Friday, May 18, 2007
- Michael Fisher said...
Merci. -
May 18, 2007, 7:14:00 PM
- Denmark Vesey said...
Brother Mike,
The funny thing is this ...
Cash Money, Death Row, Rock A Fella, G Unit are MUCH closer to running their own shit than any R&B Negroes in the history of the music business.
As a matter of fact - Name a black Law firm, hedge fund, film company or ANY BLACK BUSINESS with nearly as much reach, entrepreneurial hustle or stone cold marketing muscle than any of these young rich former crack dealers?
Fifty can say shit Obama wouldn't dare even think.
50% of the Congressional Black Caucus could walk down the middle of 125th street and nobody would recognize them. INSIGNIFICANT.
The so-called "Ed U Ma Cation" these Negro peasants have mortgaged the farm to pay white Ivy League schools AND HBC'S were simply entry fees into the job market.
Young brotha Paul, bless his heart, was extolling me earlier about THE LEADERS MOREHOUSE produces.
Where they at?
He mentioned a dead mayor of Atlanta. That's cool. But other than that silence.
I check Negros on their self-righteous misplaced hatred of Rap music to encourage them to CHECK themselves.
The black middle class is standing on assumptions thin as ice.
- -
May 18, 2007, 7:46:00 PM
- Intellectual Insurgent said...
I must compliment you on one of the most coherent, sensible arguments you've offered to date.
I sympathize with your frustration, but this lack of control over cultural expression isn't unique to Black culture. Who owns Univision and Telemundo? The same corporations that own the music labels. The problem, unfortunately, is inherent in the structure of our faux capitalist/consumerist culture and in the racial dynamic of America. It is the complete consolidation of the media, the thought control industry in schools, etc.
Bashing Snoop or 50 isn't going to change that. It's much bigger than those guys. This isn't about Black people or Mexicans or Arabs. This is about the elite and everyone else. Don't get it twisted. -
May 18, 2007, 8:07:00 PM
- Michael Fisher said...
Go away II. I'm really not feeling you. Once you told me about Dafur and the rest of it, if you feel like it you can talk to me. Until then, shukran and goodbye.
May 18, 2007, 9:29:00 PM
- Denmark Vesey said...
Whoa, Whoa Mike.
Hold up man. How you going to play it like that? Insurgent has been a class act since day 1. Her arguments are heads and shoulders above just about anything posted in the blogsphere. She got more heart and soul and integrity than a dozen Plantation Negros on steroids.
The two of you exchanged a few words in the heat of intellectual battle and you are going to take it personally? She has enough heart to reach out and acknowledge a good point on your part and you choose to dis? You the last cat I thought would make a punk move like that.
That aint the Mike Fisher I heard about. -
May 18, 2007, 9:42:00 PM
- Michael Fisher said...
Death Row is dead, and the business of Cash Money Millionaires and Rock-a-fella is run by white boys in the background. Same with Aftermath.
I can't think of any black business with any major reach, period. Sometimes I wish we were back in the '30s to tell you the truth. Segregation had its merits. Despite the strange fruit.
But then again I wasn't around then, so, what do I know.
On the black law firm tip, I've been mad at these black entertainment attorneys for ever.
Shoot, if Steve Barnes, Kendall, Virgil, Louise, Flash, and Ron Sweeney and the rest had set up a law firm together years ago, given the client roster they had, they would've run the entertainment business. Today.
All of it. Including the the front of the bus, the white section.
In any case,
The black middle class has been mislead with pipe dreams since the turn of the last century.
The main culprit was DuBois who played at "Pan Africanist" while serving his white masters in the NAACP. When white Massa in the NAACP had no more use for him, he ran over to white Massa's siblings in the CP and joined that outfit.
These are the same masters, by the way Bro. Paul, who pull the strings at Morehouse.
When Martin started to see the light, they shot him.
And his "boys" Andy et al had nothing better to do than to stand around on that balcony with Martin at their feet, pointing in the direction of the shot instead of trying to resuscitate him.
Who gives a fuck who shot him. Try to rescue him. They should've been hunched over working on Martin all the way until they buried the man.
But that's the typical mentality of our House Negro leadership.
Colin Powell had a private side-meeting with a few black folk at a Vibe conference once in the nineties in NYC.
Farrakhan's people were there, Quincy, a bunch of local and national civil right Negroes, and my boys.
