
We Invaded Iraq. Iraq did not attack us. "650,000 Iraqi civilians are dead. Who are the terrorists?"
(CBS) NEW YORK The bubbling political and personal tension between Rosie O'Donnell and Elizabeth Hasselbeck erupted on "The View" today when O'Donnell and Hasselbeck resurrected their fight about O'Donnell's comments on U.S. involvement in Iraq and terrorists.
Last week, O'Donnell pointed out that 650,000 Iraqis have died since the United States invasion and asked "who are the real terrorists in Iraq?" angering many conservative pundits. On Monday, Hasselbeck said that O'Donnell should explain what she really meant.
But it didn't die there. Today, the fight got started again when Rosie said she is criticized because she is a "fat lesbian" and Elizabeth is sweet, pretty and Christian. O'Donnell called Hasselbeck cowardly for not defending her and Hasselbeck said: "I'll tell you what's cowardly, asking a rhetorical question that you cannot answer yourself."
Rosie does speak her mind. A breath of fresh air in the corporate sanitized world where free speech/thought is not really wanted.
Hot air if you ask me... All they want are ratings.
Maybe Rosie should move to a Muslim country with her wife. Oh, can't do that they execute gay people by Sharia Law. So Rosie would not survive.....
Good to be in America
So ... "Anonymous"
Maybe dual citizen Neocon warmongers who lied about WMD's and lobby for illegal war that costs the lives of 3,500 Americans and 650,000 Iraqis should move to Israel.
We used to execute people in America for treason. Remember the Rosenbergs?
Sad thing is they don't even mention "WMD's" anymore. Why are we there?
Rosie is a ass..... We should'nt be there but we are. Remember our troops who are there for us..I don't agree with this war. Bush should of just stayed in Agfanastan and tried to find Bin Laden, not invade another country
Our troops are NOT there for 'us.'Our troops are there because our president is a moron...
Anonymous - why is she an "ass"?
Because she reminds us about the 650,000 men, women, little boys and little girls who have been shot, bombed, burned and maimed since our little foreign policy fiasco?
Are "our" troops really there for "us"?
What would happen to "us" if "our" troops came home?
Bush did not Invade Iraq by himself.
Have you ever heard of AIPAC? Richard Perle? Paul Wolfowitz?
Believe me, I''m no Rosie fan. But I must give her credit for facing the truth.
Please argue facts... and you will not get facts from The View...650,000 where the heck did she find that number.. Elizabeth got the gig from Survivor that makes her the International Relations expert.. Ms. Walters lets this go for ratings and it is making her "matter." Really it makes her look pathetic. No boss would let that employee fight go "till contract end" except for ratings.
i am an american soldier who has fought in iraq for 2 tours. she calls me a terriost well its because of me her fat ass can even have a view.or the people like her i wish she would say something to me face to face but that requires courage something she lacks but many american sevice men do i am ashamed that abc lets her even speak and that i defend a popus ass such as her she does't now the factsand or doesnt care to know them please remove her from society we will all be better off thank you
600,000 Deaths In Iraq May Be Right After All
In October 2006, a survey conducted by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health determined that the civilian death toll in Iraq since the invasion in 2003 was somewhere north of the 600,000 mark.
The survey was ridiculed from the right and flew in the face of White House estimates closer to 30,000. Even the timing of releasing the survey results one month before the mid-term elections was used to mark the survey as clearly partisan.
Well, recently obtained British government documents reveal that Roy Anderson, chief science advisor to the British Ministry of Defence "described the methods used in the study as 'robust' and 'close to best practice'".
Anderson was not alone in this conclusion. "Another official said it was 'a tried and tested way of measuring mortality in conflict zones'."
hey Denmark..before you post a stupid comment, you like Rosie should get your facts right before you open your ignorant mouth...since the war started in Iraq there have been approx. 65,000 people who have died there, not the 650,000 that you have said...and they have died mostly from each other not american forces..Rosie is such an ass she needs to just go away, anyone who supports her is just as ignorant and/or unable to research the facts and follows her blind like a little puppy...
I don't think i like Rosie anymore. She thinks she knows it all & when someone disagree's she bully's them. She doesn't even let the other person talk or explain in a fight. I say when someone fights with many people (as she does) that's a person who needs help. I understood what Elisabeth was saying & she is really outnumbered on that show by too opinionated people. She's the only one on that show who shows any class. I don't like Barbara either. She's a stuck up
Well, Anonymous American Soldier Who Fought Two Tours In Iraq,
Maybe you should have been in school instead of protecting Haliburton storage facilities.
Johns Hopkins University, The BBC and the International Red Cross say atleast 650,000 Iraqi men women and children have died.
Instead of being mad at Rosie's dike ass, you should get mad at the men who lied to you about WMD's and put your life in danger invading a nation that HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH 911.
Rosie is just a psychotic uneducated freak that is all there is to it. These Hollyweirdo's are so out of touch with mainstream America yet they somehow believe that they stand for us-give me a break. They are for pure entertainment and even that has gotten boring these days!
Anonymous, Rosie was not saying that the soldiers were terrorists, she posed a rhetorical question about who are the terrorists, her reference was to U.S. Government.
