When I met you I admit my first thoughts was to trick
You look so good huh, I suck on your daddy's dick (yeah)
I never felt that way in my life
It didn't take long before I made you my wife (uh, yeah)
Got no rings and shit, just my main squeeze
Come into the crib, even had a set a keys
During the days you helped me bag up my nickels
In the process, I admit, I tricked a little (yeah)
But you was my bitch, the one who'd never snitch (uhh)
Love me when I'm broke or when I'm filthy fuckin rich
And I admit, when the time is right, the wine is right
I treat you right, you talk slick, I beat you right
Moonlight strolls with the hoes, oh no, that's not my steelo
I wanna bitch that like to play celo, and craps
Packin gats, in a Coach bag steamin dime bags
A real bitch is all I want, all I ever had (yeah, c'mon)
With a glock just as strong as me
Totin guns just as long as me, the bitch belongs with me
Any plans with another bitch, my bitch'll spoil it
One day, she used my toothbrush to clean the toilet (that's nasty)
Throwin my clothes out the windows, so when the wind blows
I see my Polos and Timbos
Hide my car keys so I can't leave
A real slick bitch, keep a trick up her sleeve
And if I deceive, she won't take it lightly
She'll invite me, politely, to fight G
And then we lie together, cry together
I swear to God I hope we fuckin die together
- Biggie Smalls
CLASSIC. No one could tell a story like BIG.
B.I.G. was tight. Much tighter than 99.9% of these Sambos today.
Big J
That's poetry.
"B.I.G. was tight. Much tighter than 99.9% of these Sambos today." Big J
Big J,
Why don't you just give up? You jump on and off Hip Hop's dick like you doing the "Hot Fuk".
The same people who love and feel Biggie today, blamed him just yesterday for the pathology they use to validate their hate (fear) of 50 Cent and the other "Sambos" now.
Here, let's Biggie tell it:
"(Fuck all you hoes) Get a grip motherfucker.
Yeah, this album is dedicated to all the teachers that told me
I'd never amount to nothin', to all the people that lived above the
buildings that I was hustlin' in front of that called the police on
me when I was just tryin' to make some money to feed my daughters,
and all the niggaz in the struggle, you know what I'm sayin'?
Uh-ha, it's all good baby bay-bee, uh"
I don't get your point. Biggie's teachers were proved correct, weren't they??? He ended up getting his head blown off 2 miles from my house. Trust me, I've seen the autopsy photos! It wasn't pretty. All the glory was . . . . (drum roll) . . . bullshit.
How am I on and off hip hop? I listen to 30 minutes of it per week, and usually only when I'm drunk at a bar. It's wack. It's dumb. It's not black-owned. Fuck it. Does that make me "less black?" If so, fuck it. If being black requires me to listen to black men degrade themselves, well I'll just have to be a white motherfucker.
Now, I liked the song back then. If you turned it on now, I'd bob my head. But I'm now swingin' on the dude's nut or telling my kids to be like him.
Big J
Biggie didn't amount to nuthin'?
I'd rather be a dead Biggie than a living Harold Ford Jr.
He was an artist. He touched people. He gave a voice to millions previously ignored.
Hip Hop is not black owned? What is black owned? Is the legal profession "black owned"? Why hold Hip Hop up to a standard you are not prepared to hold Civil Rights Negro's to?
Hating "Hip Hop" does not make you less black. It makes you duplicitous. You are a product of H
I teach my sons to be like any man who loves God, is self-defining, knows how to pull a woman, and will pick up gun when necessary.
You're seriously becoming unable to make distinctions. Everything is all or nothing.
Who keeps bringing up Ford, Jr. I don't. I don't support him. Same with civil rights negros.
"duplicitous?" Come on now, bruh.
"Pick up a gun when necessary?" I thought you were a "Christian." Or is that only to the point that you get tested?
I'm challegin' you, brother, to explain. Don't get all sensitive on me.
Big J
Sensitive? Moi? You know better than that.
Christian? Yup.
Pick up a gun? Yup.
Fool? Nope.
My faith is not an intellectual exercise or an adherence to interpretations of dogma. It's not what I "believe". It's what I feel. And I feel like if a m%#4F&%* comes in my house, while my kids are here I'm just going to have to pray for his soul.
Harold Ford Jr.? That's your boy. He hates Hip Hop too. You should email him, get together, smash some CD's or something.
Just playing. But for real - If you take a big hypodermic needle, stuck it in a brothers arm, and sucked all the Hip Hop out of him - you would be left with Harold Ford Jr.
No flavor. No sista. Second class white boy. Post Civil Rights Negro.
No matter how harsh the lyrics, this was indeed a love song. its too personal and honest for the "sambos" as you call them.
