Among the vitriolic condemnations of Michael Vick this week emerged a strange phenomena. Yes, many appear sincere dog lovers appropriately outraged at the treatment Federal Prosecutors attribute to Vick, but there was another voice blaring above the crowd. The cry of the "Outraged Negro" calling for the crucifixion of Vick seemed to have a little extra in it.
When did it become fashionable for black people to hate black men?
Notice that every other week or so, the corporate media parades a brother in front of the cameras to become the national object of hatred and scorn. If it's not Terrell Owens, it's Kobe Bryant. If it's not Kobe it's Isaiah Washington. If it's not Pacman Jones it's Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson. Next week it will be somebody else.

Yes the news pundits always have a good argument / accusation, and brothers are not completely without fault. Yet the venomous hatred that bubbles just beneath the surface, the hyperbolic mob justice and group think that chants for the blood of these often strong, typically heterosexual and more often than not, rich black men - is uncanny and revealing.
The latest trend is to position ... Negros ... at the front of the mob to cast the first stone of condemnation. Apparently corporations have learned that it is more effective to have a Negro like Oprah or Stanley Crouch to serve as the face of their collective scorn than Rush Limbaugh.
Our greatest leaders were not afraid to critize other blacks - why are you? Scared whitey will think badly of us?
T.O is a straight up sucka a bad teammate.
PacMan is, well, Pacman
Kobe got a f'd up rape charge, and the media largely sided WITH him.
Gary Payton has two sons (by different women, of course) named GP, Jr.
I won't even touch 50.
Big J
"Our greatest leaders were not afraid to critize other blacks"
Big J
Nor were they duped into criticizing other blacks as proxies for another agenda.
Your opinion of these men mirrors EXACTLY the opinion peddled by the corporate media.
That alone should sound the alarm.
Frankly Brother J, I'm a bit disappointed. I thought you were a bit more hip to how the propaganda system works.
"I won't even touch 50."
No, you won't.
If any opinion of yours ever overlaps with something that comes out of Bush's or Cheney's mouth, does that mean you fell for the propaganda?
Good question Insurgent,
When I call a man, whom I have never met, on who's team I have never played, and who happens to be one of the greatest receivers in NFL history "a bad teammate" and a "straight up sucka" - I fell for the propaganda.
Even if it is true. How the hell do I know other than the selective sound bites spoon fed my by the media?
Just as blacks most scornful of Minister Farrakhan, who consider him a hate monger and an extremist are most often the blacks who have heard Farrakhan speak least frequently.
Anyone's life can be dismissed under the selective eye, and clever editing, of the media microscope.
My commentary is on the lack of scrutiny our best and brightest (Big J) pay to the selective use of that microscope.
Far more people know about Gary Payton's illegitimate children than they do about Larry Bird's.
The other thing Insurgent, is that black people have been historically easy to divide and conquer. Apparently there is some kind of "hater" gene that makes us go after our own a little more aggressively than do others.
I'm getting sick of blacks foaming at the mouth to publicly and personally disparage other blacks (usually black men).
You show me a blog where intelligent young Jews are calling Douglas Feith a "straight up sucka".
Why do I have to be falling for propaganda? I've watched extensive interviews with T.O. and it's clear that he - like you - is not in touch with reality. Perhaps you've left the realm of Insurgent and I, in which we recognize the devasting effects of propanda, and, instead, entered the "conspiracy corner," where a glass of water on your dinner table is "propaganda."
The failure to make distinctions is a sign of insanity, my brotha.
Big J
"Even if it is true. How the hell do I know other than the selective sound bites spoon fed my by the media?"
Is this statement being made to suggest that you do not ever criticize the views of those you do not know personally or whose situation you are not intimately involved in....(cause i'm clearin' my throat hard over here if so)
You can not be suggesting that this is the only circumstance under which people should be making criticisms of others. We woud all be saying much less about everything (which wouldn't be a bad idea BTW) if that were so.
jasai said...
Is this statement being made to suggest that you do not ever criticize the views of those you do not know"
No. It means I do not criticize the "views" of a football player, outside of football. That's the only "view" of him available to me.
Justin had might as well arrive at an opinion about the character of WWF wrestler "The Undertaker" as an opinion on the character of NFL receiver "T.O."
Both are media inventions.
"I've seen interviews ..."
Come on man.
He plays football. He catches it. He runs with it. He tries not to get hit. T.O. is one of the best who has ever done that.
The NFL needs a boogeyman. If it weren't TO, it would be somebody else.
I ask again. When did it become cool for black people to hate black men?
when they do things before us (or before others that are so keen to report it) that provoke our personal disdain.
and because surely at some point the retort will be, "why not the same disdain for white boys, jews, et al?"
the answer lies in the response i'm sure we ave all gotten from our mother's when trying to defend any one of or indefensible childhood foibles, "I don't give a damn what Timmy is doing. I ain't timmy's mama. she will - or won't - deal with her child and I'll deal with mines."
It's too bad our mother's don't run this world.
There is a direct correlation between disproportionately negative media - and dead.
Right behind Muslims, in the negative media department is black men.
You see what they are doing to the Muslims. (guantanamo) Brothers are next on the hit list ... and our best and brightest are acting like cheerleaders.
When I call a man, whom I have never met, on who's team I have never played, and who happens to be one of the greatest receivers in NFL history "a bad teammate" and a "straight up sucka" - I fell for the propaganda.
Anon Said...