Anonymous: please remove her from society we will all be better off thank you.
Damien: what do you suppose we do?, removing her from society for espousing views which you don't hold sounds very much like what happened in Saddam's Iraq, stifle all dissent or unpopular opinion. We can't have that in the good ol' U.S. of A now can we?
Ive been a fan of Rosie for years, but latelty shes been getting on my nerves. Elizabeth has many good points but she doesnt have a strong prescense like Rosie. Rosie needs to relax, obviously Elizabeth has strong opinions and VIEWS hello!! thats why she was hired. So stop trying to change her mind. Get over it! she's a nice girl who, yes may be to consevative and like Bush but its nice to know why she believes this way so STOP shutting her up. Some Liberals want to know what Republicans think so we can understand them a little. GeZZZZ
Yeah she might be a psychotic uneducated freak. She may be "out of touch with the mainstream".
But she is right as sunlight on the number of Iraqi civilians killed during this manufactured conflict.
Maybe you want to play hero like you have been "protecting" the American people.
We are less safe than we have ever been.
You have been protecting Israel. That is who felt threatened by Iraq. Their lobbyists made up the WMD lies. Face the truth.
Admit it.
I suppose you believe her when she says that our Pres. knew about 9/11 as well? You people are scary. You believe every Hollywood story you hear. Let me guess, you think Farenheit 911 is right on? God help this country!!!
To the soldier who posted here....
I too have been to Iraq on 2 tours and you are wrong. You are actually believing the BS that is being pumped to us.
We have NO RIGHT to be involved in this CIVIL WAR.
While I don't care for Rosie, SHE SPEAKS THE TRUTH.
and will someone shut that little blonde bimbo Elizabeth up??? If I wanted to hear from an asshole I will fart.
It is very sad to see people pay attention to this kind of crap... And it is very sad to see people agreeing with a person like O'Donnell who only has negative things to say about everything... I totally agree war is not good, but sometimes mankind has to take a stand to save more lives, even though it means to loose some... Yes, I can call our entering Iraq an invasion, no other word for it... But some things in life has to be done if some are to survive... In this case, I believe USA needed to center itself in the middle of the Arab nations in order to stop our enemies from reaching our homes... It doesn't take a genius to see this when you see the map and see the location of Iraq... I also agree that Bush has not been the best President, but I applaud the courage he's had to stand tall in the midst of moments like these when the dignity of our Nation has been stepped on... We have enemies and they have sweared to their God that they will not stop until they sea us dead... How do you deal with this if not with war?... When all these supposedly intelligent thinkers have an answer to this question, maybe we have something to talk about... Speaking the truth does not means speaking what you're thoughts are... You have to have facts and most of all give solutions... And O'Donnell and all that think like her do not give any solutions as to what to do to defend our Nation... Because we need to defend it... Maybe they already forgot the headlines on Tv not too long ago saying "America Under Attack"... These are very critical moments for the survival of our Nation, and you have to have guts and courage to take a stand and try at least to defend what our Forefathers so diligently defended, our Freedom... And something else, I believe if you can't give your name when you post your comment about something so important as this, that means that you are a coward and nothing that comes from you is significant... Like many has said before, these are not times to critize, these are times to unite... One Nation, Under God, Indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for All... God Bless America!!!
Do want to fight them here or their? I think pulling out would be the wrong thing to do, but we realy need to fight it like a war and not the way we are fighting it now. Muslims would like to control the world
she said the wrong thing, and meant it just the way she said it. just own up to it and go on..i can't wait for her to get off the show, that way we can hear what other people think!!! clemsongirl!!
There isn't a week or month that goes by where Rosie isn't feuding with someone. She needs to give up women and get a good stiff one from a man to calm her silly #*s down. I wouldn't want to do it, but I'm sure some man out there who would.
Has anyone ever noticed that Rosie
s mouth looks like an A--H---. Maybe thats why she spouts crap all the time.
why is it so hard for her to keep her mouth shut. she talks over everyone on the show, i really hate hearing all the hot air that comes out of her mouth.i have family over there and believe me they know why they are there. but she flat out called them terrorist!! I say a mom should be running this country..cause if one of mine would have been in the world trade center...we would have been on them like a fat lady on a BB...
The troops are not terrorists. Once you have signed to be in the armed forces you do what the commander in chief orders.
Should we be there... no. Rosie's insensitive remarks are harmful to our troops (who did not ask to go to Iraq) and their families. She is a bully and defensive at that. You can certainly express yourself without fighting on national TV. But the show itself is a joke. The women never have calm conversation about anything. Yes, Barbara Walters should be ashamed of herself. Rosie has good points, but she certainly does not have the skill set to communicate. We are all affected by this crazy war, but can we be dignified in relaying our views.
Trudy In Florida.
I read your post very carefully. You strike me as sincere. However it is obvious you are a victim of propaganda.
Study every war in history. Most are built upon lies designed to scare people.
Please, tell us how the people of Iraq were in the least bit a threat to the people of Florida.
Have you ever considered the "Headlines" that frighten you were designed to frighten you.