This is what he told everybody: verbatim: "YOU NEGROES ARE AFRAID OF POWER". And he included the NOI in that statement, too.
Now, you can say about Powell what you want, but he's right on point with that one.
Me, I LOVE Power.
Always have. It gets shit done.
DV, if you truly believe that 50 or Snoop have any power whatsoever, you are living a pipe dream.
Now, you are an intelligent brother, so I don't know why you keep on insisting on this shit.
Let's be real. If Fitty really was confident of his power he wouldn't have signed to Shady and Aftermath in the first place.
He would've been much richer, in fact wealthy, rather than nigger rich, if he had stuck it out for one or two years and kept on distributing his own stuff.
Shady/Aftermath didn't sign him because he needed Shady, they signed him 'cause they needed him. But he had no understanding of his own potential. Still doesn't.
At the very least he could've been the modern Stagger Lee.
Fucking waste. -
May 18, 2007, 10:17:00 PM
- Michael Fisher said...
- This comment has been removed by the author.
May 18, 2007, 10:27:00 PM
- Michael Fisher said...
"That aint the Mike Fisher I heard about."
Well, maybe you heard wrong.
II is a hypocrite. I ain't got time for this. I'm not about being friendly or making fake ofay friends.
I call it like I see it.
I'm not writing this shit to make people feel good.
If you only know about my industry background, I entered that industry when I was thirty. I had a certain life before that one.
If you know anything about me, my history, and who I always have been, you know that I'm doing this for a purpose.
Otherwise I'd just be another avatar.
So. as I said, I ain't got time to exchange niceties with hypocrites.
I only do that to show folks who the hypocrites are if need be, and once that's taken care off, I move on.
It's taken care off. -
May 18, 2007, 10:36:00 PM
- Intellectual Insurgent said...
I don't know if you got molested as a child or if some broad fucked your best friend, but you need serious therapy. You're just a pathetic, salty old crybaby.
May 18, 2007, 11:59:00 PM
Anonymous said...
Very simple... I too gave you a chance... And although you and brotha DV seem to share the same view on this topic specifically. Your position early on regarding the use of the word nigger by whites and how you think a black american should feel just totally showed your colors. Additionally, DV just loves HipHop to death... But you I... I just think you wish the continuance of the non-sense that is being distributed to my people. See I broke it down to you in the other post. An even though you stated that it woould concern you if rapper's lyrics were controlled by GWB you had a problem with that. See becuase you though owe that can't be the case. So when it was published that it's Jimmy Iovine your hyprocrisy step in again. Your agenda is something in disguise like your race. -
May 19, 2007, 12:48:00 PM
Anonymous said...
If you like Jewish reggae, believe it or not there is lots more of it! Before Matisyahu, Alan Eder recorded the albums Reggae Passover and Reggae Chanukah. Americans King Django and David Gould-- and an Ethiopian-Israeli named Alula-- mix Jewish and reggae sounds. And right here in Chicago, a musician named Ari Ben Moses is doing the same thing.
But the Jewish connection to reggae is very deep. Bob Marley, reggae's first major figure, recorded on a label called Island Records, established by a Jewish guy named Jimmy Iovine.
On a philosophical level, reaggae music is based in the religion of Rastafarianism, which borrows a lot of its imagery from the Torah and the Jewish prophets. The Lion of Judah and The City of Zion are major Rastafarian symbols, Bob Marley had an album called Exodus, and Desmond Dekker had a hit song called "Israelites"!
http://www.juf.org/tweens/celebrity.aspx?id=11062 -
May 19, 2007, 3:01:00 PM
Anonymous said...
DV ... I thought you stated that it was 50 who was calling the shots. I thought 50 is making the distribution deals. Man you need to stop hating on your real brothers (Fisher) and stop loving those fake negros (Fiddy & Snoop)!
Sirius Announces Strategic Alliance With Jimmy Iovine & Interscope Geffen A&M Records
Sirius Satellite Radio has announced the formation of an exclusive creative, marketing and promotional alliance with Interscope Geffen A&M Records and its Chairman, Jimmy Iovine.
Iovine was instrumental in the formation of Shade 45, the just-launched, hip-hop channel co-executive produced by Eminem, Paul Rosenberg, Shady Records and Interscope Records, available exclusively on Sirius. In addition to serving as an executive producer of Shade 45, Iovine will act as creative advisor and consultant to Sirius on new programming opportunities. Interscope Geffen A&M will also offer Sirius marketing and promotional opportunities with their artists.