The people that hate hip hop hate the system that hand picks the content that gets supported and pumped through mainstream media. They hate that the most negative aspects of the black experience, the self destructive behaviors, the products of circumstance, are commoditized and sold as entertainment to all in a society that claims to have strong values.
When a race is classified as 3/5 of a human being, and treated as second class citizens for generations by a system based on white supremacy, the pain and suffering of that race becomes less important. Without that foundation the current state of rap would not be possible.
You are too smart not to have a nickname. Well said.
"I'd rather be a dead Biggie than a living Harold Ford Jr."
You said that one before somewhere.
Man, if a guy like Biggie came around and called my daughter a bitch and ho whether out of love or not, his big fat ass wouldn't have any teeth to suck my d*** with.
Plus he admits that he beat her? Out of what, love?
Sheeet. If he did THAT to my kid, he'd forfeit his life.
These dumb ass lyrics are just to reinforce the notion that it is alright to call black women bitches and hos. Even under "romantic" circumstances.
Besides he is not describing the actions of a woman who is deservebly described as a bitch or a ho. By definition, bitches and hos are scum who sell out their man in a heartbeat.
I betcha he didn't call his Jamaican momma a bitch or a ho. Now why is that? He'd likely would've died long before he actually did.
F**k a Biggie.
Mike I'm disappointed in you. I thought you were better educated than that.
Your literal interpretation of art borders on the Neanderthal.
If some white boy wrote "Me and My Bich" 300 years ago you would have been taught to worship him in your little Ivy League schools.
Fuck Shakespeare, Keats, James Joyce and the faggot ass Oscar Wilde!
If some white boy wrote "Me and My Bich" 300 years ago you would have been taught to worship him in your little Ivy League schools.
LOL DV!! That is probably true. Rudyard Kipling's poem "White Man's Burden" is still bandied about as if it's got literary value and it's a pile of shit, both in its message and style.
There's no such thing as value-free art and art for art's sake. The European authors you cited wrote their art in a focus on their people. Most of it contained life lessons to their people as they saw them.
The same thing with African and African-American art. I'm not saying that Biggie was not an artist or not eloquent in his own way. What I am saying is that his art, in the context of our times and struggles, served others.
Look. Earlier you said about me "You peddle a lot of shit you hate". And that is exactly true. To my eternal shame, I did.
And I did it for one reason, the same reason all my other peers from the inner circle of the Hip Hop industry did it: CASH.
However, at one point I was reminded that this is not what my friend David Sibeko died for. Or my brother Kwame Toure. Or Malcom, or Marcus. This is not what I helped overthrow the apartheid regimes in South Africa and Rhodesia in my youth for.
Just like my peers I sunk so low as to defend Puffy's and his crews' actions in Club New York (which caused a sister to be disfigured permanently) to T-Mobile to get him a million dollar sponsership deal so I could get them to help finance the Puffy European arena Tour I promoted in 2000. And I did it though I knew better as to culpability.
We all did it for the money. None of these guys, Puff, Russell, name them, gave or give a s**t about black folks. None of them. Neither do nine out of ten of these rappers. And neither did Biggie.
If they were around during the time of the real Denmark Vesey they would've been the first to run to massa and have him hung up the highest tree available.
That's just the way it is. And if you know them, then you know what I say is true.
Suprisingly, the only Gansta rapper cat who does care about black folk is Ice T. Then again, he's the only one with a brain. But the rest? Garbage.
Lastly, all these post civil rights Negroes you are talking about, those are the ones they hob-nob with. It's all one clique. "Critiquing" and "denouncing" each other at the same time they party and make money together. Mfume, Chavis, Sharpeton, Jackson, they are all in bed with your Hip Hop "Moguls".
It's a game.
Game over.
Good post Mr. Fisher.
Yet I must ask. If Puff, Russell or "none of those guys gives a shit about black people" - Who does give a shit about black people?
Name somebody ______________ ?
How do you quantify "giving a shit about black people" anyway?
That has nothing to do with anything. It's time for Negroes to abandon the Messiah complex and stop looking for sinless saviors.
There are a handful of people who can speak to Hundreds of Millions of people hear them around the world instantly.
Jesse Jackson can't get on TV unless he can be made to look bad.
Hip Hop's elite are among the few with enough brand recognition to influence anything. Power to them. Let's figure out ways to work that to our advantage instead bending over backwards to lay the blame for all at their feet.
"Who does give a shit about black people?
Name somebody ______________ ?"
Look in the mirror.
"Hip Hop's elite are among the few with enough brand recognition to influence anything."
Bulls***. F**k 'em. We don't need them. We got the internet. They got the MTV and BET awards.
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