Our oil-based economy is operating on the margins, as we speak. We only have 1.0% to 1.5% excess production capacity. If you take the Iranian oil off the market, which is the first thing the Iranians will do, we automatically drop to around minus-4%, which means there ain’t enough oil out there to support the globe’s thirst for oil, especially America’s thirst for oil. And we're not the only ones drinking it? You think for a second the Chinese and the Indians, the world’s two largest developing economies, are going to say, “Hey, Uncle Sam, we’ll put everything on hold, so we can divert oil resources, so you can feed your oil addiction, because you attacked Iran”?
And it’s not just Iranian oil that will go off the market. Why do you think we sent minesweepers up there? We’ve got to keep the Straits of Hormuz open. The Iranians will shut it down that quick. They’ll also shut down oil production in the western oil fields of Saudi Arabia. They’ll shut down Kuwaiti oil production. They’ll shut down oil production in the United Arab Emirates. They’ll shut down whatever remaining oil production there is in Iraq. They’ll launch a massive attack using their Shia proxies in Iraq against American forces. That will cause bloodshed.
The bottom line is, within two days of our decision to initiate an attack on Iran, every single one of you is going to be feeling the consequences of that in your pocketbook. And it’s only going to get worse. This is not something that only I recognize. Ask Dick Lugar what information he’s getting from big business, who are saying, “We can’t afford to go to war with Iran.”
SEYMOUR HERSH: Final question: given all this, are we going to do it?
SCOTT RITTER: Yes, we're going to do it.
Pretty soon a Black man is going to be riding around L.A. on a 10 speed, these gas prices are killling me.
This adminstration is so bass ackwards its not even funny.
Thing about it D is that if the shit goes down, (and it really looks like it will as soon as June of this year) "getting around LA" is going to be the least of your problems.
If the economy collapses and the fragile ass dollar fails, you are going to be surrounded by 200 million obese, hungry, spoiled drug addicted (prescription and illicit) Americans armed to the teeth.
I'm going to the firing range this weekend if you want to hook up.
I might be in the ATL this weekend, but I've definitely have to buld my skills with the sidearm.
Damien said "going to be." I'm already there!
Got news for you Seymour Hersh, along with Amy Goodman, and yes Noam Chomsky are flunky`s for the Price System. Throw the essayist, James Kunsler in there also, and you may as well listen and believe Fox News.
One way or another these people are almost like Neo-cons/nazi belief system thumpers in disguise. They bullshit endlessly about all kinds of stuff, and never get to the real problems. They all pull in huge money for their Divide and Conquer approach of pitting Repubs against Demos.
I like your Neo-con post down below. Now thats reality, and those are the mother fuckers that control both sides along with a bunch of other brainwashed zombies.
A conspiracy of Stupidity.
Hello Suckers.
The North American people could have an abundant and good life. Instead we are led around by a class of people known as International Bankers. They control the U.S. now, and they want to kill off the competition. Part of the competition is the American people.
- I like your picture of Orwell though. Now he had a brain.
Chomsky is part of the problem.
-- Oh, and yes, the born again retards want to do it, and yes oil will go immediately to $100 then $120 in about 20min. Then we will be in a national emergency. Then we collapse, and then things get ugly.
Then... lay low for a while. Then maybe we create a 'good' society.
- I hope.
Kick Ass Skip Sievert. Kick Ass.
I've been on the fence regarding Chomsky for awhile and Seymore Hersh is obviously a shill.
What happened to the Soviet Union 20 years ago, is happening to the US now. The Balkanization is intentional.
Absolutely, They maintain control, even if its in a collapsed Price System, they think. In fact you almost have to think that is an inevitable plan they are making in the context of how they think. They are too dumb to understand how many creative alternatives there are to the present crooked anti-human system.
The same group of Religious/Politico Price System Flunkys tried to take over Russia and convert it into our mafia system of Politico/Religious thugs, and the Russians did not go for it. Putin is about 5 times smarter than Bush.
-The Corporations that run Globalism want to mine the United States for resources, which will destroy our resource base. They want to do that for money. 'Money' is an abstract concept that maintains the caste/class system in North America.
We do not need it.
If people understood the true wealth of North America, and the level of our resource base, then we could move forward, with a good society.
Quick example. Corn.
-11 million bushels were grown in the U.S. last year.
-There are 300 million Americans
-Thats 35,000 bushels per. person.
-Corn is going for about $4.00 a bushel.
-That is approx. $142,000 dollars for every single American.
And that is JUST Corn. Ha ha.
Just a little reality check. We do indeed live in a phony scam society that is a throwback to a barbaric time.
While I am not advocating money, or dividing our crops this way, I just want to give an idea of the abundance of our land area. Could we all scrape by on $142,000 a year in Corn money ?
Masters of Deceit want it another way.
I called this damn near two years ago. It's a done deal. Did you see Cheney's speech in the middle east last week?
Big J
Whoopsie, I meant to say 11 billion bushels of corn in the previous post. Thats billion not million as the total of the corn crop in the U.S. last year, 11 billion bushels ~!~
Chomsky is tight, but he views Israel as the American "client" instead of vice versa. I find that suspect and contrary to plain reality.
DV and SS, I'm a little surprised at the criticism of Chomsky and Goodman though. I guess I understand it though.
Big J
If the link doesn't work check out Robert Newman The History of Oil on google video. I was amused.
And I wish I was in ATL now :(. Sidenote: if your into the college party scene (dont know the age range here...) and are in ATL check out http://www.seniorweek07.com/
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