Would you send your 20 year old son to fight in Iraq to ensure greater profits for Haliburton?
Do you realize how many schools in Florida and hospitals in Georgia could be built with the $1 Billion warmongering corporations?
Do you feel in the least bit bamboozled?
Do you even remember when they were telling you "Saddam had WMD's"?
PLEASE ROSIE do us ALL a favor and go away.... the sooner the better! I used to like you, perhaps even admire you when you stood up for children...I am embarassed of you now...so good luck...hope you get your own show because that is the only way you can survive...you are beyond having a civilized conversation, it's your view and noone elses! Those who disagree with you are dismissed, abused, mocked, and treated like dirt. You are nothing more than a spoiled ungrateful child. The people made you successful becuase they saw an individual they identified with...well you've blown that!
Whether you agree with the war or not, the service people in Iraq deserve your respect, not the trash that is coming from your fat mouth! You should be grateful for the freedoms you have: expression, speech, choice of sex partners, ability to adopt...made possible by the very same people you are bashing! I and the rest of the public have had about enough from you! Those who agree should ban Rosie...don't listen...don't give her an audience to have any more tantrums...let's see how "well behaved' she can become when the camera is not focused on her! I for one will not listen to another Rosie comment EVER!
Rosie, Close your Big Mouth, and drop out of Americas sight.
You are a loud, NASTY Lesbian.....
And The View can DO alot better.
I have many gay male friends, who are The greatest, its the lezzi's I have a problem with.
UGGGG you make me sick
Rosie should stick to being funny. Her loud, agressive and hostile demeanor toward anyone who disagrees with her diminishes her credibility as a talk show host. The "truth" as she sees it is not an original viewpoint. She delivers it with so much venom and thoughtlessness, she comes off sounding very ignorant and misinformed. People who resort to unkindness and bullyish behavior don't deserve a spot on prime time tv. And Alisha Silverstone...shame on you for acting like a 16 year old. You've lost me as a fan.
Washington, DC
The fat dike got the old bag, Babs Wawa to say on TV that she hated Donald Trump, mouthing varbatim words coming out of O'Donnell's garbage mouth. Elizabeth wasn't going to fall into that sewer and threw fatso's demand back in her ugly face. This show is a primeexample of why women should get back in the kitchen.
Lemme see.
We spent $400 billion plus in Iraq. Saddam, who used to be "our guy" and whom we encouraged to invade Iran had like what, a $40 billion dollar bill to show for it? Which is the reason he invaded the not-exactly democratic Kuwait in the first place, which caused us to kick him out of there and impose sanctions which got him real mad so that he wanted to sell his oil for Euros instead of US$ which made us "look for" WMD, which caused us to spend $400 billion plus and will cost us untold billions in doctor bills for the tens of thousands of wounded soldiers.
Not to speak of the dumb ass Neo-con "pro-Israeli" strategy. Which is about he dumbest strategy the Israelis and the AIPAC could've pursued. The AIPAC having made the dumb fascist fucks in Al Qaeda heroes thereby.
Now, lemme ask ya'll. Wouldn't it have been cheaper to just give the guy, let's say, $100 billion and call it a day?
If I have to hear one more situation that this FAT BIG MOUTH causes.
I could care less about what she says, I just hope she can say it without me having to see her FAT UGLY DYKE ASS.
This fat bitch is too much too handle. She needs to present herself a little bit better too.....fat, sloppy, fat and loud-mouthed doesn't work on daytime tv!!!
Rosie is a HUGE JACKASS, you does not want Elisabeth to so facts because she does not understand facts its too much info for her litle pea brain to fit into head. She is always starting trouble because thats all she knows how to start... GO ELISABETH!
"Now, lemme ask ya'll. Wouldn't it have been cheaper to just give the guy, let's say, $100 billion and call it a day?"
Whew. Kick ass Mike Fisher. Kick ass.
The nonthinking blind supporters of war for the sake of war are afraid of the truth.
That's why they cast stones at Rosie like they are at a crucifixion.
i like rosie i think that she always speaks the truth...but is like the saying says truth hurt and some people dont like to hear it...i suppport rosie 1000% oh...and about elizabeth i think that since she defends bush so much she should just go and work for him.or better yet marry him.....and she needs to get her stuckup ass off of rosie...keep ur head up rosie....much love...
This dike bitch is self-destructing and it can't come soon enough. I've always felt like she was a sickening phony. Can you imagine her raising children? Their birth mothers must be hysterical. This "woman" (and I use the term lightly) needs to be committed and put on some serious medication. I hope that the TV executives rethink any projects that they might be considering for her. I feel sorry for anybody who can possibly support her, she is such a waste.
"I hope that the TV executives rethink any projects that they might be considering for her. I feel sorry for anybody who can possibly support her, she is such a waste."
Yeah. Maybe.
But she is right.
Dike or no Dike. Fat or no Fat.
650,000 Iraqi men women and children have died since the American people were lied to and tricked into supporting this stupid war.
For what?
i think that elizabeth is a stuck up ass bitch...she needs to shut her none sence ass mouth...rosie you rock........
