In an interview to be broadcast by the syndicated entertainment news show "Extra," Brown said she was baffled by her split with Murphy last year and his subsequent refusal to acknowledge paternity of the child, Angel Iris.
"I don't know what happened and I still don't know what happened," Brown said in excerpts on the interview released by "Extra" on Wednesday.
"We had a few little disagreements and things that we were working though, but I didn't think for one second it was completely over -- my main thing now is I want him to be a responsible parent."
Brown, better known as "Scary Spice" during the British girl band's heyday, revealed she had planned her pregnancy with Murphy, the star of "Dreamgirls," "Beverly Hills Cop" and "Shrek."
"This baby was planned and he knows it's his -- this is what's mind-boggling," the 31-year-old singer said.
Murphy told an interviewer last year that he and Brown had split up and that he wasn't sure who the father of her child was, indicating that a paternity test would be the only way to be sure.
However Brown said Murphy had refused a paternity test.
"She (Angel Iris) can't speak, she can't defend herself, and I've got a situation where I'm dealing with a father who won't do a DNA test, who won't sign the birth certificate, she added.
"So, now I have to go through lawyers and I think it's really sad."
why she putting the biz out there like that?
then again, maybe she's doing this to force his hand. yeah, i can see that strategy working just fine...
Its his baby.
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