“I want to say first of all that I apologize for accusing people wrong that didn’t do it. I just felt like, ‘That’s my sister,’ so I felt emotional about it, and I guess I did what a lot of people do to other people, to convict them or consider them guilty before we even know the truth,” the rapper to The Raleigh News and Observer.
I don't feel Common on this one. #1 Just because a woman is black, doesn't make her my

#2 I didn't feel them Handkerchief Head Civil Rights Negros, giving speeches in front of the frat house in front of TV Cameras, wearing those buster ass Zoot Suits, and organizing midnight marches. Had the sisters accused young brothers of raping them, those racial ambulance chasers would have never even shown up. It sends the wrong message.
Agree in total.
Big J
She shamed us all.
now THIS i can get with. i don't mind him apologizing. i DO mind him embracing her just cuz she was black before knowing the facts. and i don't agree with robyn. i don't think she shamed us all. she shamed herself. i ain't shamed cuz of what she did cuz it don't have jack to do with me. i've still got my integrity.
however, she DOES make it more difficult for rape victims to be taken more seriously. it's already difficult to even get a woman to admit to being raped (i know i didn't tell). now it's doubly difficult cuz of her lying on the national stage.
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