If Rosie could express her views respectfully and then allow others to have their own views, things would be great. But instead she demeans and bullys anyone with an opinion different than hers, i.e. Elisabeth, most of the time. I believe Liz has shown a lot of class over the last few months, putting up with Rosie's abuse in a very mature way. It would be hard coming to work everyday, wondering what was going to be said about you/to you in front of millions of viewers, but she has and shown class in the process--I have a lot of respect for that. I too, noticed Alicia Silverstone's rude snub, and have lowered my opinion of her, but once again, Liz responded graciously, not rudely like she could have.
I don't agree with the war either..BUt I am glad to see Rosie go because she shoves her " dyke-ness" down everyones throat...she has no business on a panel of women when she clearly is a man wannabe bully.
We did not kill 650,000 or even 65,000, they are killing theirselves with car bombings and all the other crap they do to each other and they always have been and always will so quit blaming the US military for everything. I could care less if we leave let them kill each other and quit letting them and all the other illegals in the US and it will be a safer and cleaner place........Rosie can go to hell shes ignorant
" Anonymous said...
We did not kill 650,000 or even 65,000, they are killing theirselves with car bombings and all the other crap they do to each other"
Yeah. Maybe. But they were not killing each other like that before our illegal invasion, occupation and lies about about WMD's.
Support Our Troops.
Bring Them Home.
Anyone ever hear of the Bretton Woods Agreement. Where America agreed to support the power and position of the House of Saud and to protect them if they were ever attacked by one of their neithbors? This was made in exchange for accepting only US dollars for oil. Maybe everyone should read up on it.
I have just read 40 or 50 comments and what the underlying emotions express is how hateful we are! The people bashing Rosie are using cruel name-calling in regards to her size and her sexual orientation. How is that helpful? To be angry at her bullying demeanor is one thing...but to stoop to the same bullying methods says more about our society and how it deals with people they disagree with then it does about Rosie or Elizabeth. Geez, fight fair and focus on the topic if you want to be taken seriously and actually contribute to the debate.
You have to consider her position. She is mad because she's been called an ugly, fat, lesbian and Elizabeth H. didn't come to her defense. Not sure how anybody was suppose to defend that. Well, now she's an ugly, fat, anti-American lesbian. I guess in her eyes that's better. She's just desperate for attention.
Rosie was right with confronting Elizabeth with her passive aggressive behavior. Elizabeth tries to put forth this sickening sweet personality while at the same time throwing daggers.
Yes, Rosie has strong opinions, but she's truthful and up front. She doesn't play games or portray herself as something she's not. She's real and that's really refreshing to see these days.
You've all missed the point. Did anyone actually watch the clip?
Joy was talking about Bush's incompetence--reading just a partial list of his screw-ups, when Hasselbeck cut her off and went after Rosie. Rosie said she didn't want to argue, because then she'd be called a mean dyke for picking on sweet Christian Elizabeth. Hasselbeck wouldn't let it go until she had provoked Rosie. All Hasselbeck wanted was to shut Joy up--she couldn't handle hearing the truth about Bush.
Well, she sure got her way. Nobody is talking about Joy's real concerns about where this country is headed. Everyone needs to be worried about what more damage Bush might do before he leaves office. Instead, you're all worked up over a stupid quarrel.
Get real, people. Ya'll are fiddling while Rome is burning.
The facts are Iraqis were being killed by the thousands before US troops arrived in the country, just as people were killed in Europe before US troops entered WWII. Rosie, and the other hollywood dropouts, want a perfect world without bloodshed, but with tyranical dictators, that is not possible. She claims to support our troops in one breath, then calls them terrorists in another. Our troops have brought hope to a large group of people who had none.
Well, I guess if an attack came out of Iraq and President Bush hadn't done anything about it he would be criticized for that as well. Democrats can support a cheating husband as president and say he did a great job with the country but they can't support a strong president like President Bush that is doing what he feels like is best for our country. I feel much safer with him in office than I ever would Bill Clinton in times like these. If he would have taken care of Bin Laden when he was president 9/11 would have never happened. The people that don't like President Bush mostly have no morals and are weak. Bush could just throw up the white flag and give up and that would be the easy way out. He is fighting a much tougher battle by standing by his decision. What will all of you say if we do pull out and attacks do come out of Iraq. Will you still find something to say? Like "Oh, we should have stayed there and finished the job." He can't win with you any way he goes so I am glad he is staying the course. We love our freedoms - even take them for granted. We are who we are because of our military power and our strong leaders.
The facts are Iraqis were being killed by the thousands before US troops arrived in the country,"
That's ignorant BS and childish propaganda.
Ask any Iraqi about life in Iraq before the US embargo and invasion.
Let them speak for themselves instead of sucking up Fox News Network.