Scott Greenstein, Sirius president of Entertainment and Sports said, “Over the last 14 years, Jimmy Iovine took Interscope Records from a start-up operation to what is now one of the most influential record companies in the world. His artists, including U2, Eminem, No Doubt, Sheryl Crow, 50 Cent and Queens of the Stone Age, among many others, represent the best that music has to offer. He is a forward-thinking entertainment executive who shared our initial vision for Shade 45. I look forward to the exciting new projects we will work on together for Sirius.”
Jimmy Iovine, chairman of Interscope Geffen A&M Records said: “The opportunity that this relationship creates for an individual artist, a record label, or for that matter an industry, customizing distribution and exposure, is unparalleled in the history of the music business.”
http://www.radioink.com/HeadlineEntry.asp?hid=126908&pt=archive -
May 19, 2007, 4:05:00 PM
Anonymous said...
MALCOLM X: The House Negro and The Field Negro
Guess which one you are DV? -
May 19, 2007, 7:13:00 PM
- Michael Fisher said...
Island was set up by Chris Blackwell who is very English, though (I believe) raised in Jamaica.
Jimmy Iovine is the son of a Brooklyn Italian mafioso (as far as I know). -
May 19, 2007, 8:11:00 PM
- Michael Fisher said...
On Iovine.
Looks like he's on a Wikipedia list of Jewish executives. Looks like I was wrong.
No matter. He ain't black. That's the point. -
May 19, 2007, 8:26:00 PM
- Denmark Vesey said...
Casper is a smart guy.
He has proven beyond any doubt that 50 Cent does not distribute his CD's personally.
He uses a distributor.
Casper, your hatred borders on homoeroticism.
"Ooohhh Masssa!! Fiddy Cent aint really makin' all dat money is he?! Nooooo Massa! Nooo! He bwoke jus like we!! He wuk fo a whyte man jus lik we!"
Casper Delores Tucker. -
May 20, 2007, 12:51:00 AM
Anonymous said...
The thought that a young man like Curtis Jackson, a man who started with less resources and fewer opportunities, has created a mutually beneficial business relationship with distributors, financing sources and cross marketing deals, frightens the Plantation Negro to death.
The hyprocrisy continues with you DV. Why don't you just simply say that Universal/Interscope both Corporations run by Jews like Jimmy Iovine has identified a opportunist like Curtis Jackson to basically alter his real life (shot 9 times when police report states 3)story and to act as though he is former high level street dealer (when court docs shows he used a 16 yo girl to sell dope) in order to portray an image of ignorance to his people and to whom ever else will purchase the gansta/ghetto life. Pure and simple. Keep it real.
And if you choose to use the Bush tactic that if your not for the war than your against the troops talking points. Go right ahead. Not once have I stated at anytime that I hate rap. I hate HOUSE NEGROS though. Who will sell out their communities for 1 or 2 gansta rappers. Who in tern work for Jews and Corporate America (Universal/Walmart). That's what I hate to set the record straight. So you can continue to use your editorial power on this blog to distort and avoid the real questions posed to you DV. But it's more obvious each day that your not concerned with the community of black americans below a certain income. If you make loot like 50 your for them reagardless if they are selling crack. That my friend is a HOUSE NEGRO to tenth degree.
May 20, 2007, 8:40:00 AM
Anonymous said...
"Casper, your hatred borders on homoeroticism.
"Ooohhh Masssa!! Fiddy Cent aint really makin' all dat money is he?! Nooooo Massa! Nooo! He bwoke jus like we!! He wuk fo a whyte man jus lik we!"
Casper Delores Tucker."
You continue to drag down the discourse on this post by calling me names DV versus answering the counter arguments to your lame points of support for Fiddy & Jimmy Iovine. Why is that? Your supposedly the intellect around here. Why resort to highschool level retorts? -
May 20, 2007, 8:45:00 AM
Anonymous said...
DV their is a mjor flaw in your argument. You arguement is to protect all gangsta rappers... but you never mentioned anyone but fiddy or jayz & snoop when there are about a thousand "west coast rappers" alone in circulation spitting B.S. and barely getting paid for it.
May 20, 2007, 8:50:00 AM
- Denmark Vesey said...
"You continue to drag down the discourse on this post by calling me names DV versus answering the counter arguments" Casper
Come on man. "counter arguments"?