Actually his black teammate McNabb said it... So I guess McNabb is serving the white media's propaganda as well. This is tunnel analysis. When I read the news I see all races getting slapped around the front pages. The only common thread I see in your post is that they are all public personalities who earn a living entertaining the public. Thus their transgressions only help to sell their image as well. Good news is good and in some cases bad news is good for entertainers as well. Thus do not be fooled that some act out for attention... Because it may translates into more $$$ more $$$ more $$$.
"Thus their transgressions only help to sell their image as well. Good news is good and in some cases bad news is good for entertainers as well. Thus do not be fooled that some act out for attention... Because it may translates into more $$$ more $$$ more $$$."
As the former assistant to one of entertainment's most notorious publicists, nothing could be truer. This strategy is a required course in the business of entertaining.
I know I'm a little late on this comment, "Gary Payton has two sons (by different women, of course) named GP, Jr."
And this is a little off topic but there must be more to this story. Maybe he didn't have anything to do with the name...maybe the mother named the second gp jr.?? I don't know..I'm just trying to give him the benefit of doubt.
paul said...
"Maybe he didn't have anything to do with the name...maybe the mother named the second gp jr.?? I don't know..I'm just trying to give him the benefit of doubt."
Maybe what Gary Payton names his sons, and his relationship with their respective mothers - is none of our business.
Bob Marley had 18 children with a variety of different women. Does that make the value of his ART any less?
I went to college with a girl rumored to be the illegitimate daughter of Martin Luther King Jr.
Was his dream of any less value? Was his courageous stand against the Vietnam War any less brave?
Oprah smoked crack and screwed married men. We all seem to have let that go.
But let a brother DARE not to be gay. Let a brother DARE feel good about himself. Let a brother DARE leave the plantation - and it's open season on his ass.
Let's not turn into a group of catty, bitchy ass men just LOOKING for a reason to hate on another brother.
Damn. This is becoming an epidemic.
When blacks refer to blacks as corporate negro's ... When did that become fashionable??? Sounds like hating on black men and women to me.
you're right...and that's why i said the question was off the topic...i just found it a bit weird and interesting...just like george fomeman's children's has nothing to do with nothing...just a little interesting.
paul said...
"you're right...and that's why i said the question was off the topic..."
Good point Paul. Not only was it off-topic ... it was "reaching". Meaning it was like my man was LOOKING for a reason to hate.
What's next - "Gary Payton has athletes foot?" "50 Cent forgot his grandmothers birthday?" "Kobe doesn't eat his vegetables?"
Where I grew up, that was called bitchy.
Is the media playing us against each other?
Is there a gene in black people that makes us resent our members who attain any prominence?
Do Italians do this to each other? Do Hispanics attack the character of Alex Rodriguez more vigorously than people outside their group?
Wait a minute... It's ok when the media writes those great articles about how great these entertainers are which is the majority of the time in their careers. But the moment they do something questionable whether planned on their part or not and the media writes about it then you have a problem. Sounds like you want it both ways. Reality is without the media attention there is less public recognition which means less endorsement dollar$... Get it?
If I am in that business write about my ass all you want because that's the lifestyle I chose. You want to separate the business from the personal but it does not work that way. Your either in or you ain't so don't become a celeb/entertainer because it's not for you.
bitchy? i think you're the one with his panties in a wad...I think you're taking my comment and running with it...i was actually defending the man and not 'hating on him' was a trivial comment and really not that serious
Read my post again Paul.
Again you miss the substance of the piece.
I am commenting on a PATTERN of media coverage unique to black males.
"The Weekly Crucifixion"
On Monday there is a some "infraction" is reported in the press - Terrell Owens has an argument with his coach
Some B level actor on a TV show uses the word "Faggot"
Some 20 year old football player gets in trouble at a night club
and for the next week his character is methodically deconstructed on endless talk radio shows, TV Sports shows, newspapers and the internet. His motives questioned and his past displayed for all to see.
Photos of his cornrows or his bald head are usually accompanied by an unflattering grimace.
Questions are posed to the public like "what should be done to him?"
Sadly more and more black people are foaming at the mouth like rabid jackals desperate to cast the first brick in these media stonnings.
Not realizing that the purpose of this sick public ritual is to prepare us for mass punishment of men who look like these young brothas.
The implication is that we are ALL "Pacman" Jones.
Douglas Feith created the myth of WMD's, tricked us into war that has cost 3,000+ American lives, 600,000 Iraqi lives and cost billions of dollars.
Yet your average Plantation Negro knows more about Pacman Jones misdeeds than they do about Feith.
Actually this is the story that concerns me and the brotha's and sista's I know.
"Douglas Feith created the myth of WMD's, tricked us into war that has cost 3,000+ American lives, 600,000 Iraqi lives and cost billions of dollars."
All that other stuff is not worthy of working up in a lather. Trust me. There are what 500 NBA players, 1500 NFL players 800 MLB players per season and most are monority status in each league. Actually, there are more stories on Britney, Rosie, Donald, etc. aggregated. Versus a handful of ballers. Frankly my man some of them do some stupid shit. Pac man deserves what it gets. People's lives where forever impacted and almost killed. The other stuff people (not you and I) find entertaining thus they write about it. Most of the names you mentioned have publicist who plant stories in the media all the time about their clients. The most trivial shit they pass on. Because any press is good press is their mantra. Trust me I understand were you coming from. Lets not provide extra life to these stories. Let's debate the real life issues. These cats have the paper to defend themselves thanks to you and I.
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