Can i ask where does Rosie get her facts?! She obviously makes them up in her anti-depressant induced mind. I support this war not because the soldiers fight for us, but because they are fighting to protect the innocent people in the country of Iraq. We invaded a country, who was ran by a man that was trying to wipe out an entire race. God forgive President Bush for trying to help the innocent civilians caught in the middle. My husband is a Muslim man and he couldnt agree more with me. My heart would be so saddened if we left the Iraqis to fend for themselves. Baghdad was a great city at one time. Some of the most intelligent people studied in Baghdad. I guess it's true there is a fine line between genious and insanity. I'm so tired of people saying that its not fair for our troops to be over there and away from there families. Guess what it may or may not be but thats what they signed up for, they signed there lives over to the US Government and now they have to do there job. I am a granddaughter of a Marine who spent six years in Ewagima and a wife of a Muslim man. I know both sides of the story and it all comes down to protecting the lives of innocent people whether the are American or not!
I love Rosie for not being scared to tell the truth about this stupid was which has taken way too may lives and cost us, the American people too much money and credibility. Just who is this little blond (not her real color) Elizabeth. The only reason she's famous is cause she bared her boobs on the Survivor. Yea she's a real Christian!!!
These are America's voters. Now I see why we got what we have.
"Democrats can support a cheating husband as president and say he did a great job"
First off. Personally I'd be really worried about a guy who has a finger over the nuclear button and doesn't get a daily blow-job so he can mellow the f**k out.
If his wife ain't doin' it, to make the country secure you should send you wife to do it. Or, if you're a woman, do it yourself. I'm deadly serious about that.
There's nay a President of the US (reportedly including Bush Sr.) who has not had some mellowing down services performed on him while in office. Thank God.
There's such a thing, as flawed as it is, called international law. The core tenant of which is, just 'cause you THINK, someone is about to attack you, you still can't invade their country.
Christina said...
" I know both sides of the story and it all comes down to protecting the lives of innocent people whether the are American or not! "
Tell that to some of the thousands of children dead from the embargo or burned to death from bombs or suffering cancer from our depleted uranium.
It is amazing the depth of propaganda and virtual mind control the American masses have been subject.
As a healthcare professional, I can say Rosie's problem goes well beyond The Republicans, Iraq and Elizabeth. Her mental illness is well documented. She needs treatment immediatley as she is so manic. "THE VIEW" producers need to hire 24 hour protection for Elizabeth. In her current state, Rosie presents a clear danger to Elizabeth. Additionally child protective services needs to do an immediate home inspection. She would not be the first mother to harm her children. Rosie needs serious and immediate intervention for her own protection.
The bottom line, is, Bush did not have a plan. He sent our Troops to the wrong country, The WRONG country! Who is responsible for 9/11? WHO?
Was it Iraq?
And what is the first thing one does when/as they leave their home? They "secure" it. Locking doors and windows.
THAT is what Bush should have done before 9/11 (REMEMBER THE OKLAHOMA CITY BOMBING? INSTEAD OF BLAMING THE PREVIOUS ADMINISTRATION, HE SHOULD HAVE TAKEN IT UPON HIMSELF, BUSH, TO SEE SOMETHING LIKE THAT SHOULD NEVER HAPPENED AGAIN AND PLACED STRICTER SECURITY MEASURES AS HE DID AFTER, AFTER 9/11.) as well as after, as well as BEFORE sending our men & women over to invade the wrong country for so called WMD. And to have a plan!!!!!
I do support our troops. I work with a few people who have family menbers/friends in Iraq.
And they also question why are they really there.
They want this to end. They want to come home. They want to serve and protect where they are needed the most.......in AMERICA.
Rosie is a terrorist and fuels terrorism. To some, her appeal of being a fat, non-christian, lesbian is admired. To most, it is disgusting.
She is probably the most hated woman on TV.
who is alicia silverstone anyway. we should all boycott anything and everything she does. see how she takes likes it. she should have thought that one out.
who is alicia silverstone anyway? let's boycott everything and anything she does.
sounds good to me!
Rosie is a disgrace to the entire country and our troops. She received only a little of what she deserves. There used to be a time
in this country ( including her lifetime ) when you would stand up for and support your President during dispite different viewpoints
of politics. She has forgoten that
both tuff republican and democrat presidents have kept her safe thru her entire life......
She obviously has no self respect at this point, and I truly don't see her representing the lesbian or any other group in america.
I think we should ship her
( freight paid )on Memorial Day ...straight to hell.
No intelligent person could ever believe 650,000 deaths in Iraq. It's a complete nonsense number.This is as many deaths as we had in the Civil War.There would be piles of bodies every night on the liberal news. Where are they? They don't exist except in lies told by liberals.
Let's just keep our service members in prayer. Although I am not a Rosie fan, as a retired service member, I think she is saying what a lot of service members wish they could say.....but are obligated to support the president. This country needs a change of leadershp fast!!!!
"Yeah. Maybe. But they were not killing each other like that before our illegal invasion, occupation and lies about about WMD's."
What???? Do you think those were Birthday parties that Saddam was throwing over there? Gezzz,he was murdering people. People with families, people who just wanted to be treated fairly and wanted a better future for their children. He was a sadistic SOB.
And we can't blame Bush, he moved on information that he was given, and I for one am not positively convinced that the WMD weren't there. Crap, look how much time they were given to get the stuff out of there and hide it, all because there were proper channels that the UN had to go through before the inspectors were allowed to go in... lets get real... they had more than ample time to hide, move or dismantle anything that was there.