You can't be real. Do you really consider your continuous, jealous, narrow minded, malignant hatred of a handful of successful young black men whose intellect, insight and artistry exposes you as a self-loathing mental midget, a "counter-argument"?
G.T.F.O.O.H. man.
Your point was dead weeks ago.
Instead of stepping up like a man, acknowledging your misplaced mental energy, you choose to play Rocky Marciano. Which forces me to play Sugar Ray Robinson and to keep busting you in your stubborn head.
Your "argument" that the pathology within black America is not the byproduct of decades of social engineering, but simply the fault of Hip Hop stars is beyond simple minded and pathetic.
It is revealing.
It is a snapshot of that deadly, jealous, hateful streak of self-hatred that has plagued our people for centuries. -
May 20, 2007, 10:28:00 AM
- Michael Fisher said...
- This comment has been removed by the author.
May 20, 2007, 11:41:00 AM
- Michael Fisher said...
"Casper, your hatred borders on homoeroticism."
Why you wanna call the man a borderline faggot?
That's not cool, either. -
May 20, 2007, 11:45:00 AM
- Michael Fisher said...
DV said:
"Your "argument" that the pathology within black America is not the byproduct of decades of social engineering, but simply the fault of Hip Hop stars is beyond simple minded and pathetic."
I don't see where Casp ever made that argument. I see him having made the argument that Gangsta has been employed in the service of the social engineerig you speak of.
So I think that's unfair.
However, your "social engineering" thing is right on point DV.
Now how is that social engieering accomplished?
By identifying and implementing a set of legal strictures as well as by implementing the inculcation of a target population with desired values.
And the latter is done via the various outlets of media.
In the 19th century it was the written word, posters, and live theater, in the early 20th century they added radio and movies and shellack records, by the late 20th and the 21st century they added...
Now those were the means, key is, what was the content.
What's the content today, DV?
Now I know about all of the house negro propaganda a al Tavis etc, that you could cite, but what is it that reaches the masses of our youth? -
May 20, 2007, 11:48:00 AM
Anonymous said...
Your "argument" that the pathology within black America is not the byproduct of decades of social engineering, but simply the fault of Hip Hop stars is beyond simple minded and pathetic.
DV did you attend college. Did you attend marketing classes. If you did ...Did you pass. Do you undertstand the power of marketing or media? Now I am not going to get caught in your game of name calling... Because that would be lowering to your level plus I am not a fan of Fox News tactics. So I will drop you with some simple knowledge. In your house who is in control you or your roommates. I bet you are. Thus the rules of the house are set by you. Your roommates live by your rules. If you have kids you may give them a little money to spend. Which they think is alot, But at the end of the day you are in control. Why? because you control the flow of currency. Now I am going to make this real simple for you. 4 corporations command 70% of all news radio. 5 corporations control 80% of broadcast & cable TV. 90%+ of the record labels, magazines, TV stations % retailers that distribute hiphop are white owned. Jimmy Iovine owns Interscope which owns G-Unit and Fiddy. Fiddy gets an allowance but it's Universal Music/ Interscope house. So until fiddy becomes Master "P" he has not done anything so revolutionary in the game. Secondly you only use a handful of artist to argue for the benefits our community receives from Snop when thers are thousands of rappers rapping about non-sense and don't make loot. So breakdown all these deals since you think there all worthy of your endorsement.
10 Sion
2nd II None
3x Krazy
40 Glocc
187 Fac
Above the Law
Alexei D and the Soviet Rappers
Tha Alkaholiks
Andre Nickatina
Ant Banks
AZ Boys
B.G. Knocc Out
Baby Ray
Beeda Weeda
Big Dank
Big Syke
Big Rich
Bigg Steele
Bishop Lamont
The Black Eyed Peas
Blue Scholars
Boss Players
Brotha Lynch Hung
Bad Azz
Boo-Yaa T.R.I.B.E.
Celly Cel
CJ Mac
City Boy (AZ Boys)
The Click
Cold World Hustlers
Compton's Most Wanted
Common Market
Coolio Da Undadog
The Coup
Crooked I
Cypress Hill
Chico and coolwada
C knight
Central coast clique
Daddy V
Da Jury
Da Lench Mob
Dangerous Rob
Daz Dillinger
Dazz (S.O.T.N)
Gangsta D
Del tha Funkee Homosapien
Dem Hoodstarz
Digital Underground
Dilated Peoples
Dino West
Dirty Red
DJ Pooh
Dj Shadow
DJ Quik
DJ Yella
Tha Dogg Pound
Dr. Dre
Dru Down
Dubee AKA Sugawolf
Dush Tray
Delinquent Habits
The Delinquents
The D.O.C.
