for me. But he was too late. I shot him. Four times, right through here: bam, bam, bam, bam.
"Yeah, it was right there," says Frank Lucas, 35 years after the shooting, pointing out the car window. "The boy didn't have no head. The whole shit blowed out back there . . . That was my real initiation fee into taking over completely down here. Because I killed the baddest motherfucker. Not just in Harlem but in the world."
Yeah. Bumpy, Frank, Nicky. And a few more ain't nobody ever gonna hear about. Those were the true gangsters. Not your half-ass Fitty and friends "toy Gangstas" working for the white boys.
Not to forget my man Guy, of course.
Guy who?
Guy Fisher
Look him up.
Guy Fisher. Thats the dude that I wrote about about a month or two back when I was saying I heard about some of the old school gangstas from Harlem.
A friend of mine was in the documentary about Guy.
From Wikipedia:
Guy Fisher is a former New York City drug dealer who once owned and operated the Apollo Theater in New York. Along with Nicky Barnes Fisher was one of the top 2 heroin dealers in New York City.[1] Fisher is currently serving a 25 year sentence in prison. He was put there in part by the testimony of Barnes who turned states evidence in order to avoid a sentence of life in prison
When Fisher purchased the Apollo Theater in 1977 it marked the first time the theater became owned by an African-American.[1] Fisher's life was the product of a 45 minute documentary entitled The Guy Fisher Story.[1]
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