It's water under the bridge, and we can never go back and really know now can we? But Saddam did support the AlQaeda movement, we've seen plenty of positive proof of this.
So do we need this war? Unfortunately yes, because our nation should never have to endure another 9/11. Remember how you felt that day. I cried for days. And we all wanted retribution. We all expected President Bush to strike back. Hell... we demanded it.
I live in a military community, and I've seen many of our young men and women deployed. Are they scared? Hell Yes! But are they proud to be chosen to defend their country and the freedom of all people? Hell Yes! God bless our President, God bless our troups, God bless our nation, God Bless all people who fight for their freedom.
Everyone is calling Rosie an Ass, well even an asshole has an opinion,and that is just what it is. No matter how it is presented,the public can take what it wants from it and leave the rest. America without "Free Speach" is in more trouble than I thought, these outlooks that make people THINK is really what made us equal,but to let her remarks control your view of the person herself is a judgement that we as human beings don't have.
As a therapist I have to agree with anonymous re: Rosie's diag.. She is obviously unbalanced and needs a psych eval done with the indicated meds prescribed. She does have children and they are at risk. I work with the dual diag. and am not an MD but if this woman is not bi polar, unmedicated, I will miss my guess. I have been in the field 20 yrs. and agree also with the fact that Eliz. is at risk as well. Rosie exhibits symptoms that could easily be border line person. D/O, also another VERY dangerous D/O that could easily end in tragedy for all involved. This woman needs to be removed from the public eye, kept away from Eliz., and anyone else who does not hold her views, and seem by a psychitrist for eval. and meds mangmt.. Certainly a home check should be done by child protective services. If I did the assessment., based on what I have witnessed on The View, I would recommend in pt. for stablization......I feel the situation is that serious.
No WMD'S? Nuclear trigger buried in the back yard? Yellow cake uranium? Gas tipped artillery shells? Semi's running for the border from Sadam's storage facilities? How many millions were killed before we got there? Do you think everything will be OK if we leave? Do you think the Muslim's will stop trying to take over the world if we did? Using the rally call of limp dick liberals That is the inconvenient truth.
"But Saddam did support the AlQaeda movement, we've seen plenty of positive proof of this."
"because our nation should never have to endure another 9/11. Remember how you felt that day."
Lemme tell you how I felt that day.
That day, at exactly 8 am in the morning my little daughter and then wife were scheduled to be in the World Trade Center.
I was in Brooklyn and could not get across the bridge. For the whole f****ing day I heard NOTHING from my family. I thought my baby and her mother were wiped out. You can't FUCKING IMAGINE what that felt like. So take your sanctimonious Television-watching crying ass back where you came from.
It was by the grace of God that my ex had taken the wrong Path train from Jersey that morning and enede up on 34th Street.
If you gave me Bin Laden's address today, I'd get even Insurgent I to teach me enough Arabic to find that asshole and slit his fuckin' throat.
This so-called President has yet to find the perpetrators of this crime against me and my family and the thousands of other families.
Instead he used this crime to invade a whole other country on, at the very best SPECULATION, and created a whole new generation of folks whose kids DID get killed and can't wait to get at us.
Anonymous said...
"No WMD'S? Nuclear trigger buried in the back yard? Yellow cake uranium? Gas tipped artillery shells? Semi's running for the border from Sadam's storage facilities? How many millions were killed before we got there? Do you think everything will be OK if we leave? Do you think the Muslim's will stop trying to take over the world if we did? Using the rally call of limp dick liberals That is the inconvenient truth."
Well said, well spoken. Do you suppose those same liberals who are sticking their heads in the sand in denial, might open their eyes while they are under there and find some of the other crap the AlQueda was hiding? I guess they and Rosie won't mind too much if their own neighbors happen to acquire a stockpile of these "Not" so WMD in their back yards? I'm sure they would sing a different tune then.
Rosie has many fans and is well adored....by Muslim Terrorists! Rosie is too ignorant to think that her public bullshit rants are putting our troops at risk of more harm.
Rosie is a terrorist. War crimes. Death to Rosie.
Michael Fisher said... I was in Brooklyn and could not get across the bridge. For the whole f****ing day I heard NOTHING from my family. I thought my baby and her mother were wiped out. You can't FUCKING IMAGINE what that felt like. So take your sanctimonious Television-watching crying ass back where you came from.
Well Mr. Fisher... my sanctimonious ass had friend dead in the middle of that shit too. One died.... others were amongst the rescuers and a federal marshall who was my significant other at the time, there helping to save those who were trapped. So don't tell me what I can't imagine. I was going through the same hell as you. And your fricking ass was one of those that I was crying for, who didn't know where their families were. Crying for those who didn't make it out. For all the hell you did go through, you were one of the lucky one's... your wife and baby were spared. And I thank God for that too. What you fail to understand is that a person didn't have to be there to be effected. The whole fricking nation was effected. You sure as hell weren't the only one effected. So climb down off your soap box until you have something to rant about. I'm not the enemy.
I'm not the enemy.
