37 Magazine covers in 2 years, countless videos and now movie offers galore.
Buffie Carruth grew up in a fairly large family consisting of seven children. Growing up without a father, she was raised single-handedly by her mother.
Carruth's most notable feature is her large derriere. Her voluptuous buttocks have garnered attention from both male (defintitely them) and female fans alike. Early in her modelling career, magazines were accused of altering her image digitally. In a King Magazine interview, she states "Yes, it’s real! When a lot of people see my pictures, they automatically think Photoshop blew my ass up. People have actually seen it in person and they still don’t believe it. I can see why people might think it’s fake..." She also has a part in the movie ATL (2006) as Big Booty Judy. She is currently dating New York radio personality DJ Kayslay.
No. As long as it's shapely and not fat, it can't get too big! :-)
Big J
Yes, but I'm a woman and speaking solely for myself. I'd prefer less. LOL.
Do you have any idea how hard it is to buy pants!
Big J. You crazy. You got me spittin'green tea all over the monitor again man.
Robyn said...
Do you have any idea how hard it is to buy pants!
Do you have any idea how hard it is to get those pants off?
dv, you stupid.
I could set my coke down on that MF. :-)
Big J
stop drinking coke. and for the love of stanley do not sit anything on that rocket launcher!
They would have had to call the police to pull me off that girl.
A SWAT Team.
They would have to burn my ass with a cigarette lighter to make me let go. Like a tick.
I would be so up on her ass, we would look like Siamese twins.
Kinda like my new woman. Plus she got an incredible stack up front, too. And brains and a heart larger than that. And glistening skin like they plucked her out of the middle of Dafur.
Damn, I love being divorced...
Mike, that last line shows, despite "your new woman" you aint yet over the marriage.
"Mike, that last line shows, despite "your new woman" you aint yet over the marriage."
You're right about that one. It's gonna take me many years to get over THAT horror.
Robyn .... Young girl got game.
You think Mr. Fisher frontin' huh?
Yeah, he my boy now, so I didn't want call him on it. But I peeped that too.
Its okay, DV, we wont rip him. He's human. Mike, you hurt her just as much as she hurt you.
"Mike, you hurt her just as much as she hurt you."
That's an interesting statement.
Not because it is made devoid of any factual knowledge of this particular case, but because it is a reflection of a deeply held prejudice against black men in general.
Truth is, this was a domestic physical abuse situation. Of me. In the presence of our child. After I bailed my ex out of jail for the sake of our daughter and kept her from doing time, her attorney said just what you said.
The New York Family Court white prominent feminist female judge, her black female attorney, and the white Jewish guardian ad litem couldn't fathom the notion of a black man as the victim of domestic violence. That's cause in their minds black men are brutes.
The judge greeted me at my first child custody court appearance with: "Oh so you're the one who has been hiding out in Georgia". (I and my family live there, my ex went back to NYC.)
The black female attorney used every stereotype which Spielberg's minstrelshow the Color Purple could muster,portrayed me as Mr Mr and expressed to my attorney that my ex should've done me worse.
The Jewish feminist guardian ad litem ignored the arrest record, the official Georgia charge which would have landed the ex in prison for up to twenty years, and recommended my daughter, against her expressed will, to be with her mother.
That's cause everyone knows, don't they: Black men are violent, mysogenist, uncaring, incapable fathers and men, nee, boys in adult bodies.
At the end of the day, I got custody of my daugher, but it took an exchange of all of my assets. F**k it, I need to guarantee the security of my kid. I can always make money.
Now. Since then I've run into scores of brothers who've been abused, cut, hit, and denigrated by their women.
They can not find relief and are usually too embarrased to go seek help or even talk to each other and thus stay on the dl.
Thus the image which White Supremacy paints of black men and fathers both directly and with the help of their "black" minstrel surrogates directly and negatively impacts not only those black men's and father's lives, but, most importantly, that of their children.
F**k a Snoop.
Mike: That's an interesting statement. Not because it is made devoid of any factual knowledge of this particular case, but because it is a reflection of a deeply held prejudice against black men in general.
Robyn: Mike, I was talking about emotional hurts, not the physical variety. Nevetheless, I question how what I said represented any prejudice against you.
I pointed out, apparently quite accurately after your story, that both of yall were hurt in the situation. Physical violence, loss of a child, courts, appointed guardians - that women was hurt. And clearly so were you given that a picture of a fat ass compelled you to spew all of this.
"Mike, I was talking about emotional hurts"
I was aware of that.
You need to look closely at the sematics of your statement, however.
In any case, that wasn't the point. I used your statment as a jumping off point to make a larger point: How black men (and not boys in adult bodies) are viewed by white supremacy which, in turn, is aided and abetted by the portrayals of white supremacy's Doggy Dogg minstrel cohorts, and how it is consciously and unconsciously used, in this type of case, against black men and their children.
Since I tend to use authentic personal experiences (including "name dropping") to make my points I naturally did so.
You a bad brother, and I'm with you on this feminist (thinly veiled lesbian) bullshit war on men. Peep the archives.
However, I can't help but notice you quick to say "fuck a snoop".
But I don't see "fuck a Jew feminist court appointed guardian"
You aint scared are you brother?
"But I don't see 'fuck a Jew feminist court appointed guardian'"
DV. I'm tired of talking about racist white people. They're never gonna change. And if they do, more power to them.
What I DO talk about is their stupid ass black enablers, like that that dumb ass black man hatin' "black" female attorney and like your boy Doogy Dog.
I feel you Mike... See we only talk about Snoop and a few others because they have had (billboard) success. But what about all the other wannabee's spitting commercially or on the street corners who don't have the tight rhyme or following other than they're peeps. So they re-enact the life.. The image that I guess some (DV) find positive. And on top of that constantly bash brothers who go to school.. purchase land.. build businesses .etc to build a better life for theirs. I really don't quite understand what DV's fetish is with Snoop, 50, Diddy when they have not contributed anything of substance other than big paydays to their non-minority owners.
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