Ea Ski
Tha Eastsidaz
Emcee Lynx & Beltaine's Fire
Faders Dynasty
First Degree The D.E.
Fort Minor
The Federation
Fam Bam Clicc
The Game
Game Insane
Glasses Malone
Grand Skeme
Goldie Loc
Guerilla Black
Young Hot Rod
Hollow Tip
Hood Surgeon
Hooded Figures
Hot Dollar
Ice Cube
Ice T
Javo Is Gangsta
Jayo Felony
JT the Bigga Figga
Jurassic 5
The Jacka
Keak Da Sneak
Kenny Kingpin AKA Poppa LQ
Kid Frost
Killa Tay
King Tee
Kottonmouth Kings
Lady of Rage
LA Symphony
Lil Bam
Lil CS
Lil Eazy
Living Legends
Luni Coleone
LBC Crew
Lil' 1/2 Dead
Mac & A.K.
Mac Dre
Mac Mall
Mac Shawn
Mack 10
MC Breed
MC Eiht
MC Hammer
MC Ren
MC SteveCool
Manish Mike
Marlon Money
Master P
Messy Marv
Mitchy Slick
Mike Shinoda
Mistah F.A.B.
Mista Grimm
Mob Figaz
Moe Man
Mr. Doctor
Mr. Free Jack
Mr. Malik
Mr. Money Loc
Nate Dogg
Next 2 Kin
Nutt So
Notorious ALI
Omar Cruz
Own Style
People Under The Stairs
Planet Asia
Playa Rae
Phil Tha Agony
The Pharcyde
Rappin 4Tay
Rappin Ron & Ant Diddley Dog
Ras Kass
Ray Luv
RBL Posse
Richie Rich
San Quinn
Sean T
Sir Dyno
Sir Jinx
Sir Mix-a-lot
Sly Boogy
Snoop Dogg
Souls of Mischief
South Central Cartel
Spice 1
Spider Loc
Suga Free
Swoop G
Tha Dogg Pund
The Bloc Boyz
The Team
The Realest
Tone Lōc
Too $hort
Totally Insane
Triple Beam
Turf Talk
Top Dogg
Tupac Shakur
Tweedy Bird Loc
Ugly Duckling
Vladi Doti
Warren G
WC and the MAAD Circle
Westside Connection
X Raided
Ya Boy
Young Droop
Young Maylay
Young Lay
Young Meek
Young T
Young Infamous
Zion I
Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_West_Coast_hip_hop_artists" -
May 20, 2007, 2:01:00 PM
Anonymous said...
Your "argument" that the pathology within black America is not the byproduct of decades of social engineering, but simply the fault of Hip Hop stars is beyond simple minded and pathetic.
You really need to spend some time with people living near the poverty level. Because you are so disconnected from my people that it's not funny anymore. Answer this question... Where do you live?? I am sure that will be very telling as to why you love the Jew man so much to protect his living/assets. -
May 20, 2007, 2:06:00 PM
Anonymous said...
You can't be real. Do you really consider your continuous, jealous, narrow minded, malignant hatred of a handful of successful young black men whose intellect, insight and artistry exposes you as a self-loathing mental midget, a "counter-argument"?
G.T.F.O.O.H. man.
Your point was dead weeks ago.
Haha ... and we still killing you and your groupie love defense of Jimmy Iovine's money making minstrels. It's like Tiger playing a 90 year old man... LOL -
May 20, 2007, 2:24:00 PM
Where did I say I object to Gangsta because it is controlled by Jews? That's some typical Arab-centrist bullshit.
My objection is that black cultural expressions are not controlled by black people. I don't care whether it is Germans, Chinese, non-black Eqyptians, Japanese, or Martians who control our s**t. I oppose all of them ofays.
Sheeet. I couldn't stand that bastard non-royalty-paying Rolling Stones' dick-sucking, Led Zeppelin promoting (though for a white blues band they WERE the shit) Ahmet Ertegun. And he was a Muslim and a Turk.
I don't like any racist white folks or whatever nationality or race that try to run our game.
I want us to run our own shit.
That about sums it up.