Well, then go after the real enemy.
Rosie is too ignorant to think that her public bullshit rants are putting our troops at risk of more harm.
Yes, of course, because if Rosie said nothing, US soldiers would on that cake walk their good friends Rummy and Cheney promised them.
Keep blaming Rosey, while your idols keep sending you into harms way. And when you're on a street corner begging for change because you're too f'd up from the war to live a normal life again, let's see who will give you change.
John Keith said...
"Rosie is a disgrace to the entire country and our troops. She received only a little of what she deserves. There used to be a time
in this country ( including her lifetime ) when you would stand up for and support your President during dispite different viewpoints" John Keith
Should the German people have continued to support Hitler when he waged war on people who were no threat to Germans?
Why should we support a President orchestrating a war that has cost us American lives and American tax dollars and has been a catalyst for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians?
Anyone who has been on this blog for any time will tell you that I have a very low tolerance for hypocrites.
Now. Except for Cheney, NO ONE claims that Saddam was involved with al Qaeda.
Powell doesn't nor do most other former or PRESENT high level Bush administration officials do.
You approvingly repeat lies such as this:
""No WMD'S? Nuclear trigger buried in the back yard? Yellow cake uranium? Gas tipped artillery shells? Semi's running for the border from Sadam's storage facilities?"
Then approvingly repeat the following assertion:
"Do you think the Muslim's will stop trying to take over the world if we did?"
Saddam was diametrically opposed to the "fundamentalist" Muslims under al Qaeda. Bin Laden openly called for his death as an enemy of God.
There's a civil war that's been going on in the Arab world for over 80 years now. It is one between the mostly Egyptian lead Muslim Brotherhood on the one hand, and and the Pan-Arab secular nationalist leaders from waaay back such as Gamal Abdel Nasser, Michel Aflaq, Hafez al Assad, Yasir Arafat, and, in more recent times, Saddam Hussein, on the other.
There was no way these two forces would cooperate. In fact, they were slaughtering each other with abandon for decades, with the secular Arab leadership doing the majority of the slaughtering 'cause they held state power.
In fact, we, the US tended to support the secular Arab leadership against the fundamentalist Muslim leadership were ever we could: In Algeria where the Muslims had been voted into power about a decade or so ago, but where the seculars who controlled the military staged a coup and wiped them out, in Syria where Assad leveled a whole city containing fundamentalist Muslims, in Iraq where Saddam went after them on a daily, in Egypt, etc.
The only "western" country that actually FOSTERED and financed the development of a distinct fundamentalist Muslim group was Israel. And the organization they supported and suckled like a baby was HAMAS. They did that to split the Palestinians and to get a counterbalance to Arafat's secular, Pan-Arab Fatah.
Being not as smart as they thought, the whole thing literally blew up in their faces.
All this was well known by the administration and anyone who picked up a newspaper way before 9/11 and after.
Fact is, it was part of al Qaeda's strategy to goad us to take down guys like Saddam FOR them.
They never had an operational base in Iraq. Now they do.
Thanks to your "strong" President.
So do one thing or another:
Either study and research and then truly be patriotic and pursue America's national interest and not that of any other outside force, or should you know already what I told you, stop lying.
That was off the hook. You can respond with an insult, but god dammit, I'm going to pay you a compliment for that.
Wow and wow. Impressive.
" No intelligent person could ever believe 650,000 deaths in Iraq. It's a complete nonsense number.This is as many deaths as we had in the Civil War.There would be piles of bodies every night on the liberal news. Where are they? They don't exist except in lies told by liberals."
And I was accused of being a victim of propaganda... :-) It seems that these people are not well informed, and nothing to say about their math skills, they are very poor... Glad someone pointed this out before I did.
And in reply to Denmark Vesey's message: I did take my youngest daughter to enlist in the army after 9/11... She took the test and passed with flying colors, then the recruiter had the idea of her taking the test again so she could get even higher grades and enrolled in the US Air Force where she would be treated better, but in order to do this she needed to wait some time to take the test again... During this time, she changed her mind... This is to let you know that I don't only do the talk, I do the walk too.
And do you really believe that any money not used in warfare would be used to built more schools and hospitals in any of our States? In what world are you living? I now think that the real victim of propaganda is you, my friend... I don't know where you're getting your information but I sincerely suggest you start getting it somewhere else 'cause frankly what you're saying doesn't go with reality at all... And stop attacking everyone in here that doesn't agree with you or the so called O'Donnell... Stick to the problem and please don't get into anybody's business... If you can't have a normal discussion about certain issues without getting into people's businesses, maybe you shouldn't be writing in this blog... Everyone is entitled to post their comments versing their opinions without being intimidated or attacked, otherwise, I should agree in "bring the boys and girls back" (it is not worth to give up your life for a Nation that is not free anymore)... There are no simple solutions in this life, just wake up each morning and try to do your best... But please try... I can assure you that if we all did this the world would be a better place to live in!!
Trudy in Florida, Again, you appear to be sincere. Sincere and confused.
Please don't interpret my questioning of your strange logic as an attack.
