Akon Axed by Verizon Over "Simulated Rape".
Rapper Akon has been fired by Verizon -- and is being threatened with prosecution -- after he reportedly simulated a "rape" of a 15-year-old on stage during a concert in Trinidad a few weeks ago.
Verizon promoted Akon as one of the musicians on its mobile-phone music service, and said it would no longer sponsor the Gwen Stefani tour in which Akon, who recently performed on "American Idol," is the opening act.
Besides the fact that Akon is a SINGER and not a RAPPER, notice how rappers have become the poster children for socially unacceptable behavior in Ameirca. In an era of Slasher movies, TV Shows about whores (Desperate Housewives) and pornographic magazines featuring dead women (Anna Nicole Smith in Playboy) the disproportionate coverage and reporting of the exploits of "rappers" is conspicuous. Turns out the girl in question was not even supposed to be in the club which was for 21 and over.
Anyway, since when have singers, rockers or rappers not been sexually extroverted performers? Failure to do so would mean doom to most careers. (There female fans wouldn't stand for it.)

I went to Andy Young's 75 birthday celebration on Sunday and everyone was there from President Clinton to Ludacris. I found it refreshing at the end when Andy Young praised Hip Hop. To loosely paraphrase him, he said, "It's a great thing that these young people have found a way to make money out of poverty, struggle and pain. The hip hop industry has contributed over 1 Billion to the economy of Atlanta. Yes I don't agree with everything they rap about but my mother also didn't like when I sang songs with lyrics such as 'show me your black panties."
#1) Akon is considered a HipHop artist. Mary J. is considered a HipHop artist. They don't rap but they are not traditional R&B artist like Brian Mcknight or Luther.
#2) The issue is not the deed but the age of the participant. I think we all agree that there is zero defense for a mature man to dry hump a 14-15 year old little black girl accross a stage. If you had a daughter and it was her you would have his neck.
#3) It is the black prime minister who may bring chargers against Akon...Not Verizon, Not Fox News, Not Oprah.
#4) What Akon simulated was not normal heterosexual behavior. It was degrading of a teenage girl. I don't know of any normal heterosexual men who behave as such. Would you?
#2) "The issue is not the deed but the age of the participant. I think we all agree that there is zero defense for a mature man to dry hump a 14-15 year old little black girl accross a stage. If you had a daughter and it was her you would have his neck." Diddy
No, Brother Diddy. The issue is neither the deed nor the age of the participant. The issue is the disproportionate media coverage of the “event”.
The world is at war. The economy is on the brink of collapse. Sexual deviance much worse than what happened at Akon’s concert is routinely shown on American television during prime time.
3,500 American soldiers lay dead in Iraq and barely a snap shot of one of their funerals has made it onto the corporate TV networks. Yet a video of an over-exuberant “rapper” performing in Trinidad, becomes national headlines and is viewed by millions?
That’s not an accident. It is evidence of an agenda.
By the way. My 15 year old daughter would not be on stage with a "rapper" in a club designated for adults.
Akon has released a statement in response to the media firestorm over his on stage simulated sex romp with a 15-year-old during a concert in Trinidad a few weeks ago
First, and most important to me, I want to sincerely apologize for the embarrassment and any pain I’ve caused to the young woman who joined me on-stage, her family and the Trinidad community for the events at my concert in Port of Spain on April 12th.
It was never my intention to embarrass or take advantage of my fans in any way, especially those under the age of 18. That is why we tried to make sure that the club did not admit anyone under 18 in the audience. Somehow, that standard was not met.
Again, I apologize to those concerned and to all my fans and I pledge to all that we will strive to make sure this type of incident does not happen again.”
So why did you post it on your blog and give it more attention than it deserved?????
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