Monday, April 09, 2007
According to Page 6, quite a few people in the Jewish community have taken issue with the Jew-Unit that 50 shouted out. The Jew-Unit is reportedly 50's powerful legal team.
Shady Records actually started this Jew-Unit thing a few years ago in 2004. Shady printed up some T-shirts that said "Jew Unit" and on the back said "Get Rich and Don't Spend It."
50 Cent called into “Miss Jones in the Morning” on Hot 97 in New York and said the 29-year-old Yayo’s troubles won’t hurt his crew.
But then he added, “Worry about the Je-Je-Je-Jew unit. They’re the real goon squad. When the lawyers come out, you’ll see what it is. I don’t pay nobody. I only pay the lawyers.” Fitty said neither he nor Yayo had anything to do with the assault.
somebody's mad at this?
yeah right. only because the cameras are on. - Apr 9, 2007, 9:38:00 AM
What an idiot. He should have all black professionals around him. That'd be "too much like right" though, as my mom used to say.
- Apr 9, 2007, 2:48:00 PM
I guess if his lawyers don't have a problem with being so described, who am I to care? I just think's that a little over the top.
Big J - Apr 9, 2007, 4:04:00 PM
- Denmark Vesey said...
Come on J. I can't believe you are still predisposed to hate on this cat.
What he said is brilliant. Most Negros are scared to even form their lips to utter the word "Jew" in public.
Here this cat is coyly exposing the obvious. He is mocking our "Justice" system. Most of these dudes are usually on the receiving end of JJJJ Jew Unit.
This brother, from the streets of Jamaica Queens, has flipped the script and is making them work for him.
- - Apr 9, 2007, 6:56:00 PM
DV: This brother, from the streets of Jamaica Queens, has flipped the script and is making them work for him.
Robyn: I guess that's one way to look at it. The other way to look at it is that with every contract and/or assault charge, 50 is missing an opportunity to put money in his brother's hand. You see it as "making them work for him," I see it as facilitating the current power structure. If every black performer and athlete made sure they were rep'd by one of their own, wouldnt be no more domination by others. At last not until Eminem, Robin Thicke and Scott Storch were no longer anominales (sp?).
....And talk about a way to give the "Harold Ford's" of the world (what do you call them, plantation negroes) some flava. Make 'em start representing people like 50. Perhaps they'd be more inclined to "get" hip hop after that. - Apr 9, 2007, 7:59:00 PM
- Michael Fisher said...
- This comment has been removed by the author.
- Apr 10, 2007, 1:16:00 AM
- Michael Fisher said...
Denmark. You got it wrong. Fitty's "Jew Unit" isn't working for Fitty. Fitty's working FOR them.
Besides, his management is black for whatever it's worth. That'd be Chris Lighty and Mona Scott of Violator, who are an offshoot of Def Jam which was founded by Rick Rubin and set up by Paul Schindler (legal) and Burt Padell (financial). - Apr 10, 2007, 1:19:00 AM
- Denmark Vesey said...
How ya figure Mike?
Are you suggesting Curtis does not pay his attorney's a fee?
My understanding of employer - employee relationship leads me to believe the man who writes the checks and calls the shots is the boss.
Why is that not the case with Fiddy and his cadre of paid bullshit artists? - Apr 10, 2007, 1:56:00 AM
Is that true Robyn? Do you really see advantages for Curtis Jackson to surround himself with black lawyers and accountants?
What are they? Can a brother really compete?
Let's face it, the legal profession is as Jewish as the NBA is black. Fiddy may be a fool, or he may just be playing Machiavelli. Or maybe he just finished "The 48 Laws of Power".