In the spirit of love, humanity, peace and the preservation of this great country, I am asking you to ask yourself :
Thanks Trudy.
Do you consider yourself a nigger?
"Do you consider yourself a nigger?"
Do you?
Are you?
If not would you want to run into me in a dark alley?
Denmark Vesey, I think the one confused is you if you're asking me to explain again why I think we are really in Iraq, when I already explained that in my first message...
"I believe USA needed to center itself in the middle of the Arab nations in order to stop our enemies from reaching our homes... It doesn't take a genius to see this when you see the map and see the location of Iraq"...
And you said you had read my post very carefully... Hmmmm, maybe that's why you get all information wrong...
And I'm not interpreting your questioning to my logic (strange to you, obviously) as an attack... I'm interpreting as an attack all of your replies in here to everyone else's posts when they do not agree with you... And your questions directly to us like when you asked me: "Would you send your 20 year old son to fight in Iraq?"... Which by the way could be a daughter, not only a son can be send to war... Step to the next millenium please, and again look to the real world in which we live in... Do not listen to stupid rhetorics coming from the mouths of unhappy, unsatisfied people...
Please stick to the discussion in here and stop addressing others directly to combat their opinions...
The neocons? the PNAC? Now I know where you're coming from... The Project for the New American Century... You don't think the USA has a global responsibility as the leader of the world? And propably you think we can do it by the spirit of love, humanity and peace?... What do you think will happen if we retrieve our army from the center of the Arab nations, and bring our boys and girls back home? And with them our teams of intelligence?... Now look at the bigger picture, where are the oil deposits located in the world? Do I need to remind you that without oil we can't survive, we would not be able to produce food, electricity, transportation, and most of our basic necessities... But worst of all, we couldn't even defend ourselves in case of an attack... In other words, the death of our Nation... Not to be pesimist but that's exactly what we are dealing with at the present time... Maybe you need to remind yourself who our enemies are, and what are they capable of doing if do not stand up to them by being in the middle of their countries obtaining as much information as we can and controlling their every move... This is something that should concern everyone living in USA...
And regarding your comment about trusting men who have lied to us repeatedly... You would be surprise how many time all of us lie all the time... Including yourself... That's just part of our human nature... Go to your mother and father and ask them to tell you honestly how many times they had to lie to you because you were only a child and would not understand certain things... Even today, if someone doesn't feel you can understand why they're behaving like they do, they will tell you something else but the truth... We lie constantly, if you call lying not saying the truth to people that you feel should not know anything that has to do with your life...
Like I said before, there are no simple solutions, just wake up each morning and try to do your best.
While I understand that you are directing your remarks to DV, let me interject my own two cents.
Aside from the question of who elected us "world leader", this Iraq thing is NOT about oil.
None of the US oil companies advocated our invading Iraq. In fact, most of them openly opposed it.
The only companies associated with the oil industry that actually are benefiting from this thing and are supporing it are the oil industry supply companies, primarily Halliburton.
Saddam in the past and at all times later would have been only too happy to sell us his oil.
That's why I made my $100 billion reference.
Now, who are these enemies you are talking about that are trying to reach our homes?
There is no army, no armed force in the world that can attack us in the United States. None. No the Russians, not the Chinese, not the North Koreans.
Now if you are talking about terrorists, all people like that would have to do is walk across the Mexican border or swim ashore in Florida or Maine and buy different ingredients at different drugstores and boom.
But in order to prevent something like that we don't need to send your daughter to the Middle East.
In fact, we should not.
Now, let's be bold, and imagine that we took the $500 billion we spent on this Iraq thing and used it o research and develop alternative energy sources.
Or to upgrade and reestablish our manufacturing capabilities.
Or to do both.
$500 billion, that's a lot of money.
That would have done more for our security than anything else. Because in the long run you can not sustain any military without a strong economic base.
Lastly, DV is correct about the neo cons. If you read the report they prepared for former Israeli prime minister Netanyahu, you will find that they did advocate the invasion of Iraq. But that was only as a stepping stone, according to the report, to taking down Israel's immediate neighbor, and main nemesis, Syria.
So the whole Iraq exercise, form the Israeli point of view, is not over by a far shot. They need us to take down Syria as well.
And that is because Syria has always considered Lebanon and what today is Israel as part of is country. Which, historically, is accurate.
This is why the largest Palestinian military force is actually attached to the Syrian army.
So when it comes down to it the Israeli/Palestinian battle is actually not between the rag-tag al Fatah forces and Hamas on the one hand, and Israel on the other, It is between two hostile states.
One seeks to recover its territories in Lebanon and Palestine (Israel) and the other that has established itself on this territory.
Now, all myths aside. Israel can not defeat Syria would require a sustained occupation.
However, the Israelis already found out in the 1980s that they can not even occupy part of a tiny country like Lebanon for a substantial length of time.
How then would they be able to do that with Syria?
Thus the solution it was felt was to call in big brother to do the job for them.
What is happening over there is not in our national interest, even if we were to agree that the US should play "leader" of the world.
Our foreign policy interests are being distorted by internal politics and that distorting force is the right wing Israeli lobby in the United States.
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